It turned out that his plan was flawed.

The front was still a one-sided massacre.

The patrolling Chang Heng only killed a gray wolf that tried to climb over the wall. The gray wolf was swept down by a spear before it climbed over the wall. Although the 2.5-meter-high vertical wall was made of mud, the height was still an insurmountable defense.

The test team composed of Golin and gray wolves, who lost their minds due to their enthusiasm, did not consider the possibility of attacking from other sides at all. There were also gray wolves trying to attack the front wall, but the wooden frame had already connected the entire mud wall, and the overall structural strength was more than doubled.

The only result of rushing in rashly was a bloody head.

However, too many people died.

The dense rotation of spearmen curbed the momentum of the mixed charge.

Even with Ji Lin's talent, he could see that the spearmen were beginning to lose strength. Using a 10-pound spear to thrust was also a very physically demanding task. The heavy spears used by the formation spearmen did not consider swinging, but were mainly required to hold the line.

The corpses of the golems mixed with the gray wolves had filled up the previously reserved opening. The dead golems alone had already spread a layer of half a person's height on the wall. If it was a little higher, these golems and gray wolves would use the corpses to climb the mud wall.

The numbers displayed on the panel in front of him showed.

[Golems: 103, Gray Wolves: 22]

There were nearly 100% of the enemies surrounding and preparing to launch an attack.

"Get ready to throw!"

The villagers standing behind him had already picked up the blocks he had taken out from the warehouse according to his order. This block weighing 1kg can hurt people.

They don't need to have high throwing accuracy. There are enemies outside. Throwing it at the head can kill people.

The villagers swung the blocks and threw them hard outside the mud wall.

One wave of throwing reduced the number of Gelin group by one tenth.

Is it enough?

Should we retreat to make room?

The corpses piled up in the small opening. Nearly a hundred corpses were laid out, making the spearmen face enemies at a higher position. The piled up corpses also reduced the attack space of the spears.

The stabbing of the spears was more difficult.

He admitted that he had not considered this problem.

The pressure is too great. If the spearmen retreat two steps, they will leave a gap for the attackers to rush up. The most fearful thing in war is to lose their position.

Once the height of the corpses is close to the city wall, it will be very troublesome for these things to climb the city wall.

The spearmen are still fighting bloody. Ji Lin saw that their spears and clothes were stained with the blood of monsters, and they seemed weak every time they thrust their spears.

Facing three times the number of enemies...

But now the ratio has reached 1:1.

There are no casualties on our side. Should we send someone out to take away some of the golems?

But there are gray wolves mixed in the golems, and the gray wolves move very fast.

His goal is to win without any damage.

"Changheng, you flip out and attract as much attention as you can, and take them around."

Ji Lin's eyes fell on the centurion, who clasped his fists and flipped over the wall.

He figured it out, and let the hundred soldiers under his command go out to attract the attention of the monsters, pull away some of the monsters to reduce the frontal pressure.

Retreat, what retreat?

The enemy can step on the corpses to come in, and they can also step on them to go out, and the advancing spearmen can also break through the defense line.

Spearmen have never been a type of soldier that can only defend!

"The first row of spears, hold the pile of corpses, the first and third rows of spearmen raise the tip of the spear!"

Ji Lin shouted, and the spearmen held the spears in their hands tightly:

"Listen to the command! Get ready to move forward!"

Since you can only charge madly, then let's see if there are enough of you left and your spears are long enough!

Ji Lin held the spear and wanted to jump to fight with them together, but there was no room for him to play here. The positions that should be filled with people have been allocated by him, and he would cause trouble if he went there now.

His judgment was correct. The morale of the Golems had actually completely collapsed. Because of the special reasons of the system, these Golems would not collapse, but their combat effectiveness had actually been reduced to a limit.

The spearmen advanced without any resistance.

Changheng was slightly injured and scratched by the suddenly attacked gray wolf. The speed of the Golems whose morale had collapsed was also seriously affected. They could not catch up with Changheng who was standing firm. They were led away and dispersed the frontal forces. The gray wolf that could catch up was also killed by several spearmen standing on the wall.

When they were still trying to make up for it, a dying gray wolf suddenly jumped up and scratched Changheng's thigh.

The battle was over, and the last dying Golem was killed by the spear.

How to say it, perfect?

The sense of oppression was still as strong as ever.

The system also timely called out to announce that his upgrade was achieved.

‘You have successfully fought against this wave of enemy attacks, please choose to upgrade the era’

[Classic Era (Magic)]: We have long realized that some of us have potential beyond our imagination. We don’t understand, but we can try to use it.

[Classic Era (Runes)]: Do you know those lines that suddenly appear? They represent a certain form of rules between heaven and earth. We can use them.

[Classic Era (Technology)]: We have long understood that there are no gods in the world, and everything depends on our hands.

A classic three-choice dilemma.

Different eras will bring different bonuses to your civilization. He actually wants to choose magic and runes, but he didn't follow the early magic school in his previous life, and he didn't know how to play the rune flow.

Moreover, both the magic flow and the rune flow can be switched directly from the regular school in the later stage, and the technology term... will give an amazing feature when upgrading the era later.

He may not choose it.

