Clash of Lords: Civilization Game Comes to Reality

Chapter 426 Epilogue: Sunset and Rising Sun (4.5k) (1/2)

Chapter 426 Epilogue: Sunset and Rising Sun (4.5k)

1892, Germania

A British soldier waved a slightly dirty flag in his hand, which was a simple white cloth temporarily removed from a medical stretcher, and walked through the war zone full of debris and debris with some flinch.

Hans took a bite of the hard black bread in his hand, feeling a little nostalgic for the soft food his mother kept in the cupboard.

Seeing that the company captain next to him did not issue the command to fire, he was hiding in the trench and wiping the weapons in his hands. His comrades raised their guns and aimed at him.

The soldier held a temporary white flag and carefully walked through the bodies of those who had been killed in the battle yesterday and had not yet been recovered, and walked to a small hillside so that everyone could see them.

As long as one person leaves, 놛늀 will be dead.

Hans thought, so he unloaded the bullet in his hand and pointed the unchambered rifle at the soldiers near the center of the battlefield.

"The war is over!"

The British soldier planted the flag heavily on the ground and shouted loudly to the soldiers stationed in the trench on the other side.

The sound drifted away with the wind, just like the black clouds in the sky that disappeared without a trace.

Hans rubbed his ears and looked at his comrades in the same trench who were still at their posts, motionless, as if they had not heard clearly, as if the other party had not said this.

놛 stood up and asked in English that he was not familiar with.

"Hey! Is there really an armistice?"

This is what I learned from a prisoner of war. That guy was actually a good person. He also taught them how to bandage their wounds to better stop bleeding.

Armistice, what a beautiful word, the war will no longer continue.

I can also go back to my own home and eat the delicious black bread made by my mother.

놛climbed out of the trench and moved forward with stumbling steps...


1895, New London.

"Adams, how are you feeling?"

"Nothing...are you willing to sit in this position instead of me?"

Looking at the various investigation reports in front of him, Charlie Adams began to miss the days when he was still a police inspector.

There should be a mature and stable government department here, the theory is this.

Most of those people died in the coronation seven years ago, and they were thrown into the furnace like expendables.

In a sense, it is also a physical "burden reduction" for this extremely bloated government department.

"I'm too old to sit in this position..."

Holding the coffee cup, Duke Charlie laughed. Although he lost an arm, he at least survived the war.

"Saved the hero of New London? Anyway, isn't it great that this honor falls on your head?"

Adams shook his head. His friends all preferred to live in less bright places, and their names would only appear in the top-secret files of the New London Archives Department.

"I can't afford it, and it's a collective honor. It would be even better if this honor can bring us things outside of work."

놛 turned over the report in front of him and let out a long sigh.

Looking through the floor-to-ceiling windows, I looked at the slightly clearer sky in New London. Environmental and engineering improvements were carried out after the war. A large number of nobles who died in the battle had their property nationalized.

With the help of Night Crow, they accurately and efficiently eradicate the cancer that resides in the New London government... During this period, the empire's control area must be reduced...

If we continue to cling to those areas, it will only turn the government that has experienced a round of indiscriminate bombing into

Not far away from the square, there are still two towers of five-meter-high twisted steel, surrounded by protective fences to prevent pedestrians from being accidentally injured by falling objects in the wrong area.

The streets farther away have been renovated, and transportation tracks and overhead cables have been laid so that the city does not need steam engines that spew sulfur gas to work.

"Sir, this is the city's electrical renovation plan!"

The assistant, wearing a neat administrative uniform, walked in from the door and stood at attention and saluted after seeing Duke Charles standing in the room.

"Mr. Duke, I didn't know you were here."

Duke Charlie shook his head and signaled 놛 to continue working, while 놛 looked out the window.

Soldiers wearing heavy exoskeletons and automata patrolled the streets. Because of the flesh-and-blood machine control, all construction machinery based on rune cores were sent to warehouses for storage.

They did not completely deal with all the enemies, and a small number of them fled to North America to build their own power in areas where the government had lower jurisdiction.

Adams leaned back in his chair, watching the gradually dimming sky and the slowly but steadily turning on of the street lights.

The invention of the filament came from that foreign friend... We would not waste more time developing light bulbs.

The preliminary electrical work was completed. New London lit up dimly in the night, and unsafe gas pipelines were converted into dedicated energy supply pipelines.


1897, Xinxiang.

Underground Resistance Command.

"Equipment from New London..."

The crowbar fell, and in the dim light, the resistance soldiers saw the long tube painted in military green lying quietly in a pile of dark yellow hay.

"I heard the Europa war has stopped and those politicians have been thrown into the trash can..."

The resistance soldiers were talking in the hiding place, pulling out anti-armor weapons from the weapon boxes, and the reflected light fell on their faces, either Asian or European.

The collapse of New London and the armistice in Europe did not make the situation in North America any better. This island far away from the civilized world is more like a better off-island prison.

