The Eastern Outer City briefly fell under the control of the Eastern Allied Forces.

Before the lords of the Goliath Knights assemble the beast units, they will install their heavy cannon at the predetermined artillery position in the city, but this time the cannon on the artillery position is pointed at Goliath. The bastion main city of the Knights of Leah.

This 300mm heavy-duty mortar can project tens of kilograms of explosive packets 400 meters away. Although the accuracy is not flattering, it is still a heavy-duty force in the hands of the coalition forces that can effectively follow the front line.

There are no 꾫 beast units in the outer city of the bastion. The 꾫 beast units of the Goliath Knights are all placed in the main city and in the camps of various lords.

The Goliath Knights are one of the five large knights, and their garrison adopts the inner and outer city structure of a large bastion.

No one would put their own beast units in the outer city for easy management and dispatch.

No matter what, these beasts are the precious property of the lord, and daily maintenance is also an expense.

Trivial matters of city defense require the use of 꾫 beasts, and ordinary disturbances can be dealt with by the garrison in the outer city themselves.

On the contrary, the beast camp will hinder the mobilization and organization speed of conventional troops and reduce the defense efficiency of the outer city.

The Eastern Allied forces that have taken control of the outer city are undergoing brief preparations and are striving to launch an attack as quickly as possible after the preparations are completed.

And a large number of explosive packs accompanying the army are being sent to the outer city along with the passages opened by the cavalry and monster infantry. Those handsome wooden boxes contain enough explosives to send half of the eastern outer city garrison into the sky.


At the same time, within the Goliath Knights.

Main city central conference hall.

The top knights of the Knights are holding an impromptu meeting.

"How about it? Has the investigation been clear? Which sons of bitches are attacking us?"

A grand knight of the Goliath Order slapped the table.

"The other knights don't have the energy to attack the 놖s. Only the 녦s can be those despicable orientals."

Another big knight said.

"Oh, it must be the border lords on the Eastern Front who have a wrong idea, thinking that they will lose their combat effectiveness due to internal fighting."

꺗A great knight holds his hands.

Their knights, who are responsible for stationing on the border between the eastern and western defense lines, are considered number one, but they can also compete for the second position in terms of military strength.

The people of the Goliath Knights did not take this offensive seriously, and even thought that today's dinner was more important.

If they are the border lords of the Eastern Front, they often take people to fight against the autumn wind on the border of the Eastern Front. It is normal to massacre a camp today and rob two warehouses every day.

The weak deserve to be killed.

"The people on the Eastern Defense Line will attack the border lords for them. Oh, those border lords are also cowards. They want to pay money to avoid disaster after being threatened."

The chief knight of the Goliath Knights said.

"It may also be an attack by the cowards who were beaten back by the Crusaders. Even if the lords of the Eastern Defense Line don't know the general situation, they have fought against them twice."

In words, he had already guessed a lot about the attacking troops.

"Those cowards, the newly recruited lords still need to get used to it, they don't look like the chosen ones at all."

The great knights of the Goliath Knights spoke with a hint of contempt.

Because they care about this attack at all, no matter from any angle, their large fortress built on the border of the two lines of defense is impregnable.

In their view, the only flaw is probably that the newly added, newly integrated lords are too familiar.

놊 is too familiar and needs some time to get used to.

Unless the Eastern Defense Line really launches a large-scale offensive and gathers a large number of troops, beasts and siege engines, their main city will never fall.

But how can that be done?

Those Easterners and Khitan people are idiots. They know the consequences of launching a war.

Can they withstand the wrath of the entire Western defense line?

There are at least a hundred lords living in this city built on the basis of a super large bastion. The standing army has as many as 100,000 and there are countless groups of war mages.

There are also beast units that serve as strategic deterrents.

This is an iron wall that will definitely fall, and just now the Easterners only managed to break through one of their outer walls by virtue of their information superiority and surprise advantage.

Most of the great knights thought so.

The great knights of the Goliath Knights spent fifteen minutes in a brief discussion and came to a conclusion: this was an attack force deliberately released by the Eastern Defense Line to test their own.

This would only be a trial attack force, a wave to test their combat capabilities.

All the evidence points to this well-supported hypothesis.

If they make a mistake and repel this force easily, then anything will happen... But if they lose...

The chief knight himself felt ridiculous. How could they be killed by a feint attack force?

If this fortress can be breached, then they can all go back to their own territory to pick up cow dung!

"Do you want to confirm their authenticity and encourage these guys who were beaten to pieces by the Crusaders to launch an attack? It's a waste of time. One person can beat them all until they cry for their fathers and mothers!"

The great knight who slapped the table straightened up and saw his colleagues gearing up around him.

It's just another kill of the Orientals, even if they were forced back by the Holy See Crusaders, there's nothing to be afraid of.

They didn't fight the legendary Crusaders, but killing some Orientals to train the troops now is not a bad choice.

The chief knight of the Goliath Knights stood up, clapped his hands, and stopped his colleagues from discussing.

"Okay, brothers, are you ready? Try to resolve the battle before midnight. I want to have a good sleep and let these Orientals know who is in control here."

It's time to send those attackers on their way.

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