Clash of Lords: Civilization Game Comes to Reality

Chapter 501 Development Plan in Progress

Take a deep breath to calm down your excitement.

Ji Lin's fingertips clicked on the plan on the screen and browsed the information transmitted to him by the system.

Gui Yu... Let's take a look at the support provided by the system first.

The scientific research department that I have been looking forward to finally arrived in the third year of my arrival in this world.

Finally, there is no need for the dean to serve as the research director of the territory.

A research director and three subordinate departments.

A research department that covers the needs of this era.

Since the first era, even with the implicit assistance of the system, the research time of technology has begun to be counted in months.

Those blueprints that already exist or have been discovered from other places have mature design plans, which can reduce the time required for the lords to design uniquely.

From intermittent technology to a cross-covered technology tree.

Overlap theoretical technologies and turn them into reality.

'Mo Qi'

A scientific research director, responsible for leading the technical research work of the territory.

‘Structural design team’

‘Engineering mechanical design team’

‘Rune equipment design team’

The three design teams represent three directions of application technology.

They can definitely be called rich technical support.

They not only represent the three design teams, but also work a little harder to share the heavy teaching tasks for the dean.

Research Institute 13, Building 6, theoretically can rest on Sundays.

Those who can do research may not be so good at teaching others, but they can do it, and they can do it well.

If senior technical talents are not led by the dean alone... the dean can only train six students who can barely be called senior technical talents in a year.

This is because he is the dean, and he has a significant bonus in teaching and educating people.

It’s just that a good cook can’t cook without rice.

Without any teacher subordinates, he has to complete the teaching work and work as a part-time researcher... He is a generalist, not one person can be split into eight people!

The administrators of the territory, together with outsiders, barely managed to support the territory academy while mixing in a lot of extracurricular activities.

Ji Lin was already very satisfied with the work of the dean.

After completing the training of ordinary technical talents, two senior researchers were also produced,... Chongyan and Sif.

The design prototype of the Seagull Class was created by Chongyan and Sif.

These two people belong to the SSRs that Ji Lin drew out, although Sif's card was drawn from the card pool of the Holy City next door.

But after drawing it back, don't care so much... The source of students in the territory is still insufficient.

Ji Lin thought of the comfortable days of the Holy City's resident priests in the territory. After explicitly restricting them from preaching, this group of priests of the Goddess of Light relieved their inner sorrow.

I often go to the coast of the territory, rent a fishing boat, pay a fishing fee... and start my own fishing in the central area of ​​the seaweed field and coral reef.

Under the lush seaweed field, there live a large number of fish that eat algae. They lay their own eggs in the coral reef area and hatch them in the warm upper waters.

Then they multiply and grow in the seaweed field, and become part of the territory's menu today in the fishermen's nets.

Areas with abundant food are most likely to catch big, fat and plump fish.

And the fishing business... is a new model for the development of fishery areas to make profits.

When the population of the territory has some savings, it is natural to find ways to make them have the power to consume.

Ji Lin doesn't know how these priests harvested, but he only knows that these priests go fishing every day as if they have never seen the sea.

‘Structural Design Department’, ‘Engineering Mechanical Design Department’, ‘Rune Design Department’

After the preparations are completed, the higher education college of the territory can expand its enrollment and add three new courses to the territory.

It just so happens that a group of graduates will graduate this year... I will think of a way to keep the most outstanding personnel for two more years.

Then recruit a group of new people at the same time to continue the blood of the territory's industrialization task.

Ji Lin touched his chin and wrote the project on his memo.

What he didn't know was that the round-trip time between the territory and the Holy City was only 2 days, and most of the children who came to study at the Engineering College were from the lower class of the Holy City.

Only a few were high-level children who came here to experience the freshness of "leaving home".

The research subsidies offered by the Engineering College to most people were already higher than the money they earned from living normally in the Holy City. Even if Ji Lin didn't stay, they would find a way to stay in the territory and continue to work.

The Engineering Academy has sufficient funds, and the research subsidies given to researchers are comparable to those of regular hired runesmiths.

Just in time, Gui Yu came.

One more hero unit can help me solve the administrative problems of the territory.

With one more person to assist in handling the administrative affairs of the territory, 90 days may be enough to integrate the scientific research system from the first era into my territory.

I also need to make the textbooks of these three new subjects from scratch... This also requires her assistance.

After all, Gui Yu was once the best geomancer, and his attainments in constructs are first-class.

Yes, there is also the cultivation of geomancers belonging to the territory. The 10% increase in land output brought by the stationing of geomancers is too good.

In addition to providing special resource output for the territory, the star vein tower of the territory finally has a little bit of function that can radiate to the whole situation.

10% of land output, although it refers to land output, is actually a bonus to the output of the surface... The ocean also enjoys this bonus.

When minerals can be slowly moved from difficult-to-develop areas to fixed mines by geomancers, the soil will become more fertile than ordinary soil under catalysis, and the fish and algae in the sea will increase their reproduction speed when there are sufficient nutrients.


Ji Lin nodded and had already drafted a draft.

If we don't discuss government affairs... discuss other issues.

It's hard to say whether he will stand and walk out of the city hall.


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