All kinds of monsters are migrating to this four-hundred-year-old place...or fleeing.

Compared with the banished places like Australia, North America is obviously a more habitable place... places with wealth, governors, and the old order are hotbeds.

"This is the latest action plan... We are going to attack these equipment storage points..."

The resistance soldiers held a pamphlet that had been turned a little torn. This was almost the only correct guide for them during the resistance.

No signature.

They crossed the Mississippi River and climbed the Rocky Mountains. They were only one step away from success.

Cultivate together in the desolate land, hide under the feet of others.

They fight with automatons in the mountains and forests, fight with corrupt humans in urban clusters, and fight on isolated islands outside the civilized world.

"The New World will never be a hotbed for those monsters, never."

Germans, Han Chinese, French, English, Aryans, Slavs, they hold the same flag and charge towards the monsters.

Rifles are loaded and weapons are loaded.

The light of the bulb is reflected in their firm eyes, and the bright red armbands and flags shine in the basement.

Attack Xinxiang and plant the flag of the New World in this hotbed of sin.


1900, Haikou.

An old teahouse on the street.

Raindrops fell from the light grey sky, knocking on the old streets paved with bluestone, and pedestrians quickened their pace in the rain.

Under the dim sky, a refreshing coolness came over, making people feel a little tired.

The teahouse beside the street was hot, and passers-by felt that it would be best to have a sip of hot tea at this time.

"Hey, old Li, have you heard that there are wars everywhere..."

The old man raised his teacup, drank it while it was still warm, and filled another cup for himself.

"There is also a war in North America, ha, there are wars everywhere... Huo, my useless kid in the military office brought me a map... I said nearby"

The children's stories are rare topics for old people of this age to talk about. In their eyes, the world is just like when they were young.

"Yes, I don't know what those foreigners are doing..."

An old man picked up a piece of fried food and put it into his mouth, squinting his eyes in appreciation.

"Oh, your son is a good one! My apprentice, oh, I don't know how long this craft can last!"

"Your craft, the talisman is still there, you will not be short of it, hahaha..."

The old man who spoke originally responded, with a trace of sadness between his eyebrows.

"I don't know what these foreigners are doing here, wasn't the talisman master Zhang invited a few days ago..."

Two old men in cloth clothes clinked cups and listened to the crisp sound of rain falling on the eaves outside the window.

In the teahouse, a man in a neat engineer's uniform sat down. He chose this place because it was not easy to be stared at by other people.

The man took off his wide hat, folded the paper umbrella on it and put it aside, and said to the waiter in a relatively smooth voice.

"Three old things."

"Hey, sir, OK..."

The waiter's face was full of smiles. This time, the foreigners came here to eat recently, which made their small teahouse more lively than usual.

Even though the emperor has been established for more than ten years, foreigners are still rare for their people. Many people come here to sit for a while just to see him.

The teahouse owner even gave him some more silver notes these days... The government said that they would slowly exchange silver dollars with paper and pen, and they could also take paper money to the government bank to exchange silver...

As he shouted, the boy came to the table with a tray and put the "three old things".

Fried dough sticks, sesame cakes, and tofu brain.

He hesitated, and his eyes fell on the other person, realizing that he didn't know the other person's name for so long.

"Nicholas, Nicholas Tesla."

Nicholas blew gently on a thin film of milky white liquid, with a clear and tempting bean fragrance.

"I have a friend from this land, and I want to come and see his hometown."


2025, Equatorial Launch Station, Planetary Council Headquarters.

A lady with a neat single ponytail walked through the aisle of the Council, and the warm and gentle white light fell from the glass dome into the aisle and fell on the blue and white intertwined planetary logo.

"Miss Victoria, I heard that you are giving a speech today?"

Victoria's long ponytail swayed slightly, and she looked at the man approaching her from the side passage. He politely saluted Victoria with British etiquette.

"Liang, a technical expatriate of the Pan-Asian Alliance, because there are many aerospace technology exchange projects recently."

"Victoria, a technical expatriate of the New European Union, I am the only staff member with the last name Victoria."

"Don't mind if I take up a few minutes of your time."

Liang glanced at her watch. There were still ninety-five minutes before the speech began.

"Do you know what restarting the symbol automaton project means to us?"

She nodded and looked at the aisle leading to the hall.

The objects that once influenced the course of history were neatly placed inside. It was also the only exhibition hall open to the public in the Council...or museum.

"Of course, we still have some time to communicate before we start... Let's go to the sightseeing exhibition hall next door?"

An old photo, two soldiers hugging each other, and the whitish flag fluttering in the air.

The First World War ended, and the war almost destroyed all infrastructure.

A red tattered flag, that was the first flag of the North American Federation Resistance Army planted on the White House, overthrowing the Governor System and establishing a new Republic.

They eventually signed the North American Communist Agreement and formed a federal defense zone.

