Clash of Lords: Civilization Game Comes to Reality

Chapter 505 The other side of the airspace

At the same time.

The Ring Island Alliance.

Unlike Ji Lin who was already making future plans.

The Ring Island Alliance was like a frightened bird, reinforcing all the control fortresses in its control area. After the inflated arrogance was punctured, it immediately reinforced the defense line in a self-deceiving manner.

It was impossible to solve the enemy who didn't know where he would come from, and it was impossible to predict how the enemy would attack.

Like the sword of Damocles hanging high.

They waited in fear for nearly a month, but did not wait for the third wave of offensive.

The leader of the Ring Island Alliance gathered all the construct units that could be called in the control area to the main sky island to build a temporary defense against the same construct/flesh turbine raid as last time.

Then they realized that the enemy's short exploratory attack wave had ended.

The attack that dealt a heavy blow to their advance troops and hunting troops was only a exploratory attack.

A tentative attack to obtain battlefield conditions and information about their troops.

The only thing that made them feel fortunate was that the other lords who came to the Ring Island Alliance to do business did not notice the heavy losses they suffered, and they were not stupid enough to take the initiative to tell others that they had suffered a big loss because of their reckless actions.

Other lords who were doing trade in the area they managed were not affected, and the Ring Island Alliance tried its best to cover up the news that a force had appeared on the other side.

Pretending that nothing had happened, they declared to the lords who came to trade that this was only used to resist the dangers that would arise after the regional resource integration.

Publicizing that nothing had happened externally, and internally that they had won a great victory in the defensive battle, the lords who did not arrive at the scene did not know what had happened.

However, after the statistics were completed, it was found that the monthly income was negative, -200% to 300%... The profits for the next few months were all lost.

This level of loss made everyone in the core layer grimaced with heartache, and the sales of high-end porcelain increased by 20% that month.

In order to stabilize the small lords below, the core layer had to endure it, giving up part of the profits to make less money to stabilize the lords below... Even if it failed, as long as the confidence was maintained, it would not be considered a failure.

"Do you really want to share... the fifth era of the magic mecha production technology?"

Weiers asked the lords of the Ring Island Alliance. She persuaded the hesitant lords for a long time to make up their minds to share the technology.

"This is the only solution to improve production and efficiency."

It is also a solution that can enhance the strength of the Ring Island Alliance in a short period of time.

Of course, he was not naive enough to fully disclose all the technology to other lords, but split the technology for producing humanoid mecha into six different parts.

The reason is that each lord and their subordinate cadres only need to be responsible for the production of a part of the parts, and Zhang Ao, the lord of the Ring Island Alliance, is responsible for the final assembly, so that the assembly line parts production efficiency is the highest.

Exploitation, but Zhang Ao really shared the technology with his subordinate lords.

Even if one is split into six parts, the technology from each part is comparable to the technology produced in the B-level world.

‘Flexible joints’, ‘high-efficiency conduction module’, ‘sensitive auxiliary nerve bundle’, ‘magic shield generator’, ‘solidified fireball/distance launcher’, ‘armor frame’

Each subordinate lord is responsible for the production of a part of the parts, and finally assembles them on the main sky island of the Ring Island Alliance.

Zhang Ao distributed the parts technology, but still held the auxiliary structure core, the most critical technology to enhance the performance of the mecha in his hands.

“It only takes six months... three months at the fastest...”

Weirs calculated quickly. As a top pilot, she still has some experience in the production process and assembly of mechas.

In the shortest three months, the Ring Island Alliance can build a production line and start mass production of mecha structure parts by sharing technology.

She suddenly felt that it was a good idea to use the pressure from outsiders to smooth out the edges of her lords. The other core lords of the Ring Island Alliance, who were usually arrogant, began to learn to be humble after being poisoned...

They were all her allies... Should she change the adjective?

It should be said to smooth out the edges.

Weiers thought about it and flipped the technical files in front of her. These were the technical files submitted by the core lords of the Ring Island Alliance... willing to share.


The technology sharing of the Ring Island Alliance was not without cost. The leader took the lead, and the remaining core lords also contributed a little bit of their useful technology.

The lords who were able to get to the top of the first era at this point in time had some hidden technology.

Those without technology were still playing in the mud in the third era.

They were already grasshoppers on the same line. Under external pressure, they only had two choices: running away and giving up, or uniting.

The airspace where the Ring Island Alliance is located is extremely rich in biological and mineral resources... and the green flowing liquid that can enhance biological activity is being studied...

Special resources...

"Adjutant Weiers, this is the mecha production plan promised to the lords of the Ring Island Alliance."

The customized mecha promised to them.

The big pie that Zhang Ao painted for the lords who joined the Ring Island Alliance was to give each lord a customized mecha.

Now it is also prepared to be fulfilled as a promise.

The Ring Island Alliance is preparing for war so intensively... I don't know what the enemy who doesn't even have a name is doing.

'Heavy machinery', 'abundant firepower', 'suppressive attack'

This is the impression of the island alliance on the attackers.

It's like another civilization outside the fault that has never been touched.

She doesn't know.

Weiers found that the lords of the island alliance all showed a state of 'avoiding talking' about the army composition of this unknown enemy.

Or, in other words, there is no need to discuss it at all.

She asked her lord Zhang Ao, who hesitated for a long time and said a few words that she couldn't understand at all... In the end, he only squeaked out "You will know on the battlefield."

She turned the tip of her pen and flipped through the plans for customizing mechas for other lords.

Maybe it's just that the number of mechas is too small, and her lords and the efforts of the island alliance should be able to slightly make up for the disadvantage.

The technology of other lords belonging to the island alliance, if fully applied, can provide more weapons and equipment options for the mecha troops.

Moreover, the command of the mecha team will be delegated to other lords to enhance regional suppression and combat capabilities.

Weiss was born in a magical city-state as exquisite as a blueprint. She couldn't imagine the world where Ming, who wields fire and steel, lives.

And the flesh turbine... I can't understand it at all.

Their world is like the battlefield that day, stained with thick fog representing pollution, and the rows of machines are running efficiently in the fog...

The pilot sighed and looked out the window at the sky ship that slowly came out of the clouds and entered the dock with a large amount of supplies. It will stop at the port and unload the supplies with the help of slaves.

I don't know what those attackers are doing...

(I took a look and it seems that there are a lot of rewards. Anyway, thank you for your support (covering your face))

(It's getting colder, keep warm, the author who was frozen half to death by the cold wave, QWQ)

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