The rune lamp illuminates the narrow interior of the Peregrine class. In order to save space for equipment, the Peregrine class has only half the space of its prototype Seagull class.

The officer's voice is echoing in this large space. The soldiers on duty lean against the bulkhead and hold the 04-type single-shot rifle in their hands tightly. The 04-type mark indicates that this weapon was just developed and put into production last year.

The 04-type rifle is still an older bolt-action single-shot model, while the new 05-type rifle is a semi-automatic weapon. Standard Mining is only allowed to hold the old 04 rifle.

"What is a live iron net?"

Jiang Lu listened to the officer's order and asked the veteran sitting next to him in a low voice.

The veteran's eyes fell on Jiang Lu's somewhat immature face, and then moved to Jiang Lu's reserve shoulder badge, realizing that this was a new recruit who had just been transferred here for a long time for training.

The military department occasionally assigns some territory recruits to the industrial command ship of the Standard Mining Flag for intensive training in the form of actual combat assessment, so that they can carry out low-risk assistance work on board.

"New recruits? Temporary assignment?" asked the veteran, and then took out a piece of paper brown sugar from the inside of his clothes and threw it into the ship.

"Yes! You belong to the 7th squad of the garrison duty of the 113th ship. The squad leader said that you should come out to gain some experience!" Jiang Lu said.

"Then you really met a good time, at least you can help the artillery carry shells on the deck." The veteran chewed the brown sugar: "Wait for you to be next to you. If the people on duty know that their sons have been killed, ha..."

"Can you suppress us with firepower?" Jiang Lu asked.

It refers to the 20mm semi-automatic machine gun turret at the bottom. The semi-automatic machine gun is lighter, thicker, and more suitable for installation in the form of a turret on the belly of the Peregrine-class interceptor, while it needs to occupy a large amount of cabin space like a 75mm gun.

The semi-automatic machine gun turret installed at the bottom of the ship has higher flexibility and better firing range than the 75mm naval gun,

but the space of the Peregrine is relatively narrow. The Peregrine with an acceleration device and external armor will generally install naval guns and semi-automatic machine guns at the same time.

Installing two weapons at the same time means that it will need to carry ammunition for both weapons and spare parts for both weapons at the same time.

It is just a three-meter-class "ship".

"It's best to have a chance." The veteran said: "Our trained soldiers can move at a speed of 100 meters per second, and some elite troops in the archives can even move at a speed of 100 meters per second. We can assume that the elite soldiers of the Holy See do not have this assault capability, and the machine guns must be able to keep up with our speed."

As far as the veteran knows, the Night Raven can effectively avoid direct firepower through mobility, making range killing weapons such as grenades more effective against high-mobility units.

Once they are close to the distance of hand-to-hand combat, the soldiers of the territory will get much benefit. The veteran thought of the territory's 05-type automatic rifle and the pump-action shotgun that is being developed.

Maybe when the new weapons come out, they can slightly recover their disadvantages in the hand-to-hand combat process.

"So we need to set up iron nets to intercept the charging troops?" Jiang Lu asked: "By delaying their steps to ensure the killing efficiency... We learned this in the military academy. At the same time, minefields should be deployed to further reduce the speed of enemy infantry, and grenade launchers and mortars should be used to suppress the enemy behind the attack bunkers."

"Correct." The veteran raised the rifle in his hand, unloaded the magazine and reloaded it: "But we only have rifles, so check your weapons, so the following steps can be eliminated."

Jiang Lu took a deep breath, straightened his back and leaned against the metal bulkhead : "What is that live wire net?"

"New recruits, you have seen barbed wire, right? Just replace the barbed wire with plants..." Another veteran looked at the chattering: "A moving wire net. If you have seen them clearing monster nests, you should know that this thing can cover an area when thrown, and it will wrap around those who are close like a snake."

Jiang Lu has seen barbed wire. In fact, what they train most in the military academy is how to cross the barbed wire... Jiang Lu and the graduates of the class think they have mastered this skill, and even the instructor in charge of them thinks they have mastered it.

But climbing barbed wire is still one of the main physical training items for military academy soldiers.

"The things that the tree man friend gave us are usually stored in the body of the big tree that serves as the water purification device of the industrial command ship." The old soldier smiled: "Don't think that guy usually only purifies water and provides some fresh fruits and vegetables to the canteen. It has a few deadly seeds in its body... It's just a little bit of a stunner..."

This is the first time that Jiang Lu knows that the tree man who travels with the ship will carry plant seeds cultivated by the tree man.

"What?" Jiang Lu asked.

"This thing is very powerful. I was almost dragged into the iron net by it last time." Another old soldier who talked to him complained: "Maybe you should talk to Colonel Li Yan and let him adjust it."

"It's as if any of the plants under the tree man's hands can identify the enemy." The old soldier shrugged: "When you usually bury mines..."

Jiang Lu listened to their jokes and suddenly felt that the first time on the battlefield was not so scary.

"Give me some blood." The old soldier drew out the bayonet from his waist and handed it to Jiang Lu: "I want you to stab yourself and feed it to the living iron net. The dormant living iron net needs a little stimulation to wake up."

The veteran twisted open the glass bottle containing the vine extract, mixed it with Jiang Lu's blood, and threw it into a box with a live iron mesh.


The Peregrine interceptor ship has dropped to visual height. Whether it is priests, soldiers on the ground, or paladins sitting in the banquet hall and commanding them, they can all see the interceptor ship fleet with its engines shining purple light in the night sky.

"Damn it!" Iver took a deep breath: "Our target is 놖's troops...Yes, and that giant beast. Our target is the corpse of that giant beast."

She didn't have the energy to deal with the descending fleet. As a paladin, she had to maintain a protective shield here. Even if one of the shellings just penetrated the shield and fell into the crowd, the consequences would be disastrous.

In this situation, she can only trust the ability of her own vanguard army.

"Spread out the formation! 꿯Spell discrete formation!"

The soldiers of the Korean Army dispersed quickly under the command of the centurions. The centurions more or less guessed that the airship would clear the area from east to west, and they quickly chose the most effective discrete formation to deal with the fire bombing.

The only things that can cause damage on the battlefield are artillery, as well as high-level spells from the mages and priests. These high-range spells can deal with soldiers forming an array and hit them accurately.

The soldiers of the Holy See were naturally trained in arrays of range spells, but the dense number of people in the square made them seem a little confused.

The interceptor ship opened its belly compartment and dropped boxes of "living iron nets" that were in a cryogenic state from mid-air.

The vine extract mixed with human blood in the glass tube burst open and spread into the living iron mesh vines that were dormant at low temperatures.

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