Splashing broken wood, bright red blood flowing along the deck, spreading poisonous gas and blood mist left in the air by limbs torn apart by bullets.

The arriving force split the deck, and the armor and anti-armor guns that the elves were proud of were as fragile as thin paper. The customized armor-piercing bullets broke the spears and destroyed the shields.

There were no disadvantages except being expensive.

The dust from large-caliber guns mixed with the smoke bombs that had already begun to spread, covering most of the upper deck of the airship.

What's worse is that today is a sunny and windless environment.

In the smoke, He Xie was lucky to only have his right arm torn off, and a large number of lords' limbs were unevenly scattered around him.

The flashing blue light began to recover the material of the elves and lords, and the bullet marks on the surface, the flowing blood, and the damaged equipment became proof of their existence.

These lords who had never felt the power of the Age of Power were using their lives to feel the power of the Age of Power.

Direct air-to-air power suppression.

Ling Bo, who was more fortunate, only suffered some scratches, and looked at the purple light stream flashing from time to time in the smoke screen not far away with a little fear.

But soon they knew that early death without facing more despair was not necessarily a bad thing.

Most of the remaining elite elf guards still stood faithfully in front of the lords to protect them from the dangers that might appear in the fog. Sufficient training allowed them to reduce their personnel by more than 50% in time and still maintain their own front line.

Iron Army.

Elite army that has not collapsed despite heavy casualties.

Six rounds of rapid shooting destroyed half of the combat effectiveness of the elite elf guards, and the surviving elf guards stepped over the bodies of their comrades to hold the line.

"Hold the line!"

Fight to the death.

They raised the shields that could completely resist the flintlock bullets of the same era. The lightweight tower shields allowed them to move forward against the power of the line infantry and overwhelm the enemy's line with their absolute melee advantage.

Not taking a step back was their rule.

"Fuck, this is too much!"

The surviving lord vomited a breath of foul air and cursed, only feeling that the reaction of his limbs after breathing in the smoke was a little slow... all regarded as the sequelae of the blow he received.

Although they said so, they still slowly retreated, retreating to the island of the sky ship under the cover of the smoke.

There was a supporting mecha team that had not yet started. The six-meter-high mecha just standing there gave people enough sense of security.

In addition to the elite elf guards, there were also a large number of scout units on board. Scouts were indispensable in the hunting mission... and they could even train their abilities in this safe actual combat.

It was beneficial and harmless.

Scouts/fast reconnaissance units from various races were on standby at the bottom of the three skyships, but only the elf scouts could travel through the forest with their combat power and extremely high movement speed.

Other scouts with too weak combat power would be eaten as snacks by dangerous creatures on the sky island just by traveling through the forest.

At this time, these fast scouts were rushing from the first deck to the top deck of the skyship quickly, ready to avenge their lords.

Unlike those lords who had not suffered losses, He Xie looked at his death panel with an extremely ugly face.

The air strike stopped, but the casualties of the elite elf guards did not stop... After the air strike ended, they continued to lose personnel rapidly.

A number on the casualty panel of the chemical system.

Something in the fog slaughtered the most elite elves under its command. The elves had not yet exerted their proud technical and physical advantages and were strangled in the fog.

He realized that he had not heard a single scream from the fog until now. The only thing that could prove that there was still something moving in the fog was the occasional flash of purple light.

Something was wrong.

The anti-encirclement troops in front were not disturbed by any force because they were deployed in advance.

There was no sound, only the growing number of casualties.

The surrounding arcane defense turrets were also shrouded in it. The elf mages on the arcane defense turrets that he had arranged had no time to evacuate them!

Arcane cannons need gunners just like normal cannons, but unlike normal cannons, only those with magic talent can become operators of arcane cannons.

Damn, how could I forget this!

Ship-mounted fixed cannons...

"Monster! Monster... Save me!"

In the fog, a female elf in a white and gold robe staggered away from the increasingly thick gray fog.

He Xie recognized the elf girl. She was a newly promoted mage in his territory. She was a very talented child... maybe she would have a chance to become a leader.

The shining Fu sword pierced through her chest and nailed the pretty elf directly to her face, making her look pleadingly at the silver-white tower shield array.

A human figure wearing a crow mask walked out of the fog, holding the Fu sword on the elf girl's back with a gray leather glove, and swung it in front of the elf guards and lords.

Beheaded with one sword.

His eyes fell on the lords in the center, on those lords who were obviously human but had a lot of alien features.

"Humans... merged with elves... merged with dwarves... merged with aliens... but you gave up your identity as a human... transformed part of your body into the body of an alien race..."

"Traitors... should die..."

The crow's long beak drooped, and the lens reflected the cold light. Before the elf guard drew his bow, it disappeared into the fog again.

The last mage stationed in the artillery died.

In the fog.

The night crows were accurately and quickly clearing a safe landing site for the troops that were about to land. The source was input into the toxic smoke screen generators on their bodies, and a large amount of paralyzing poisonous smoke screens were produced to build a safe area.

Using spells can form a normal smoke screen that blocks the view, and the special devices improved by the night crows can also produce a large amount of corresponding smoke screens around them according to their needs.

These smoke screens that change according to different combat targets can effectively assist the night crows in their own battles... The world under the lens is not disturbed by smoke screens.

Fifteen minutes into the battle, the front anti-encirclement force was completely wiped out, and the mage force stationed at the arcane turret was completely wiped out.

"Sir! The other two skyships are approaching us... We can prepare to dock!"

His adjutant shouted to him, and the other two skyships began to approach after noticing something was wrong. The three ships that were not far away needed simple adjustments to be connected.

He Xie gritted his teeth and forced his mind to reset from the death just now.

No, I can't get close... If I get close, I will...

I will land!

It flashed through He Xie's mind, and he realized that the reason why the other party only provided physical support was because they were afraid that the ship-borne artillery on his skyship would support each other.

Artillery is still the king of war, and his artillery is still a sufficient threat to them.

If they were connected, they would lose the advantage of mutual force protection. As long as they were not connected, they could still use the ship-borne force of other sky ships to ensure that the other side would not engage in close combat!

The defect of the shooting angle made the turrets only rotate at a smaller angle, and their turrets could not shoot at full range like the arcane light stream.

Anger, anger devoured his reason.

The elf girl he led died in front of him. Even though he knew that she would be resurrected, this execution-like execution instantly ignited the anger of him and his elves.

This is naked contempt.

Contempt for not treating oneself as a human being.

No communication, no notice, only continuous attack.

Everything that blocked the route must be crushed.

Are the thousands of troops in his hands still afraid of the landing troops of the other side with less than 10 airships?

Must, must make the other side pay the price.

"Thank you! Some of my young dragon troops have returned!"

No problem.

Ling Bo saw through the partly dispersing smoke that some of the dragons in the distance flapped their wings and flew back to the ship. Most of them were dragons without long-range capabilities. After realizing that they were useless in the battle, they rushed back to assist the command ship.

He still had enough young dragons to support him, and there were mechas to assist in the battle. Why was he not qualified to have a boarding battle?

Then let's fight with strength. After the boarding, he would have a large number of soldiers available... He would be more than happy if the other party gave up the air advantage and was willing to board!

It's not a bloody battle.

"Order the third ship to approach immediately."

He looked at the dark gray fleet that descended from the sky into the smoke at a very fast speed.

The enemy is coming.

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