Clash of Lords: Civilization Game Comes to Reality

Chapter 431 Water Conservancy Projects and Agricultural Construction

Chapter 431 Water Conservancy Project and Agricultural Construction

The countdown to regional resource integration is 105 days.

The water supply channels required for 100,000, 300,000, and 100,000 people must be re-planned.

What the territory currently uses is the stone canal that was built in the Third Period to supply the entire territory.

For example, the supply capacity of the old water canal was already stretched thin. This long water canal, several meters wide, relied on the copper water pipes and steam water supply room of the fourth quarter to survive for a while when it supplied the water needs of tens of thousands of people.

Centralized water supply has greatly alleviated the pressure on water sources, but what they need to do in the future is to increase the city's population capacity to

not enough.

In addition to the growing demand for domestic water, the industry itself is also a large water user.

In the first period, the production buildings and water demand further increased, especially the civilization that chose the direction of steam technology.

"How long do you think this treatment plan will take? Can it be completed in 60 days?"

Turning over the surveying, mapping and construction reports in front of them, a new water supply plan was proposed together with the repair of flood control dams.

In the lower reaches of the river, they inevitably have to face problems during the flood season.

If they build a centralized water supply system capable of sustaining at least 300,000 people, they will have to face the problem of river flood seasons.

The upper reaches of the river need to build dams and reservoirs to store water and balance the flow... which is another big step. Fortunately, the territory now has enough manpower.

He flipped through the report and drew various blueprints, with the height, width, and construction materials marked in detail.

All process calculations for this construction report were completed by the auxiliary intellectual core brought back by the lord. Finally, after almost two months of waiting, the second affairs officer came to work with him.

The resident affairs officer...although...

He looked at the three-meter-tall steamer next to him. The blue pupils belonging to the steamer were looking around, and there was a trace of curiosity unique to humans in the mechanical body.

The new clerk cannot speak, and his body is a mechanical computer running next to the city hall.

An aerostat suspended in mid-air with temporary radio repeaters allows it to deploy itself further afield, and the clock can now move freely within its territory.

They were standing on the old embankment, a temporary flood control embankment made of stones, wood, and random materials.

This temporary flood control dam has accompanied the territory for a long time, helping the territory withstand the test of nature.

Zhong heard the heavy questions and watched as the core rotated and swept across this temporary embankment with no end in sight.

"If there are sufficient materials, the reconstruction of the entire river embankment can be completed within 45 days... It is necessary to increase cement and steel production capacity... There is redundancy in manpower and it is sufficient."

It stretched out its hand and gestured.

"The technical difficulty is how to build a controllable valve to regulate the water flow in the territory. I can control some steam engines to help you with the construction... Use steam engines to control the valve, so as to ensure that floods during the flood season will not affect the water supply. system has an impact.”

Valve, if you want to expand the flow, you must directly connect the internal and external rivers, but this will create a lot of pressure during the flood season.

"There is no problem in the calculation. Just proceed with the construction according to the original plan."

Zhong's eyes fell on the tens of thousands of acres of fertile land not far away, protected by rough flood control dams. The riverbanks of Rujin's territory had been completely developed, and there was not a single tree in sight.

Just rolling fields.

Winter planting is complete and a new round of seeds is being sprinkled.

It could see clusters of green seedlings emerging from the dark brown soil very close to itself. This was something it had never seen in its memory... belonging to the vitality of plants and nature.

This dark brown farmland is intertwined with a large and dense water network, and a large number of temporary rest stops are located in the fields.

The sky casts a shadow on the cargo-type aerostat operating in the agricultural area.

Aerial ships take off and land at fixed docking stations established in farmland. These ships using floating stones transport civilians from rest areas to work sites.

They do not need to travel long distances in this unobstructed agricultural area, and it takes several hours to reach their own farmland and start working.

Cheap low-speed aircraft replaced the land transportation vehicles that should have appeared in the past.

There are at least ten such cargo ships in this agricultural area that are constantly carrying out transportation operations in the sky. They have greatly improved the transportation efficiency outside the territory's urban areas.

All this is due to the floating stones developed in Sky Island World... Enough floating stones allow them to use a large number of aircraft in an almost luxurious way. These aircraft also have sufficient advantages in building hoisting and item erection. .

An efficient logistics system allows this territory to utilize their resources to a level that other territories cannot reach.

"How about it? It's beautiful."

He patted the body of the steamer soldier next to him heavily, with a little pride in his voice, and heard the muffled sound of iron ringing echoing in its cavity.

It feels so cool to not have to do data planning yourself.

He had never been so relaxed this week in his life, and he breathed a sigh of relief when he thought that he would be freed from complicated and inefficient mathematical calculations in the future.

Many of their operations are necessary and repetitive... The existence of mechanical computers can help them relieve the pressure of mathematics.

"After the dam is built, our next plan is to develop all the arable land on the east side of the river, and then plant different types of crops... there are sugar cane fields there, and the sugar cane fields consume a lot of water. The most.”

River bank.

East coast and west coast.

The west side has remained undeveloped due to periodic flooding and difficult population management.

Zhong watched the river surge, his eyes falling in the direction of its rush.

The ocean, the lower reaches of the river eventually converge into the sea... The world it was born in is also an island, and the only things it can see are dirty and toxic rivers, and it has never seen an ocean.

This was the first time he saw a real, flowing, natural river.

놂Quiet, but with unstoppable momentum.

The green water rolled with a hint of turbid yellow, occasionally turning up some debris in the water, tree trunks and branches, and even the occasional silver light jumping out of the water.

"It's better than I remember... Even though my memory is broken, it's much better than the world I was in before."

Zhong squatted down, broke off a bunch of small white wild flowers and held it in his palm, startling a swarm of bees and butterflies.

It has no sense of smell, taste, or touch.

From the moment of his birth, he is accompanied only by vision and the perception of electromagnetic waves that humans cannot understand.

The butterfly seemed unwilling to give up its food. It flapped its wings and returned to the bouquet in its hand, landing in front of the blue pupils.

What a wonderful world.

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