Clash of Lords: Civilization Game Comes to Reality

Chapter 390: Cleaning up the battlefield (4k) (1/2)

Chapter 390: Cleaning up the battlefield (4k)

The heat ray is charged, and the rain of bullets arrives.

The 15mm cannon with special shotgun pellets is used to pour iron-gray bullet rain on the ground at an extremely fast speed of two shots per minute.

It is faster than the arcane focuser and has a longer attack distance.

The ship-borne weapons open the protective armored hatch and adjust the muzzle at an altitude of 100 meters, launching a dense barrage of suppressive attacks on the ground.

There is no steel ball manufacturing method in later generations. The territory’s gun barrels are all ordinary irregular lead bullets that are simply processed and put into paper packaging - they are cheap and have sufficient production.

As a shotgun charge that relies on a large number of small particles to release damage, as long as enough gunpowder/explosives are added, these finger-sized metal particles can be turned into a rain of death.

Supersonic lead bullets and fragments in the bore turn enemies on the route into corpses.

The high-speed moving metal projectile cannot be captured by the naked eye, and after a few seconds, it will cause heavy damage to units without any armor.

Artillery, shotgun, the real weapon to put an end to line infantry.

A shotgun that can fire quickly can clear a team of line infantry marching in formation within a few minutes at a distance of more than 300 meters.

Finally, the time of line infantry is completely ended, and the war is elevated to a more bloody level.

The god of war, artillery.

It’s just that the muzzle-loading smoothbore cannon like this is still a long way from the breech-loading cannon of World War I, but this does not hinder the lethality of artillery.

Since Napoleon, those simple artillery have completely changed the pattern and form of war.

The lead rain created by artillery is a harsh war environment that every line infantry has to experience.

Ten 15mm guns move and fire, completing their own fire suppression work on the ground.

Ten rounds per round, after shooting, whether to switch the type of bullets or continue firing.

"Ten rounds of rapid firing are completed, waiting for instructions!"

The company commander looked at the building that was almost unscathed under the rain of bullets, and then looked at the monster corpses lying on the ground in the exposed open environment.

"Pause firing, check the damage to the barrel, and clean the barrel."

After the company commander issued the order to suspend firing, he took a new notebook and held it in his hand, recording the damage caused by the shotgun to the ground... Because the observation is difficult, the final inspection still requires the ship-borne troops to land and perform an autopsy on the target.

"The fleet descends and approaches, and the shooter troops can fire freely."

Ji Lin did not have the opportunity to find other lords to test his current firepower level. The work of testing weapons finally fell on the monsters.

The system provides the lords with a sufficient number of weapons and battlefield testing grounds.

Of course, without the assistance of the constructs, the territory's cleaning forces will not take the initiative to land and put themselves in the street fighting.

Compared with the aircraft unit, the airships are more like mobile artillery platforms in the air... They should be called gunships.

The gunships carrying a large number of riflemen who can move and shoot can clean up the exposed enemies on the ground with the highest efficiency.

Ji Lin asked them not to count this kind of battle into the file to avoid reducing their own combat effectiveness, and asked every soldier to maintain the highest degree of vigilance and discipline even in the face of this low-intensity bullying battle.

After confirming that there were no enemy long-range attack units within visual range, the six cruisers began to adjust their course to surround the small camp and quickly release their ship-borne firepower.

The plasma beams at the tips of the four arcane focusing devices rotated, sweeping over the piles of firewood and hay to raise flames, and the high-temperature arcane light streams that could be projected at will in the sky were the best weapons to finish off the fleet.

The company commander looked at the fire on the ground that had already risen without the need for them to land or the infantry to take risks, and ordered the escort ships to leave the sky above the fire site and start shooting around the wall.

This was still a battle without any suspense.



The squad leader kicked the jackal corpse beside him and sent the bayonet into its heart to confirm its complete death.

The soldiers walked through the ruins with rifles in hand.

"I didn't expect this kind of creature that is similar to me... It really smells a bit."

