"The crab legs are great!"

Miss Red Dragon waved the crab legs in her mouth, muttered, and took another crab leg from the simple oven and held it in her mouth.

"Okay, okay, eat the one in your mouth first."

Fang Ai touched Miss Red Dragon's head and watched her rub her body obediently.

The system judged that this red dragon was not suitable for entering the territory because it was too big.

There were only two humanoid units going to the territory of its lord, and even large units at the level of monster infantry were not allowed to enter the territory of its lord.

The system gave it a shapeshifting spell to transform into a humanoid form on the spot, allowing her to walk in the territory in a human posture.

One benefit of becoming a human is that the amount of food she needs to meet her daily needs is greatly reduced... Compared to the dragon's body, the amount of food she needs is greatly reduced...

Fang Ai glanced at the pile of light red mud crab legs that were directly broken into pieces by a lot of people. Humans can never have this amount of food.

This is not the biggest change.

The biggest change is that as a dragon, she can enjoy food that belongs to human food, and can enjoy the fine cooking of humans.

Instead of eating a whole roasted lamb in one bite, she didn't feel much taste after swallowing it, and only after eating it was full could she barely feel a little salty.

After all, human technology is used to make human food, not to consider how to provide food for large animals. Some lords can develop special technology to improve the taste and nutritional content of the food eaten by large animals.

Of course, because of the difference in digestion, the food of large animals does not even need to be processed too cleanly...cough...

Clean and hygienic?

Fang Ai always cleaned the crab meat before feeding it to the dragons in the territory. Even though she had posted a message to ask other dragon lords if it was okay not to clean it, most of the replies she got were that the dragons could still eat it without cleaning it.


Miss Red Dragon stuffed her cheeks with crab meat, and her big tail swung behind her to show that she was in a good mood. The physical fitness of dragons made her not have to worry about ventilation and allergies that only humans would have.

Now she can enjoy human food without any obstacles. She wants to make up for the amount of boiled fish she ate in Fang Ai's territory here.

Revenge eating.

But she is a dragon, so she can't even digest all the revenge eating, and she can digest as much as she eats.

Until she really can't eat anymore.

Fang Ai held her forehead. If this dragon wasn't so greedy, she would have left Ji Lin's territory and returned home long ago... She must go with her. In a sense, she is also the guardian of this red dragon.

When she looked at the crystal mining site, she saw industrial products. She saw a bunch of shiny things that she wanted to take back to her nest.

These crystals decomposed at high temperatures, produced hydrogen, and then exploded... You are a red dragon!

When she looked at the mud crab breeding farm, she saw large-scale breeding. She saw a bunch of crab legs dangling in front of her.

Then she and the person in charge applied to catch a few mud crabs on the spot and roast them on the spot. The person in charge said, "Please, eat as much as you can. You can take away what you can't eat."

Then she jumped down with her physical fitness and jumped up from below with a bunch of mud crabs.

The person in charge looked at this example of illegal operation and his blood pressure rose, but considering that they were visiting superiors, he just turned his eyes away and pretended not to see anything.

To harvest mud crabs, three people must put down the harvesting cage.

Fang Ai asked for a grill and spices for the red dragon he raised, and squatted on the salt flat to start grilling food. As for the fuel... the crystal ore fuel block knocked over from the side.

The temperature is not too high, it will burn like peat, and the light blue swaying flame will provide heat.

Slightly adjust the height to roast the crab legs through the carapace next to the crab legs. The heat generated by the flame licking the carapace evenly heats the plump crab meat inside, and the juice drips.

The transparent crab meat only needs a short heating to appear milky white with a slightly ruddy color, and then sprinkle with light spice salt made from spice leaves, and wait for the crab shell to fully marinate the crab meat.

The liquid secreted by the crab meat when heated will ensure that the crab meat will not dry up during roasting, as if the iron plate and the steamer are combined, and it is deeply integrated with the added seasoning.

Take it.

Break the crab shells that have become crispy due to the evaporation of water under the flames, revealing the roasted crab meat with good color, aroma and flavor.

Miss Red Dragon happily swung her tail and put the crab meat strips that she couldn't finish eating into her mouth. Perhaps because she made it herself, she felt that it was particularly delicious.


"What are you going to do with those? Is there any way to deal with them?"

Fang Ai poked the person in charge and pointed to the pile of mud crab balls in the corner... The mud crabs without limbs were left with their spherical bodies.

The person in charge of the breeding area and the mining area scratched his head.

"We will remove the internal organs and feed these mud crabs to hunting spiders as a snack."

Hunting spiders are also omnivores. Their high resistance to poison makes them completely scavengers. Even if the mud crabs rot, they will not affect the hunting spiders... It's just that the internal organs of the mud crabs have more toxins and are not suitable for consumption.

"Hunter spider? Hmm, that big spider with long legs, is it delicious?"

Miss Red Dragon stood up with the crab leg in her mouth, remembering that she had seen that big spider before, with its tail swinging wildly.

It seemed as if he had already seen the future of catching the long legs of hunting spiders and chewing them.

"It's okay... No, that's not edible. We don't raise them to eat."

The person in charge had eaten hunting spiders before. The soldiers and citizens who had followed Ji Lin from the beginning had already performed their duties and were in management positions.

When meat was insufficient, they had chewed the legs of hunting spiders to supplement their nutrition, but now that there are large-scale fisheries and aquaculture, there is no need to consider hunting spiders, which have a meat-to-feed ratio of 8:1.

The meat-to-feed ratio refers to how many units of meat can be converted per unit of feed.

The meat-to-feed ratio of pigs is about 3:1, while that of white-feathered chickens can reach a terrifying 2:1.

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