Class Reunion: Shut Up And Stop Bragging

Chapter 18 Solve The Problem With A Slap

Jin Chonghuan has never seen such an arrogant person since he started learning martial arts!

"Within three moves, I will definitely knock you down!"

Jin Chonghuan raised his middle finger to Chu Yang, and his domineering words immediately caused screams from the audience.

"Ahhh, so handsome!"

"Chonghuan Oppa, quickly knock him down!"

"What a handsome guy, quickly knock down that Korean pretender."

"You dare to pretend in my Magic City? Anyone can take care of you! Handsome guy, come on!"

Under the ring, Jin Chonghuan's face-loving fans have already quarreled with Chu Yang's new fans.

The next second.

Chu Yang stretched out his left hand and directly broke Jin Chonghuan's erected one!


The intense pain made Jin Chonghuan scream.

Immediately afterwards, Chu Yang clenched his right fist and slapped Jin Chonghuan in the face.

With a bang, Jin Chonghuan fell to the ground from the ring like a sandbag and fainted.

"Fuck, fuck, it's over?"

"The handsome guy really took less than a minute to defeat Jin Chonghuan!"

"Jin Chonghuan, that's it? That's it??"

"I'm dying of laughter, there are still three minutes left, not even a minute!"

"Ahhh, so handsome! I really want to know the handsome guy's name, I want to lick the little brother's face and strength."

Jin Chonghuan was KOed in just three seconds!

Remembering that three seconds ago he vowed to defeat Chu Yang.

Three seconds later, he was slapped down by Chu Yang!

This picture is so cool!

"You want to challenge the masters of my Magic City with this little ability, go back and practice for a few more decades before trying again!"

Chu Yang flicked the dust off his body.

His casual words were no different from beating the Koreans to the ground.

Jin Chonghuan's companions looked at Jin Chonghuan on the ground and were all dumbfounded.

Who is this man?

He beat Jin Chonghuan to pieces with just one slap?

And it took only three seconds, no, maybe even one second to beat Jin Chonghuan to death!

When did Shanghai produce such an amazing person!

"Chonghuan Oppa, Chonghuan Oppa, wake up!"

"Hey, the one on the stage, you are just sneaking up!"

"That's right, my Chonghuan Oppa is so powerful, how could he be knocked unconscious by a slap from you?"

"Chonghuan Oppa is injured, so sad!"

Jin Chonghuan's fans couldn't help but scold Chu Yang in the audience.

Chu Yang's fans were not to be outdone:

"You, Oppa, who didn't even have ten seconds, don't deserve to waste a minute of our male god's time!"

"Only our male god is kind, otherwise your Oppa probably wouldn't last a second."

"I really feel sorry for my male god's hand, he is so thick-skinned, I wonder if his hand hurts."

"Sad +1."

Jin Chonghuan's fans almost got into a fight with Chu Yang's fans when they heard this.

Chu Yang's eyebrows moved slightly. He glanced at the audience and said calmly: "Whoever wants to fight, come up and fight. There is a ring. Don't use it!" Chu Yang's words directly stopped the fight in the audience. Are you kidding? Chu Yang defeated Jin Chonghuan in one encounter. Can they last more than a second if they go up! ? "Sir, your sneak attack is too much! You started before we shouted! It simply corrupted the martial arts ethics of the magic city martial arts community!" Jin Chonghuan's companion Jin Cheng ran to the ring with people and immediately put the blame on Chu Yang. "The martial arts ethics of the martial arts community is that the strong is the king. It is a fact that Jin Chonghuan can't beat me. If you are not convinced, then come up and fight me! This time, I can let someone live five more seconds. Within fifteen seconds, if your people can touch the corner of my clothes, I lose." Chu Yang put his hands behind his back. The expression of "if you can touch the corner of my clothes, I lose" was simply arrogant to the extreme. What does it mean to let someone live five more seconds! Jin Cheng's companions were so angry that they almost rushed forward.

They had never seen such an arrogant person!

"Jin Cheng, go up and fight him."

Jin Chonghuan's companions immediately arranged for Jin Cheng, the strongest fighter here, to fight.

Jin Cheng also wanted to defeat Chu Yang to establish his authority.

He walked to the ring and said to Chu Yang provocatively: "My subordinates, Jin Cheng, never fight unknown people. Tell me your name!"

"Your name is the same as your surname. Chu Yang, stop talking nonsense and come quickly. It's just a matter of ten seconds."

Chu Yang's attitude angered Jin Cheng.

After saluting, Jin Cheng immediately waved his fist and hit Chu Yang.

Chu Yang faced Jin Cheng's attack as if he was strolling in the garden.

A hook punch, missed.

A kick, missed.

A tiger pounce, missed.

After three moves, Jin Cheng didn't even touch the corner of Chu Yang's clothes.

"God Chu, fifteen seconds are up!"

Under the ring, someone shouted that the time was up.

Chu Yang suddenly moved violently, and he stretched out a slap and slapped Jin Cheng in the face.

Then, Jin Cheng's body flew up, turned in the air, and flew backwards.


Jin Cheng's body fell to the ground.

Seeing Jin Cheng being slapped away again, the whole audience fell into silence.

This time, everyone saw Chu Yang's action.

From beginning to end, Chu Yang really only used one slap!


Author's words:

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