The dragon held the silver dragon in his mouth, and threw the bruised silver dragon in front of Fang Ai as if he was showing off his trophy.

Like a dog who caught a cat somewhere and came back.


Its claws pressed the wings of the struggling silver dragon, and pressed the struggling silver dragon into the moist black mud full of decaying leaves.

The elven war mages stood up from the corpses of their kin and enemies. The rune armor that was originally silver was dim and worn.

The gun blades in their hands were still stained with a large amount of blood belonging to the same race.

Fang Ai was letting the red dragon go out to attract attention, which meant that she no longer had a dragon guard by her side... The scouts of the Island Alliance scattered in the forest also realized this was an excellent opportunity.

There is no better opportunity than this.

And in the wave-by-wave offensive, the blood flowing after the battle even attracted the attention of the creatures in the forest.

Fang Ai was certain of this.

The high enough investment that 늀놆 had made in cultivating the battle mage unit was also exchanged for the excellent combat capabilities of this unit.

If she doesn't get enough magic technology information from Ji Lin, she won't be able to push her leadership to the current level even if she has the resources.

He opened the outpost core and a total of thirty war mages temporarily mobilized to protect him were not injured. Only the equipment was severely damaged... As for the dragon gate... a gate that can accommodate a dragon passing through. 놆The temporarily deployed core 뀞can do it.

At least it must be expanded to a certain level to be able to transport behemoths and monster infantry units.

The elven war mages pulled out the gun blades from the chest of the last elven scout and watched as their pointed-eared kin were pulled away and recalled in the stream of light, leaving behind a pool of blood soaked in mud.

With the help of magic, the water flow falls on the arcane rifle and cleans it of the... biological residue stained by the close combat.

The magic/arcane rifle eliminates the maintenance shortcomings of the medicinal mechanical rifle, but also makes its maintenance cost go straight up. In any case, it is still half a magic wand.

Arcane rifles that use gun blades are not much cheaper than standard long weapons in close combat. If their targets are full of elite elf guards, their defense today will not be so smooth. .

Spear, heavy armor, shield.

Heavy infantry.

The nearly invincible shield and spear formation troops in the Cold Weapon Age have no shortcomings except their slow movement.

The tower shields raised by the echelon can intercept all the magic and arrows coming from a distance, and the spears will restrain all enemies who dare to get close to launch a charge. The elf soldiers with stronger physical fitness and higher training efficiency also ensure the perseverance of the team. .

Now nearly half of them have been destroyed by the suppression of modern power, and all the elven war mages have to face are unprotected scouts.

A light scout unit using short weapons, bows and arrows, and crossbows.

Therefore, as long as war mages switch to electric shock, the magic rifle with a gun blade and short-range electric attack capability has an overwhelming advantage in close combat.

You ask where all these magic techniques come from. When Ji Lin was handling the loot, he collected them together and gave them to Fang Ai, and asked her to think about it with the 그 in her collar... It happened that Ji Lin was in the recent battle. A large amount of magic materials were harvested.

They put away their gun blades and played a farewell song for the elves who, in theory, should be members of their own race. They had just broken leaves.

Even if they don't really die.

Sue death just to perfect yourself.

Fang Ai watched as the elven war mages in his hands began to count the equipment on them and collected them into piles. He knew that the battle above was completely over.

"I, I demand to be treated fairly!"

The silver dragon that was pressed on the head howled.

"I am a prisoner of war, I am a prisoner. My lord will definitely provide resources to redeem me."

Death is a very unpleasant experience, especially for immortals like them... death will even cause them to lose part of their experience.

And their rebirth time is much longer than that of ordinary creatures.

The death of an intellectual creature requires more sacrifice than a life without intelligence and will.

Capturing a giant beast is an extremely difficult task...uneconomical and inefficient.

This silver dragon, whose neck was half bitten and covered with bruises, is obviously one of the rarer cases. It is a rare trophy that can only be obtained in dragon-dragon battles.

"Well... I am not qualified to deal with you, but I will take you to see someone who can decide how to deal with you."

He won the first battle, directly captured a silver dragon on the opposite side, and also restrained some reconnaissance scouts.

Fang Ai put his hands on his hips.

It shows that I am not the kind of guy who only cares about the economy and does nothing.


The arrival of the red dragon interrupted Ji Lin's offensive plan, and the lead of the thunder array that had been laid was held in the hands of the officer.


Peeling skin, cramping, and removing bones?

Dragons are quite valuable, aren’t they?

Ji Lin looked at the silver dragon that was thrown to the deck by its neck. It was already half-dead, and its bright silver scales were now stained with mud and blood.

"We don't have much time to do diplomatic work. The enemy's production facilities have not been destroyed yet... There are still several areas that need to be attacked."

Just one prisoner has no value in exposing our own coordinates, and long-distance transfers are quite troublesome.

"So, kill him."

He made a definite conclusion.

The night crows could not wait to dissect a complete fifteen-meter-level young dragon on the spot. The several ten-meter-level young dragons that had been shot down before could barely meet their dissection needs.

Only by dismantling corpses can you understand your enemy's weaknesses in detail and then construct a fighting method.

"I, I can give you some spells... in exchange for my ability to live..."

뇾Some spells in exchange for their qualifications to survive.

The silver dragon's golden eyes turned, and he wanted to cry but had no tears.

Rather than having her body cut open by those scary-looking humans, she would rather die with dignity fighting the red dragon.

That female red dragon with a particularly bad character won the match and pushed her head into the mud without saying a word.

"I can tell you the spells I know. The value of these spells should be enough for me to live."

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