"The damn rain has finally stopped."

The soldiers in the coalition bunker stretched out their hands, and no more raindrops fell in the damp and cold air.

The heavy rain brought humidity, more frequent inspections and maintenance, and the construction of fortifications that had to be carried out in the rain.

They also needed to dig special drainage channels in the rain to divert water from the trenches, otherwise, with this rainfall, their trenches would be flooded sooner or later.

They also used soil to completely bury the corpses on the battlefield, allowing the soil to wrap and decompose the corpses to prevent the epidemics caused by these corpses that were too close from spreading to the coalition positions.

Humidity is a hotbed of disease.

After a great disaster, there will be a great epidemic.

Another coalition soldier handed the warm tea heated by charcoal fire to his colleague, and the tea heated in the stove dispelled the coolness in the environment.

"At least during this period of time, we don't have to worry about being attacked by those crazy people. Drainage canals are being built everywhere... OK, take a sip, the tea bricks just delivered from the rear..."

The drainage system of the coalition's fortifications is also underdeveloped, but they can use monster infantry to turn over the soil and dig out temporary drainage channels.

Simple, effective, and more direct front-line engineering troops.

Automatic machinery is not suitable for exerting its full potential in such a muddy environment because of its heavy weight. The intelligence advantage of biological units is more obvious at this time.

Monster infantry will at least not fall into the ditch and be unable to climb up because of stepping on air. It takes several infantrymen to carry the armored units out of the ditch with self-rescue wood.

Digging, extending, making the form of the battle line more suitable for one's own combat.

But no matter what, the heavy rain has changed the two battle lines separated by several kilometers beyond recognition.

"Hot tea, so good... Have you changed the supplier?"

The coalition soldier took the hot tea handed over by his colleague. This is the resource provided by the rear lord under the operation of the war system.

No one can tolerate the frontline lords fighting hard while the rear lords sit back and enjoy the fruits of their labor.

We are all on the same boat.

One pays the manpower tax, and the other pays the resource tax.

The vast majority of lords wisely choose to pay taxes to ensure their existence. Those lords who cannot tolerate the existence of "taxes" are politely "invited" out of this world.

Alliances with equal interests and obligations last long.

"The farming lords are like this. The frontline lords only need to fight hard, while the rear farming lords have more things to consider."

His colleague shrugged, took a sip of his hot tea, and felt refreshed.

Although a new lord supplied tea bricks, he could not tell the difference between the two bricks, but they both smelled so refreshing.

"This is a tea brick that was just knocked off the brick. Our team will live on this tea brick for the next week."

Tea and tobacco are the most consumed materials on the front line of the coalition forces. The rich spirit-boosting hormones in them can restore the soldiers' mental state within the body's acceptable range.

In layman's terms... it is to lower blood pressure.

Tea will be made into bricks and distributed to each front-line unit for soldiers to use, while tobacco will be packed and sent to the front line after being pressed to improve the combat effectiveness of the soldiers.

Alcohol has a wider range of uses. The quota allocated to the front line is not as much as tea and tobacco, but the highest command will distribute a certain amount of alcohol to the front line.

In difficult times, the morale of the soldiers depends entirely on these military supplies.

Adequate logistical support is a thousand times more important than false promises that cannot be implemented.

"I miss the sugar quota more. Hot tea with a little sugar can make you sleep comfortably."

The taxes paid by the lords in the rear will be distributed to various sub-forces after the system of the highest command is deployed, and used as battle resources to maintain the combat effectiveness of the front-line troops.

"Be content, it's good to have tea. I asked the people in the logistics department before, and they said that all the transportation capacity on the entire front line is used to transport ammunition and food..."

They sipped hot tea and complained about the supplies in the rear.

But the current shortage of consumer goods is much better than when they were soldiers in the lord's army.

The lords' soldiers who used to hold cold weapons may not have hot food every meal, let alone special quotas for tea, tobacco, sugar, and alcohol.

No longer using horse-drawn carriages, piggyback transportation, and the development of rail transportation of steam trains have made it possible to ensure the supply of front-line materials.

However, the transportation capacity still prioritizes the timely replenishment of ammunition and spare parts.

"The bullets were fired like water. The bullets that we spent a long time moving were all used up by the machine gunners in less than ten minutes."

"There is no way. They are all elite shooters from various companies trained as machine gunners. Forget about the crossbowmen. There are two teams of archers in the camp who were directly pulled to serve as machine gunners."

"Everyone was carrying cold weapons a few months ago. How can they adapt to the firing rhythm of machine guns so quickly? We still have to send the shells to the logistics department."

"I heard that the Supreme Command is going to send instructors to train these machine gunners hard and let them learn how to save bullets."

The two chatted intermittently and lit the stove in the bunker to provide some temperature.

As a guard and monitoring force, they need to wait in the trench bunker until the clock goes halfway and the next guard team comes to replace the duty.

A coalition soldier raised his head.

"I say, have any of us installed a flashlight in the front?"


"No, the new team hasn't set out yet... Didn't the brigade commander say before that we should install some ever-burning lamps to prevent enemy attacks? They shouldn't have set out yet, and the equipment hasn't arrived yet... Why are you asking this?"

What is that light spot on the ground in the distance?

The coalition soldier grabbed the simple telescope on the table.

Two white shadows flickered on the horizon.

She stretched out her hand and pointed to the continuous position hidden in the darkness in front of her, and her light white robe rose slightly with the movement.

She said.

"God said: Silence."

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