The charred fur was wrapped in the smell of carbonization, which surged in the air and penetrated into the nose, making me nauseous, but after the smell of incineration and fusion, there was a little aroma of barbecue.

"No way, squad leader, we have to collect the bodies if we are drawn by lot."

Your luck is too bad. Only three squads of six airships were drawn to work, and one of them was a special reconnaissance squad composed of Asians.

The precision shooter shrugged and looked at the big goblin with a green nose and pointed ears lying on the ground, and the dog-faced tan jackal.

The ground was scattered with steel knives and short swords of various manufactures.

No matter what they were, they were now a pile of corpses lying on the ground, without any breath.

"I'm serious, can these things really threaten our territory?"

Even the old farmers in the field can kill several of them with a hoe.

The infantrymen on the side started to finish off the monsters on the ground, dead or alive, with the bayonets on their rifles. The bayonets on the muzzles turned the rifles into small spears.

Not as good as real spears, but still very effective in combat, and can also be used to deal with some emergencies

The precision shooter watched the soldier next to him pierce a big goblin that was not yet dead with his spear. It wanted to raise the spear in its hand to attack him.

But now they are dead.

"These guys are a big threat to the small village when they gather in groups. I think the lord doesn't want the territory to lose more people."

The jackal from another world shook his ears to protest against the sharpshooter's contempt.

"They have a strong reproductive capacity. A jackal can often give birth to ten cubs a year... These offspring are not very intelligent, but they can often form combat effectiveness quickly."

The sharpshooter set his sights on the jackals who were traveling with the army. They were adventurers before and are said to be experts in fighting various monsters.

The houses around here were almost burned down. These wolf-blooded jackals who liked to move on the roofs of houses could only walk on the ground like the gray-clothed soldiers around them.

"Our mission is to clear a vacuum barrier area within a 50-kilometer radius of the territory. Well, the company commander will expand it to a distance of 100 kilometers after reporting."

The precision shooter shrugged and pointed his gun at a three-meter-tall corpse lying on the ground not far away. This huge guy is quite different from the jackal soldiers they killed in terms of both bones and body shape.

Jackals, which are slightly shorter than humans, can use time and food to transform themselves into three-meter-tall monster infantry, with long feet and bone claws that can tear through wooden boards, and extremely amazing flexibility to impact the front and fight against the enemy's monster infantry/constructs-even behemoth units.

But they are indeed jackals.

They are closer to beasts than beasts.


The precision shooter is not responsible for finishing off the enemy. If the rifle wrapped in cloth in his hand is stained with blood, it will be too difficult to clean it. He needs to watch other soldiers use bayonets to finish off the enemy's heart one by one.

He is on guard to check if there are any other abnormal conditions nearby. If there are, the rifle in his hand will help him solve the problem in front of him.

Physical, biological, one-time solution.

"Does your knowledge tell you... why such a big guy appears among these jackals?"

Speaking of which, the small goblins and the big beast lords are called the same category?

Hackett shook his head. His memory did not tell him such a thing. No one would be bored enough to study the species of these monsters.

Things in the magic world don't need to be so clear. The precision shooter next to him just felt that it was too quiet here and wanted to say something.

No matter what they are, if they are enemies, they must be killed with weapons in hand, and if they are friends, they must be protected with weapons.

"Every year, many adventurers die in their hands... But for you..."

Hackett glanced at the jackal captain with half of his head on the ground, and realized that it did not die from the barrage of shotgun bullets, but from the precise strike of a rifle shooter.

In fact, precision shooters will give priority to killing the most conspicuous targets, and those who are not so conspicuous can allow them to live for a while longer.

"For you who have special weapons, killing this kind of jackal captain is no more difficult than killing an ordinary jackal."

As for us, we used to kill a jackal captain, and if we were not careful, we might lose a whole team of adventurers. These three-meter-tall monsters are not so bad in front of the guns in your hands.

