After Ye Kexin returned to her seat, she took out her phone and tapped something.

The female assistant beside her was curious, but she didn't peek.

After all, she knew what her responsibilities were.

But when the sound of Doudou short video came from Ye Kexin's phone, she subconsciously looked over, her eyes full of surprise.

Could it be that Goddess Ye was downloading Doudou short video just now?

"Sister Ye, you don't want to watch the live broadcast just now, do you?"

The female assistant thought of something and asked in surprise

"Well, I think it looks good!"

Ye Kexin said in a cold tone:"Xiao Ke, do you know how to watch live broadcasts?"

"I know!"

When Xiaoke has nothing to do, he will watch Doudou videos to kill time.

"Then can you help me see how to watch the live broadcast just now?"

Ye Kexin handed the phone to Xiaoke, and Xiaoke had to do it. After a while, he entered the"Qingqing" live broadcast room.

At this moment, the discussion area was flooded with crazy comments.

Everyone was saying that Qingqing was the white moonlight of the ordinary-looking man.

"White moonlight?"

Ye Kexin looked at the comments of netizens, her red lips curled up again, and she watched the live broadcast with interest.

But when she saw the comments saying that the ordinary-looking man was pretending to be rich, and was so stubborn, she frowned.

Xiao Ke beside her suddenly felt that the air around her seemed to be getting colder and colder.


On the other side,

Jiang Fan felt his nose itchy.

Could it be that someone was talking about him?

"Eat, the food won't taste good if it gets cold!"

Seeing that they had been chatting and hadn't moved their chopsticks, Jiang Fan smiled and reminded them.


Shen Qingqing hummed.

Maybe it was because of the conversation just now that she felt less resentful.

At least she understood who Jiang Fan was pretending to be.

During the meal, the netizens in the live broadcast room were also jealous.

"This dish looks pretty good."

"Needless to say, do you know how much any random dish there costs?"

"I think this meal will cost at least one month's salary of Jiang Fan, right?"

"More than that, at least two months!"

Looking at the comments in the live broadcast room, Shen Qingqing thought about it and made a decision in her heart.

"What a coincidence, Qingqing, are you also eating in this restaurant?"

At this moment, a hearty voice came.

Shen Qingqing looked up and was startled.

It was Lin Tianyu.

Lin Tianyu was handsome, wearing an expensive suit, a pair of gold-rimmed glasses, and a friendly and elegant smile.

"Who is this guy? He's quite handsome!"

"Replying to the above, this person is the classmate that Qingqing had an appointment to meet a few days ago. I don’t know his name, but I know he is Lin, and he is definitely a successful person!"

"He is more than just a successful person, he owns a company worth hundreds of millions. It's not uncommon to say that he is one of the first generation of entrepreneurs and the first generation of rich people!"

"Tsk tsk, take a close look at Lin Tianyu’s outfit. That’s a suit from the world-renowned brand, Sinaida. A set would cost at least hundreds of thousands!"

"This guy is truly a wealthy man. He is no match for Jiang Fan who pretends to be a rich man!"

"Just the temperament alone is not comparable to that fake rich man Jiang Fan!"

When Lin Tianyu appeared, all the female netizens in the live broadcast room were dazzled.

""Mr. Jiang, who is this?"

Shen Qingqing stood up and prepared to introduce Lin Tianyu to Jiang Fan.

"I know, we met a few days ago!"

Jiang Fan smiled and replied before Shen Qingqing finished.

Met a few days ago?

Shen Qingqing was stunned for a moment.

However, she didn't think much about it when she thought that Jiang Fan's phone number was given by Lin Tianyu.

"So Qingqing is meeting her classmates. We are all classmates, so you don’t mind meeting together, right?"Lin Tianyu smiled humbly.

Shen Qingqing looked at Jiang Fan, as if asking what Jiang Fan meant.

"I have no problem!"Jiang Fan said with a smile

""Student Lin, Student Jiang has no objection, and neither do I!" Shen Qingqing nodded.

"Then I won't be polite. Why did you order so little?"After Lin Tianyu sat down, he glanced at the table and shook his head.

"There are only two of us. We ordered too much and couldn't finish it!" Shen Qingqing explained quickly.

"It's too little. I think we should add a few more dishes. What do you think?"Lin Tianyu pushed his gold-rimmed glasses and smiled casually.

Shen Qingqing was a little hesitant. She didn't expect to meet Lin Tianyu here.

"I have no objection!" Jiang Fan said

"Okay, classmate Lin, you watch it!" Shen Qingqing suggested.


Lin Tianyu smiled elegantly, called the waiter, and ordered some more dishes.

"Isn't this too much?" Shen Qingqing said worriedly.

"It's okay, I'll treat you, Shenda campus beauty, classmate Jiang, don't fight for it." Lin Tianyu smiled casually, his tone was heroic.

"In fact, it’s okay to add a few more dishes. If you can’t finish them, you can pack them up!" Jiang Fan suggested

"Jiang, there's no need to pack up the leftovers. It's a bit unhealthy!" Lin Tianyu shook his head slowly.

"Haha, Jiang Fan's petty nature was exposed immediately."

"It turns out that rich people are rich. They are not like Jiang Fan, who wanted to pack up the food to take home after he couldn’t finish it."

"This is the difference between a truly tall, rich and handsome man and a fake rich man!"

"I think it's normal to take away what you can't finish at a restaurant."

"I support Lin's statement that packing leftovers is unhealthy because leftovers may lead to the growth of bacteria and microorganisms during storage, some of which will produce nitrite. Nitrite is a chemical substance that may pose a certain risk to human health if it exists in food.

Although it is only a possibility, I don't think any rich person would eat leftovers knowing that it is harmful to their health!"

"The above explanation makes sense, but I will still pack up the leftovers, if for no other reason than to avoid wasting food!"

The live broadcast room was full of discussions

""Student Jiang, what Student Lin said makes sense." Shen Qingqing hurriedly tried to smooth things over.

Jiang Fan nodded and said nothing.

""Classmate Jiang, speaking of graduating from high school, we haven't been in touch for quite a few years, right? How have you been doing these years?" Lin Tianyu said with a concerned look on his face.

"Not bad!" Jiang Fan said

"Really? Then let's get together for the next high school reunion. I couldn't find a way to contact you before, but now I know. Don't refuse!"

Lin Tianyu's eyes flashed with contempt, but his face still showed that he cared about his classmates.

"We'll talk about it next time!"

Jiang Fan looked into Lin Tianyu's eyes and smiled softly.

"That's fine!"

Lin Tianyu smiled, but snorted in his heart.

If Shen Qingqing was present, he would not bother to invite a delivery man.

This time, he came here on purpose to slap her in the face and show off in front of Shen Qingqing.

But at this moment, a beautiful piano sound rang out in the whole hall.

Shen Qingqing looked towards the hall curiously.

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