When the notification was closed, the Lord Forum exploded in an instant, and posts passed by like flowing water. No information could stay in his eyes for 0.1 second.

There is a practice battlefield, which also means that there is a non-practice battlefield.

Of course it exists, but now no one is qualified to be thrown into that battlefield.

Adjust the filter option to "Followers only", and the complicated interface suddenly becomes clear, with only a few posts left.

'An inference, but not necessarily correct, this time the title prompt is a practice battlefield, which means there may be a non-practice battlefield? '

One of the posts placed at the top raised such a question.

‘No one will die in the practice battlefield, and this safety rule is too comprehensive. Will we be thrown into the real battlefield in the future?’

And below are a group of players who are beginning to feel that they can finally show their skills. After so long in PVE, the lords finally ushered in their first PVP content, or PVPVPVPVPVVP content, and they are extremely excited.

‘Don’t say such scary things suddenly, I still want to take my elf team in to kill.’

‘I second the motion, but I don’t know how to obtain resources in it, so we don’t need to consider these for the time being, right?’

‘My dragon group can’t wait to start a killing spree! Look, I’ll send you all to hell! It’s worth it for me to give them a bath! '

'Forced to participate? My orc brothers, um, although there are so many of them, they don't seem to fight much. '

Ji Lin replied to him very clearly, his guess was completely correct.

They were not safe, and no capable people were even qualified to be thrown into that kind of battlefield. The exercise battlefield would even last for a long time. But he was not in the first echelon in his previous life, and he didn't understand what judgment mechanism the system used to throw them in.

The battlefield where casualties would really occur would not appear until very late, and now they are still in a safe development period.

It was a pastoral period. Although there were low-intensity battles, it was still incomparable with what his expedition team experienced later.

'I'm back. I just went to the system to confirm it, and it is still in a state of no comment. Based on its performance, I can basically confirm that my guess is correct. As long as he doesn't speak, he will be involved in the key rules, and after testing this rule, he only needs to judge yes or no. '

'I guess, it is highly likely to be 'no', I have nothing to say, I wish you all good luck. '

The host's words are cut off here.

Ji Lin's finger stopped on the light curtain, wanting to add some specific information about the internal part of the exercise battlefield.

If this kind of thing is said out, it will be extremely disadvantageous to him. He doesn't want too much attention, and the attention may not come from the players, but also from the one who is responsible for the entire game, the system.

It hovers in the air like a ghost, and no one knows what it is thinking.

He silently closed the system forum.

If the rich resources of the territory are used by the farming lords, then the exercise battlefield is a place for the lords of the military-first system to quickly obtain resources and make up for their own shortcomings. Civilization is not only agriculture, but also the military-first political system.

These civilizations that are mainly plundering because of insufficient territory resources or population life constraints will use this exercise mode to obtain the resources they need.

It just compresses the extremely serious self-consumption and fighting situation of the lords into a relatively peaceful exercise battlefield. If you win the battle, you can get: 10% of the resources of the target territory building + the total of warehouse resource reserves.

The conversion ratio is: 10% of the resources x number of enemies killed/total number of people carried by the opponent-5% of the resources x your own battle losses/your own number of people carried.

The existence of the exercise battlefield eliminates the idea of ​​lords who want to make a transition without creating any troops. Then every time the exercise battlefield is started, a large amount of resources will be lost, and if the exchange ratio is good enough, it can slightly recover a little disadvantage.

Because there will be no loss of territory and production buildings, these resource losses will not be fatal to the farming lords. In this first exercise, many lords who are not good at military affairs were directly hit hard.

In the second exercise battlefield, because there is a forum, an ultra-high-speed information flow channel, some farming lords developed a barrier tactic of digging fortifications on the spot, shooting defense towers, using a large number of fortifications to resist the attack of the plundering lords, and then hiding in their own fortifications until the countdown ends.

The plundering lords and the fortification lords are the two main war branches. Since the opening of the exercise battlefield, two clear fronts have been split and started fighting. These two main ideas have evolved into countless tactics and applied to the battlefield.

Spear and shield.

The struggle of many years still continues here.

So he still has 60 days to develop and keep his territory and resources from being lost. In the previous life, he was in the exercise battlefield... He couldn't seem to remember when it started.

The engineering college and research station projects were given the highest priority. Only the musketeers were not enough to deal with the threats that might appear in the exercise battlefield.

He needed more powerful weapons, and iterative support to provide super-era research was crucial.

He was half a fortification faction. In addition to the rich confrontation elements in the exercise battlefield, he could also find some tasks to obtain tasks at the task points on the map. The speed of obtaining resources was not as high as directly hunting other lords, but there was a chance to find hero units and special blueprints.

Without interference, you can also obtain a lot of resources by killing monsters and completing tasks.

At the beginning of the exercise, the system will give you some direction and temporary buildings.

After completing a certain number of tasks/killing a certain number of targets, you can directly apply to leave the battlefield.

After the colonial era is opened, the colonial mechanism will be upgraded to the battlefield of the exercise.

‘You have two unread messages. ’

Suddenly, a ringtone interrupted his thinking process.

‘An unknown contact sent you a message. ’

‘Please check it. ’

‘According to regulations, please do not disclose any information about the occurrence of this situation. If you violate it, 20% of the resources in the territory reserve limit will be deducted. ’

Unknown contact? No, there is no unknown contact option in the system's friend interface. It will show the nickname given by the lord. If the nickname is repeated, the lord's real name will be displayed after it. If the nickname and real name are repeated... then a 1234 will be added at the end...

This is the first time he has encountered such a scene in his two lives.

He saw that Muzi Shanshi also sent him a message. He should be very anxious to ask for help from him now, but at this time Ji Lin's attention is completely focused on the two messages from unknown contacts.

Click it, and two envelope-like things are suspended in front of him.

(I thought about it and decided to finish writing before updating. Otherwise, it would be embarrassing to click in and find that I haven't finished updating. I can't get full attendance in the first month of this month. By the way, please give me a good review! There are not many people who have commented on this book. If the review is high, it can attract others to read it. If many people read it, I will add more chapters. Thank you!)

(As for what kind of mechanism is this exercise battlefield modified by magic, I think someone can recognize it? I thought about it for a long time and found that this mechanism is suitable for the performance battlefield, and it stitches many other mechanisms. Because this chapter has a lot of settings and the update time is a problem, I will add one more chapter tomorrow.)

(Seeing that I update one or two chapters at a fast speed, if you think it's good, please give me a good review!)

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