A few tattered pamphlets, but the handwriting on them is still clearly visible.

The "Resistance Guide", which was translated into dozens of languages ​​and handed over to the resistance army in various regions of the world, gave them enough tactical guidance.

A dark gray transformer, with Faraday and Tesla marked next to it.

Electricity changed everything. Energy pushed their civilization forward a step.

A clear photo, with large chimneys bunched up, and a sign engraved with "Shanghai, 1907, the first large-scale experimental power supply station."

When the world was in ruins, Asia, which suffered less damage from the war, was the best development area, and the first large-scale experimental power supply station was built here.

Stepping forward, Victoria had a premonition of what they were going to see... The council member who chatted with her seemed to realize that her last name was a little special.

"It's okay, keep going."

A photo, two metal lumps biting each other, with "1888" stamped on the label.

Automatic machine disaster, eternal life disaster.

After that, the technology of automata was completely sealed. The second Renaissance movement focused on humans, separating humans from machines... The academic community also advocated building machines that humans could operate, rather than completely automata.

She had seen it countless times in the archives. These scrap steels had been dismantled in 1945, leaving only a small part of them as a memorial in the central square.

Commemorating the past stories.

But the past still bound her family tightly like an unbreakable shackle.


The knight raised his sword and pointed to the west, where the sun set.

‘A great knight’

She followed the knight’s sword and saw the statue placed deep in the Council’s exhibition hall. Countless pairs of steel cast bodies lifted up a ray of sunlight.

‘1945, dismantling scrap steel. '

"I think automaton technology will be the focus of our external exploration. Humans' physical fitness cannot withstand the harsh environment of outer space, but in experiments, automatons are more adaptable to harsh environments than humans..."

She was worried that some people would think that she, as the Queen of Victoria, had ulterior motives, but no one did, including the reporters who listened to her quietly.

She took a deep breath and continued.

"We should look forward. Restarting the automaton project means that we can explore the outside world with higher efficiency. At present, the rocket capacity has reached a limit."

"For this reason, our London Institute of Industry decided to publicly seal all technical files to various regional defense alliances, and hope to establish a new one so that we can better deal with possible crises and risks in the future..."

The restart of the symbol automaton is studied in depth. This plan has been submitted to various political entities and departments before her arrival, and the final vote is a process.

She really didn't know what decisions these political entities had made.

There was no applause, and everyone focused their attention on the directors' vote. Reporters held their breath and looked at those sitting in the seats of the delegation.

"The Pan-Asian Union supports it."

"The New European Union supports it."

"The North American Federation supports it."

"The Middle East Union supports it."

"The South American Federation supports it."

"The African Covenant supports it."

The green flash lit up and passed unanimously.

Ming walked out of the shackles of the past and faced the risks that technology might bring.

The applause came like a tide, and Victoria didn't feel a trace of joy in her heart, but was relieved as if a heavy burden had been lifted.

She remembered the scene she saw deep in the museum, the countless pairs of eyes...

The countless pairs of eyes cast in steel did not crave the sun, they were trying their best to send a handful of soil to the sun.

A ray of sunlight from the dome fell on the moist soil, and the tender seedlings sprouted green in the steel nursery.

The steel-like soul left in time, and will sprout again at dawn tomorrow.

(I thought it would be better to have 1,000 chapters at the end of this volume, after all, more chapters are more comfortable to read, so this chapter is a one-off.)

(Then I made some revisions, and wrote to 1,500. Anyway, it’s fine as long as it’s fun to read!)

(I encountered many problems when writing this volume, and I found that I should have laid out more content in some places, so that the subsequent plots can be more coherent and smooth... Anyway, thinking about it, there is actually a lot to write... Ah, it’s a pity to think about it this way)

(But at least the story is finished... Although it’s incomplete and not quite complete, the story is here... Yeah)

(This volume is a bit of a failure, but not that much of a failure. It may be in the quantum state between failure and success.)

(But anyway, this volume is still finished, although there are too many scenes of things and things... There are too many, and it becomes complicated... In fact, I originally estimated that this volume would take one chapter, cough cough)

(Adams and Duke Charles are progressive conservatives in New London. They advocate maintaining stability and moving forward.)

(Night Crows don't care if the ruling party is human, but they will stand here to clean up human enemies. Nicholas doesn't care about them at all. He hopes to have a friendly research environment, but New London's overdevelopment of mechanical technology has greatly affected his research. )

(The Queen is a faction that pursues immortality, mainly composed of various nobles. After the truth about the immortality of the public, they are naturally hostile to the civilian class.)

(Then I will take a day off tomorrow as usual, and take a break while sorting out the outline of the first volume... Update on December 8!)

(I have thought of the title of the first volume: Are we playing a game?)

(Hands on hips!)

(Finally, I recommend a new book, Tomato: Although you are a villain, you put down your knife first!)

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