Human beings are the most important resource.

New London Industrial Academy.

Ji Lin walked into the lobby. To him, the guards in the courtyard were no different. Under the cover of darkness, he could easily enter through the main entrance.

There were a few drunkards lying in the somewhat dark hall. They were leaning on the table in the corner, facing the wine glasses that showed traces of dryness.

A speck of light floated in the hall, rising slowly with a trace of smoke.

"Those guys should have been fired. How pitiful."

Nikus Tesla held a cigarette in his mouth. The ordinary cigarette without any markings swayed in the air and flashed a trace of fire.

"I came to remember my friend Faraday. When he died, he still held his electrical manuscript and told me to continue and see how this building developed."

It is spotlessly clean and stained with the blood and tears of researchers.

Those clean and tidy facilities are not for their use, but for the noble bachelors of noble birth. They, the most ordinary researchers, hold their mentor's manuscripts and repeat calculations day after day.

Until a certain project ends, they are no longer needed, and then they are fired.

This is the fate of ordinary researchers.

Not only are they recognized as consumables in this mode, but researchers are also the same.

"It's still the same here... it sucks."

His eyes withdrew from the drunken white-robed researcher and landed on the young man who had taken off his mask.

What about you, what is your purpose here?

A precision gear mechanism made of brass rotates slowly at the top. Those precision mechanisms have a purpose, driving the extremely accurate clock in the New London Industrial Academy.

They use this power to show other countries their attainments in mechanical technology.

They believe that this clock wall can continue to run stably and unswervingly even if no one maintains it.

There is no eternity in this world, and there will be no eternity.

"And mistakes will continue to accumulate, and a small mistake will become a bigger mistake in the flow of time, just like a government that does not have the ability to self-correct will inevitably overturn in the tide of time."

He stood in front of the clock wall, and the slow but steady hands passed by. He and Ji Lin seemed to be the only two people left in the suddenly darkened hall of the 꺲 Industrial Academy.

"Machines can make mistakes, right?"

Ji Lin stretched out his hand and pressed it against the metal wall, feeling the vibrations and traces produced by the gears' bite.

It's amazing.

The first life was born from a wrong copy, and the evolution on this planet all originated from a wrong copy of genes.

So can machinery make mistakes?

There will be.

The machinery exists for precise calculation in design. Once an error occurs, it may be damaged/lost.

But the power of runes changed everything. The existence of runes endowed the structure with the lowest intelligence.

A mistake is needed, a perfectly fitting mistake.

The bell became a species.

A new species was born, and even though it was ignorant, it could not see the world like its creator.

But in this world, it woke up from a mistake.

He should have thought of it earlier.

"I went to the ground floor to see it. They have expanded a large amount of electrical equipment and used the efficient conduction characteristics of electricity to give this machine stronger computing power."

Nikus Tesla gently kicked away the beer bottle that the drunkard had just finished drinking under his feet. It rolled and stopped somewhere in the shadows.

"It takes a union, an incomprehensible accident, that's how life was born in the first place."

"So why did you leave the Academy?"

Ji Lin turned around and looked at the engineer who was wearing simple clothes. With his beard, he looked no different from the leader of the people on the roadside.

"No, purely because this place is a shitty place that ignores everything I love."

The cigarette in Negus's mouth burned out, and the only shining fire in the hall went out in the long gray darkness.

"This is my story, this is that part of my story."

놙 is the story of an ordinary 꺲 engineer.

"So that big mechanical computer here is really intelligent, right?"

Although Ji Lin felt there was no reason to ask anymore, he still asked, wanting to confirm this astonishing fact.

Negus was noncommittal.

"Oh, by the way, Mr. Ji Lin."

Nikus Tesla smiled, a slightly cruel smile.

"You should know that those crazy people who pursue immortality want to launch an attack at the coronation ceremony. Let's guess where the attack will start...?"

He had no sympathy for those nobles and royal families.

The answer to the mystery is on the surface from the beginning.

The start-up ceremony of the large-scale wonder difference engine.

The gathering of knights.

Royal coronation.

They are basically concentrated in the same time period, and in order to maximize the efficient use of resources, the royal family will inevitably put these activities together, which will not only highlight the empire's past, but also have an excellent publicity effect.

That would be a disaster beyond his imagination.

Ji Lin slapped his mouth.

Difference engine/large mechanical computer, the most sophisticated machine built in this world.

If it is a machine, it can be transformed into an unimaginable structural monster.

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