Clash of Lords: Civilization Game Comes to Reality

Chapter 509 Departments and Systems

Territory, City Hall.

"Miss Alicia, this is Zhou's file."

The administrator held the information in his hand and pushed open the door of the administrator's office in the city hall.

"Put it over there."

The administrator sitting in the center raised her head and arranged her light white hair.

She was able to give the visitor enough mental pressure just by sitting there.

The person sitting at the end of the long table.

The faceless light-cast servant stood up, took the large stack of files handed over by the administrator, and stacked them neatly together.

They were gathered into a new pile of files to be processed, and the files that had been processed were piled up on the other side into a small mountain as high as her body exposed on the long table.

This is part of the complex data generated by the operation of a city of 100,000 people.

And the fifth-era intellectual computer "Zhong" has helped her pre-process part of the complex data, so that she does not need to waste time on inefficient screening and simple calculations.

It's not difficult, but this part of the work is a lot and complicated.

Theoretically, it should be the lower-level administrative officials who are responsible for this part of the work... But the territory is not as comfortable as the modern one, where you can sit in the office comfortably without going to the front line.

Every administrative official must take care of both the front line and the office.

You must be able to go to the field and sit in the office.

To become an administrative official, you need not only strong mathematical ability and education level... but also physical strength to match it.

It is best to have good enough physical fitness.

In other words, excellent physical fitness is an indispensable content.

Our direct superior Chongshan goes to the front-line construction site every day to confirm the work and bring out the new ones, setting an example.

'You must do it first and know the process before you can lead the people below. '

The first step to go to the factory is to go to the workshop, the first step to go to the fishery area is to participate in fishing on site, and the first step to go to the agricultural area is to do farm work for a few weeks.

The remaining administrative officials gritted their teeth and continued to work.

Do your job and take on your responsibilities.

For money? Or for more recognition?

Taking over a stack of documents that the Lightforged servant seemed to lift easily, the weight in his hand made the new administrative official realize one thing from his wild thoughts.

Why did his predecessors emphasize countless times that he must have good physical fitness.

"Over there are the files of various departments that have been processed."

The administrator sitting at the long table turned the pen on his fingertips and accurately told the visitor where to send the work files.

Since someone came to visit, there was no need for her to contact the new staff to send the files.

"Production Department, Transportation Department, Education Department... Just send it to the office in the City Hall."

Production Department, Transportation Department, Education Department... and other departments.

It takes a lot of management costs to keep a city with more than 100,000 people running, especially when the city has to take into account a large number of production tasks.

Most cities don't need to mobilize so many people to complete production tasks, and most lords just keep the majority of the population in a free-range state. They don't want to waste their limited management capabilities on these people.

As long as the population is enough to keep the factories running, fill the fields, and replenish the army, it will be enough.

As for the price to be paid later... believe in the wisdom of future generations!

No, believe in the wisdom of future selves!

Back to the topic.

The production department is responsible for the management and coordination of multiple industries such as fisheries, agriculture, and industry, and has corresponding subordinate departments... This also means that the coverage of this department is surprisingly large...

The full-time members of this department alone are more than all the following departments combined.

The current head of the production department, in name only, actually handles the work jointly with multiple heads... is a machine.


The transportation department is responsible for the logistics planning of the territory, as well as the establishment of a new transportation system and the establishment of shifts.

With such a convenient vehicle as the airship, Ji Lin naturally wants to advance the public transportation system that will be of great use in the future... Of course, it will take some time for this department to learn how to solve the transportation problem.

But at least there is no traffic jam in the sky.

The person in charge is still "Zhong".

The Ministry of Education is a department that has just been separated from the Ministry of Scientific Research... As for why it was separated from the Ministry of Scientific Research... Ahem...

Because both education and scientific research are handled by the dean.

The compilation of textbooks, teacher training, course arrangement, and periodic talent screening for educational work... Even the location of the school, how to cover as many people as possible...

are all done by the dean.

Now that the new Minister of Scientific Research has arrived, the dean is happy to classify himself as a member of the Ministry of Education.

The dean's job should be to teach and educate people!

Obviously, these departments cannot all be placed in the city hall. They only have a temporary office in the city hall... and the main bodies of several large departments are located in a ring area not far from the city hall.

Considering the problem of future growth in management personnel, Ji Lin naturally will not put all departments in one city hall, which will make it more troublesome to expand the departments later.

It is better to set up a special office building for them when they are established.

The ring belt near the city hall was originally a wooden house left over from the early construction. It has been uninhabited for a long time and has now been completely flattened to form a square covering an area of ​​about one square kilometer.

Several newly built five-story department office buildings that have not yet lost their brand new atmosphere are located in this small square.

Some buildings were transported from high-end builders in the Holy City to complete this square.

And this place is destined to become the future administrative center of the territory.

"Well... the day's work is over... help me make a cup of milk tea."

Alicia lay on the desk, yawned a little, and asked the light-cast servant who was wiping the corner of the office with a rag to pour her a cup of milk tea.

At this moment, a cup of mellow drink with a strong milky aroma was placed in front of her by the light-cast servant.

Suddenly I felt a little bored, but it was okay.

She lay on the table and gently fiddled with the scraps of paper that had fallen on the table.

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