"It's the alchemical poison again."

The leader of the cavalry team lowered his gas mask and shot the struggling cavalry on the ground, ending his subordinate's painful struggle.

Use death to make his soul return to the territory and enter the resurrection process, and no longer have to endure the burning pain brought by the alchemical poison gas.

The cavalry captain turned the bolt, ejected the yellow-orange and dark-gray shell from the chamber, and put it into his waist bag.

Reloadable shells are very valuable materials, and reloading and processing bullets is not a particularly high-tech and difficult job. Many lords' small factories also rely on selling secondary or even multiple reloaded bullets to make a small profit...

Every one of them sells bullets at the same price... Of course, the quality is also the same. There are factories that can make their reloaded bullets much different from ordinary bullets.

The best ammunition is definitely the new ammunition produced by Standard Mining. The second best is the ground lords purchasing production machinery to produce various caliber ammunition by themselves. Standard Mining only supplies the three mainstream full-power ammunition... Because the market is huge and ammunition is consumable, the price is still cheap.

This also gave other ground lords a glimmer of business opportunities. They launched their own "custom ammunition", injected with darts, iron sand, and engraved with spell markings.

They may buy new ammunition for special modification, so they also buy reloaded shells.

Even these front-line rangers will casually discard these reloadable copper shells, and bring them back to the quartermaster to exchange for some narcotics such as cigarettes and alcohol.

"Only one person died. You guys pick up his equipment."

The other cavalrymen seemed to be used to it. They tightened the reins and watched the bodies of the cavalrymen on the ground disappear in the light stream. The lenses under the leather gas masks only revealed indifference.

A cavalryman took off the purifier hanging on his horse to clean the equipment stained with alchemical poison.

The purifier will wash away some of the alchemical poison on the equipment, and the residual poison needs deep treatment to eliminate it.

These equipment stained with alchemical poison may be used by the cavalry under the frontline lords, but they can be sold to other lords at a lower price for centralized recycling. But no matter what...they will leave their equipment where it is and leave it to the Vatican troops.

Half a year of fighting has made this land, which is already shrouded in shadow, even more gloomy. I don’t know if it is soaked in blood or the seasons change.

Looking up at the sky, you can only see a faint fluorescence at the bottom of the sky island, and you don’t know what kind of plants growing at the bottom emit star-like light.

Alchemical poison is just one of the traps that the mobile cavalry will encounter. It kills a lot, but the number is small. There are countless other types of spell traps. These traps are similar to the mines on the blue planet and contain a large number of deadly spells, causing trouble for the passing cavalry.

And the lords will also let the accompanying spellcasters place various trigger traps on the road that the Vatican troops must pass. The spellcasters under the lords are worse than the redemption army in mastering deadly traps.

I don't know if it was intentional by the system or it should be like this. The rare resources in the shadow area appeared like a fountain after several large-scale battles broke out before.

Their actions seemed to nourish the land, and the land in turn nourished other people on the land.

And around these rare resources, more intense small-scale conflicts occurred.

There was no more large-scale battle at the regiment level before, but a large-scale battle between combat teams, but the downgrade of the battlefield scale did not lead to a decrease in intensity.

The Church invested a large number of front-line interception trenches to block the mobility of the lords' cavalry. They needed to eliminate the lords' mobile cavalry, and they only needed to find a way to restrict the opponent's movement to obtain a relatively safe rear.

The mobile cavalry will periodically let the monster infantry carrying medium-caliber artillery bombard the camp interception trenches. The regular and stable bombardment can always cause small casualties to the redemption army and ordinary troops in the trenches, and the psychological pressure that comes with it makes them hide in the anti-bombardment bunkers under the trenches.

This place has become a "war zone".

There are more and more resources scattered on the battlefield. Both sides are sending their own mobile forces or concealed forces to recover the abandoned weapons and equipment and resources from the battlefield, and their deaths will lead to more and more resources on the battlefield.

Although there are quite a lot of scavengers in the redemption army of the Holy See, which makes resource recovery more efficient, their horses can be replenished immediately after death like the lords.

The cavalry captain asked the remaining cavalry to open the way first, and slowly cleared a safe passage out of the obstacles.

They did not bring a special beastman to clear the way. I heard that some lords have brought beastman monster infantry to clear the way, which is more effective and cheaper than using cavalry to clear obstacles.

This kind of monster infantry, which has been strengthened by shamans, has a lot of toxins and spell resistance. One monster infantry can clear a route for the cavalry to pass through the trap.

As for the occasional rage of beastmen, it is not a problem. It is a one-time consumption of troops anyway.

Following the improvement of weapons, the dispatched troops have become the main source of profit for many rear lords, and everyone takes what they need.

The undead lord can also send a special undead mage to help clear the way, but the hiring cost of an undead mage is very cheap. Only a relatively large cavalry team will consider using an undead mage to open a safe passage.

Behind the cavalry were ten rat troll monster infantrymen carrying long-barreled mortars. These modified monsters with long black hair could carry the weight and keep up with the cavalry.

Each gun group consisted of two rat trolls, one carrying the gun barrel and the other carrying the mortar shells mounted on the frame.

When the lords first considered the firepower problem, they took a detour, that is, using the traditional horse-drawn artillery method to bring the mortar to the front line. After using it for a while, they found that it was too difficult to set up on complex terrain.

The lords brainstormed for a long time. Since various monster infantrymen can directly use their bodies as launchers, should I optimize the launcher? This way, I can even save the weight of the gun frame to carry mortar shells.

Then they got a heavy mortar group with more abundant firepower.

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