As he said, Hackett drew the short sword for close combat at his waist and kicked the steel-tipped spear on the ground with his feet.

At least it is not so bad in other worlds.

Those are the weapons forged by the jackals to equip their soldiers. The iron armor and iron spears are enough to compete with an ordinary human army.

"After all, we used to be able to rely on these things to fight these jackals and big goblins... If we lose, the whole village may become their food."

It's not a description, it's food.


The precision shooter looked at the jackal whose half head was beginning to turn black, and felt that there was no need to shoot again, so he called his colleagues to come over and prepare to recover the body.

A full-power bullet would paralyze the jackal captain's body through pain, tearing and blood if it hit its exaggeratedly large body.

If it hits the head directly, the skull that is strong enough to resist ordinary lead bullets cannot withstand a full-power copper-coated lead bullet. The metal bullet body can smash its thick skull and brain together.

It is not so troublesome to deal with ordinary jackals. When the full-power bullet hits the torso, there is no need to look at it a second time... The same is true for other humanoid creatures.

"If there are so many iron weapons here, it means there are mineral veins nearby... In any case, getting rid of these things in advance will save us time for patrolling."

If they are not dealt with, the territory will have to form a special patrol force, and draw soldiers from these soldiers to take turns.


"Human... I want..."

The clan leader exhaled a breath of black air, and the lines covered with fur flashed red light, and the totem attached to the body flashed to give it more powerful power.

The body that was burned by the embers looked as tall as a steam engine soldier at this moment, and the fur had been scorched and tangled in the burning fire, and the arms were opened to reveal the bone claws extending from its fingertips.

It did not die, and anger supported it to survive the most difficult hiding period.

The clan leader had avoided the rain of bullets, survived the flames rising around him, and used the power of the totem to avoid the poison gas.

It hid in the ruins, quietly waiting for the moment when the other party approached it.

One step at a time, it moved forward with a gun.

Now it's finally time to make these humans pay the price... This distance is enough for it to rush over and tear them to pieces, to avenge its own tribe.

It stood up and roared, waving its claws, and stared at the humans forty meters away with its remaining eyes.

Why not panic, why not run away?

The jackal clan leader looked at the group of humans in gray clothes in front of him. They had no armor, but they dared to walk on the ground with a spear in hand.

The spear turned.

Quickly load, raise the gun, aim.

Shoulder, treat the recoil of the full-power bullet as nothing.

The strong physical fitness brought by the pure blood has made Ji Lin consider equipping the territory troops with semi-automatic 12.7 weapons in the future... But their strengthened bodies can really control the shocking recoil brought by the full-power bullet.

Single shots are something that ordinary humans can handle, but semi-automatic fire has begun to test a person's physical fitness and bone strength, and fully automatic fire is even harder on the body.

This is a digression.

Back to the battlefield.

Being tall is not a good thing. If a larger size is not matched with corresponding protective capabilities, it can make itself look like a clumsy target.

It seems to think that its armor can withstand close-range shooting with full-power bullets, but this is unlikely... If it is lucky, it can block a direct hit from an ordinary lead bullet at a distance of 100 meters.

The bullets that arrived in an instant covered the jackal chieftain who stood up from the ruins. The soldiers quickly loaded, aimed, and fired, and then repeated.

It heard the sound of the enemy firing, as if something exploded... A part of its body also exploded in the same way as the sound.

Go forward, no, it can't go forward.

Every time a sound sounded, his body was like being hit by a heavy hammer, and when the hammer fell... his body could not help but stagger.

His body was damaged and destroyed, and even the totem circuit that strengthened his flesh could not stop its vitality.

Bullets penetrated and rolled, crushing flesh and internal organs.

"Found it, the guys on the airship said that there might be some monster infantry left, and we still need to clean up the mess in the end... It's three to four meters high and easy to find... Ugh..."

"Cleaned up, this time we should really let the artillery unit clean up the surroundings a little more... Four-meter-high sample, let us lift it back for inspection."

These were the last words it heard before it died.

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