You should know that Kyoto Conservatory of Music has a very high status in Longguo.

Because many music masters in Longguo come from Kyoto Conservatory of Music.

And those who can be teachers at Kyoto Conservatory of Music, their level is beyond doubt.

"Who would have thought that a delivery man’s piano skills could be recognized by teachers at the Kyoto Conservatory of Music!"

"Could it be that this is a case of experts emerging from the common people?"

"I have a question, since Jiang Fan’s piano skills are so high, why does he still have to deliver takeout?"

"Yes, with this level of skill, wouldn't it be great to be a piano tutor or open a piano class? You can easily earn tens of thousands of dollars a month!"

"Have you ever thought about this, to be a tutor or to open a piano class, you need proof, like a piano grade test certificate, a teacher qualification certificate. Without these certificates, which parent would dare to hire a person with no qualifications as a tutor?"

"Can Jiang Fan take the exam?"

"Young man, you are still too young. Jiang Fan can take the amateur piano exam, but the professional exam requires a degree.

Someone like Jiang Fan who hasn't even graduated from high school, let alone taking the exam, I'm afraid he won't even be allowed to enter the door!"

"No way, I need a degree to take the piano exam?"

"Otherwise, but I remember that if the amateur piano level reaches the ninth level, as long as you are ten years old, you can also take the professional piano exam!"

Shen Qingqing didn't expect that a great player would appear in her live broadcast room.

Although senior professional pianists are not considered the top ones in the country, they are considered great players in the eyes of ordinary people.

Moreover, what Shen Qingqing didn't expect was that Jiang Fan's piano level was even better than that of senior professional pianists.

Does that mean that Jiang Fan's piano level has reached the advanced professional level?

But since Jiang Fan's piano level is so high, why is he still delivering food?

This made Shen Qingqing incomprehensible.

However, when she saw a comment in the live broadcast room saying that playing the piano also requires academic qualifications, she suddenly fell silent.

"Qingqing, what's wrong?"

Lin Tianyu noticed that Shen Qingqing was staring at her phone in a daze, so he asked.

Shen Qingqing raised her eyes and told him what happened in the live broadcast room.

Lin Tianyu frowned after hearing this.

"Is it possible that the teacher is fake?"

Lin Tianyu naturally didn't believe that Jiang Fan's piano level would be so high, but in order to prevent others from misunderstanding that he was jealous, he explained

"Qingqing, you also know that there are too many true and false things on the Internet now, and any picture can be faked."

In the live broadcast room

"Student Lin is right. Who knows whether that teacher from Kyoto Conservatory of Music is real or fake?"

"Everything can be photoshopped nowadays, maybe the music conservatory teacher’s credentials were photoshopped!"

"I never believed that Jiang Fan, a delivery man, could play the piano so well!"

"I want to report someone who PSed national ID information!"

"+1 for reporting!"

"You little haters above, please go and check out the official Weibo of Kyoto Conservatory of Music!"

"Haha, no need to watch, I'll take a screenshot and show you guys!"

At this moment, the official Weibo of Kyoto Conservatory of Music posted:

【Teacher Liu is really a teacher at our Kyoto Conservatory of Music, and has won many famous awards in China.

And it also has a picture.

Teacher Liu is standing on the podium, holding the trophy

"Oh shit, he’s actually a teacher from Kyoto Conservatory of Music!"

"I said before, the teachers at the music academy dare to show their credentials, which means they are not afraid at all."

"Even if Jiang Fan plays the piano well, what’s the use? He’s still just a delivery man!"

"The reason why Jiang Fan delivers food is because he is unable to take the professional piano exam. If he could, he would have been a teacher at a music college now!"

"Who made Jiang Fan not study hard? If you want to blame someone, you can only blame himself for not studying hard."


Kyoto Conservatory of Music.

When Mr. Liu saw someone saying that his ID was photoshopped, he immediately contacted the publicity department of the conservatory and asked them to publish a statement explaining the situation.

"Xiao Liu, is it necessary to make such a big fuss?"

A middle-aged man in his forties or fifties with a refined temperament shook his head helplessly.

"Dean, I just don't accept it. They can question whether my certificate is fake, but they can't question my professional level!"

Teacher Liu said seriously:"And Dean, listen to this young man's piano playing level, isn't it very high?"

"Well, it's really good!!"

Listening to the lingering piano music coming from the phone, Dean Sun nodded in agreement.

"It's a pity that this young man didn't graduate from high school. According to the association's regulations, he can't take the piano professional assessment. Otherwise, this young man wouldn't be delivering food!"

Teacher Liu said with regret.

"It's a pity!" Dean Sun also agreed.

"Dean, there is one thing I have never understood. Why does the music of our Long Country need to be measured by academic qualifications?"Teacher Liu thought of something and said seriously,

"I have met several amateur pianists whose level is no less than that of professionals. However, because they are professionally trained, they are rejected by the association. Is this reasonable?"

Thinking of several good friends he knew, Mr. Liu couldn't help but feel indignant for them and asked:

"Xiao Liu, the association will not change because of one person."President Sun said softly

"And after all, you only meet a minority. The vast majority of amateur pianists cannot even compare with professional standards!"

"It's like Jiang Fan's piano skills are really good, but not better than yours, because his piano sounds more like imitating the world-renowned master Mozart, and imitation is always soulless. A song without soul, no matter how beautiful it sounds, is not music!"

President Sun has always known that Teacher Liu is dissatisfied with the rules of the Piano Association, but the rules of the association are not decided by one person.

"Let's not talk about Jiang Fan for now. Dean, I just want to ask you, if Mochat or Bei Duofen are Dragon people, can't the association make changes because of them?"

Teacher Liu asked back

"Xiao Liu, you are just daydreaming. Whether it is Mochat or Bedouin, they are foreigners, not Chinese!"

Dean Sun chuckled.

Teacher Liu was silent, and finally nodded silently.

"This may be the reason why our Long country cannot produce outstanding musicians. It is ridiculous to measure music by academic qualifications and experience instead of talent!"

With that, Teacher Liu strode away, leaving only Dean Sun who looked helpless.


On the other side,

Shen Qingqing was very excited when she saw the post from Kyoto Conservatory of Music.

She couldn't tell why.

""Student Lin, look, the Kyoto Conservatory of Music has posted an official Weibo, saying that Teacher Liu is really a teacher at the Kyoto Conservatory of Music!"

Shen Qingqing immediately told Lin Tianyu, who was standing beside her, about the post by the Kyoto Conservatory of Music.

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