In his previous life, he only promoted to an ordinary Classic Era without a suffix, and now the three that appear can choose with suffixes.

There is a feeling of happiness.

Ji Lin chose technology for himself, not for anything else, just because technology can make him upgrade faster. He doesn't plan to stay in the Classical Era for too long. His real goal is to run to the Third Era as soon as possible.

The Third Era is the starting point for the lords to reform their civilization drastically.

It is also the starting point for the flourishing of all flowers.

'You have chosen the era [Classic Era (Technology)], the cost of the era upgrade is -20%, you have unlocked the blueprint: [Academy], and the wonder: [Great Library] has been added to your building. '

Unexpected gains, not only the era cost is -20%, but also the blueprint of the academy and the wonder library can be unlocked in advance.


[Requirements]: Food: 4000, Minerals: 1200, Gold: 600

[Features]: It can be used as a research building, consuming food and gold to improve the education level of the territory's population, limited by the affairs officer who presides over the academy and the level of civilization era.

[Introduction]: Condensation of wisdom.

[Great Library]

[Requirements]: Food: 4000, Minerals: 1200, Gold: 600

[Features]: Wonders (increases stability, attractiveness, and livability of the territory), technology research and development speed +5%, experience acquisition of officials +5%, and hero unit generation rate +5%.

[Introduction]: Knowledge needs to be stored somewhere.

These two are really good things. The name of the academy sounds good, but in fact, it is just something that studies buildings and improves the knowledge level of the territory's population. It also has active abilities and costs money. Before the colonial era, it was okay for everyone to be illiterate, so most people rarely used the ability to improve the knowledge of the territory's population.

Wonders, the more wonders, the better!

The generation rate of hero units is difficult to obtain, just like generals and officials like Changheng and Chongshan, and there will be great engineers, great scientists and other units in the future.

It's just too expensive. If he remembered correctly, the price of this large library was close to the cost of entering the third era.

'Your race has survived an era upgrade, please choose a civilization characteristic'

Another three choices.

'Blood purity: +5% physical limit, -5% physical decay, +5% experience growth (mutually exclusive with blood fusion)'

'Subordinate population: add a subordinate population'

'Skilled in farming: +10% food output. '

Here it comes! Ji Lin's eyes are focused on the characteristic upgrade. The era selection will only change an era, and the characteristic upgrade will accompany the civilization to the end!

The characteristic upgrades brought by the three era upgrades are all very good. One is the blood purity he needs most. The subordinate population will directly give you a chance to choose a race, and add subordinate races equal to your main population as slaves. The system will increase the population supply given to you each time. The subordinate race will be kept as a slave population before the industrial era.

You can select subordinate populations multiple times. This type of feature is called a stackable feature by players. If you select it once, it will inevitably appear in your optional features later.

Until it cannot be stacked.

Non-stackable features are not necessarily good, but they are more extreme than ordinary features. For example, the feature he saw in his previous life: [Farsightedness] can directly increase the overall production and research and development speed, but the cost is reduced stability and increased population maintenance costs. [Subspace Collusion] will require the sacrifice of population in exchange for special troops and buildings, which will also reduce stability.

Stability is also a resource.

Back to the original topic, if you select too many subordinate populations, you will become a palette-type civilization.

The advantage is that the population is large enough, and the disadvantage is that a lot of problems unique to palette civilizations will emerge after the industrial age, and the population maintenance cost will be much higher than that of normal civilizations.

Bloodline Purification will directly awaken the potential of magic after two times, and it is stronger than the magic awakening obtained in general. The third time will increase the total production... The second time... The second time is a secret question. He has never seen anyone publicly discuss what will happen after the second time of Bloodline Purification.

But in the final analysis, these are not what ordinary people can choose. Ji Lin only got a +5% food production feature after the hard work of upgrading multiple lords at that time, and there was no choice.

"Civilization Lasts Forever" is unfair.

There are very few rare features, and more of them are those that seem to be taken from nowhere by the system to fill in the numbers.

The values ​​are also very stingy.

Ji Lin curled his lips and chose Bloodline Purification.

The selection of era rewards and civilization rewards is completed, and the only thing left is his personal reward.

He is also looking forward to what personal rewards he can get.

‘Rewards are given according to players’ needs,’

‘Quest Book: Steam and Steel’

‘Equipment: Hold on to the flag (increases the defense ability of the troops by 20%, -15% garrison morale decay.)’

‘Equipment: Fine steel armor (light armor infused with rune power, +80 armor strength.)’

Ji Lin's eyes were fixed on the task book called Steam and Steel.

A-level task book, Steam and Steel, can only be produced by players in the first era. After all, this copy is extremely close to the normal steam era, but it is mixed with some rune and magic civilization branches. The things produced in it are super mixed, but each one is very valuable.

As long as he can get a little good results in it, he can get the special blueprint from the classic era directly from the steam era.

Even if there is only one building blueprint for training the lowest-level front-loading musketeers, it is enough for him to walk sideways for several eras.

Although the other two are good, one makes a turtle shell, and the other allows him to be a top general on the battlefield, but they are nothing compared to the task book that can directly obtain the blueprint building that transcends the times.

The system really understands his needs.

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