"Boys! The hateful humans have killed our good boys from the Bone Splitter Gang. We want to capture their territory and eat them clean! And there are slaves!"

The tall orc boss wielded a large special iron rod as a weapon. It looked like a pile of weapons twisted into a hammer made of scrap iron. His body was larger than the wild orc next to him. One point bigger, a small meat-like body composed of fat and muscles, already the size of an ogre.

"Eat! Eat!"

This group of wandering orcs had not eaten for many days. Hunger was eating away at their lost sanity. The other fallen spirits in the team were quickly torn into pieces for their food. The reason why they continued to follow the orc boss was to escape. will also be eaten.

"If you eat more, 늀 will become like me! 꺗Big꺗strong!"

The orc boss roared, and then he caught an elf in his body and lifted it up. The captured elf screamed loudly, making the nearby big elf and wild orcs even more frenzied.

"Big man! Strong! Boss! 꺗Big꺗strong!"

They cheered together, their eyes falling on the orc boss, waiting for his next order. No orc dared to leave the team, and those bad guys were beaten to pulp by the orc boss's stick!

"Big man, please rush to the front!"

The orc leaders pointed at the wild orcs with their iron rods. They held various rusty weapons in their hands. Some of the wild orcs even used small trees as weapons to hit people. When they heard that they were being The orc boss pointed and screamed with excitement.

"Small, little brats! You guys follow the big guy! Why is the big guy fighting? You guys, go ahead!"

The orc boss stretched out his big finger and pointed at the group of little elves on the side and shouted loudly. The little elves had no armor on their bodies and only knew where to pick up rusty knives or wooden spears.

"And the middle man... the despicable middle man! You all rush in together! You must be hiding at the back!"

The orc boss finally pointed at those big elves that were several sizes larger than ordinary elves. Their skin was greener and their ears were pointier. These despicable and cunning big elves with bigger noses always let others rush to their deaths. He hid in the back and waited until the battle was almost over before charging forward.

"Let's rush over together! I'll smash open their wooden door! It will collapse with one smash!"

The orc boss's rhetoric obviously aroused the enthusiasm of this group of orcs. They cheered again, celebrating this plan that could not be regarded as a combat plan at all.

"Humans! There's a lot of food! Let's rush in and have a feast!"

As he roared, the green tide full of blood in his eyes began to move towards the settlement, and the only thought occupied their thoughts.

"Feast! Plunder!"


[Wandering Orc Mixed Gang: Goblin: 400, Big Goblin: 120, Savage Orc: 80, Orc Boss: 1]

[They are wandering in the big 눓껗, they are wandering in the big 눓껗, but it is better to keep them small. Even though they are dressed in old clothes and have crude weapons, they are weak when fighting people! 】

Ji Lin looked at the information gradually emerging on the panel and felt like spitting out a mouthful of blood.

There are multiple branches of orcs. Some branches are close to normal civilization, have high intelligence and the same thinking as humans, and are culturally different, while other branches are pure fighting machines.

Fortunately, he met the latter.

The Orc Boss is a rare special heroic unit that only appears in the Orc subspecies. The combat power of this subspecies is more ferocious and brutal than ordinary Orcs. They are composed entirely of pure orcs, but are a mixed group of elves and orcs, and usually call themselves gangsters.

How could a two-to-three enemy attack spawn an orc boss?

Rather than fighting the green tide, he wanted to fight the system first. Goblins, giant elves, and wild orcs were in normal numbers, but under normal circumstances, one more hero unit was refreshed. The orc boss.

The orc boss is thick-skinned and has low attack power. The only shortcoming is that the movement speed is slower. If the orc boss is not dead, their morale will be high.

This thing has a blunt weapon damage bonus on the city wall. The wooden city wall can't support the orc boss to hit Bang Bang a few times. After the city wall is broken open by the orc boss, a steady stream of green skin attacks pour in. .

When an ordinary lord encounters an enemy attack of this level and wants to ask the living beings to give up the option of upgrading immediately, let the system send them away before they launch an attack, and then wait to be overwhelmed and die.

If he hadn't temporarily trained a wave of light crossbows, he would have been deceived by this extremely powerful enemy attack.

(The new enemy introduction method is simpler, I hope you like it.)

【Orc Boss】

[Level 3-Rare]

[The biggest and strongest one among the group of orcs! Whoever can defeat him will become the new orc boss! 】


[Level 2-Normal]

[These big goblins are transformed from well-developed goblins, and they are more cunning and despicable! 】


[Level 1-Normal]

[Small goblins are formed due to poor nutrition. Their brains are more flexible than orcs. They torture the weak and run away when they see the strong! 】

Let's first talk about the combat effectiveness of the group of six hundred orcs and elves. They looked very bluffing from a distance. They naturally formed some kind of military formation and rushed towards the city wall in a mess. Fortunately, they were not smart enough to attack other parties by bypassing the troops.

This was a tit-for-tat confrontation.

These three hundred troops were not enough to maintain the frontal defense.

Two hundred light crossbowmen had lined up along the city wall. They were placed with crossbow arrows made of iron arrowheads. Each light crossbowman would be mixed with a five-man musket team. These soldiers who used crystal ore powder and high-powered muskets could accurately kill those larger guys.

This was the position arranged by Ji Lin. All small units were killed by light crossbowmen to avoid wasting the musketmen's strength, and any unit that looked big was in the musket's hunting target.

Thanks to their leading time, special charges, and great power, the cannon fodder of the high era is positioned as a precision shooter in this low-level era.

Nothing can be killed by a direct hit of five spearmen's bullets.

When they form a cluster, they can be used to directly fight against light armored units.

As his instructions were passed along the team to the defense team, these precision shooters put their aiming frames on the most obvious and tall figure in the orc group, waiting for the final firing order.

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