[Revealing the secret! The dual musical identity of Jiang's son】

【Bedouin and Mochat, it turns out they were both him】

【Jiang's mother revealed: My son is a double legend in the music industry!】

【The true identities of Bedoufen and Mochat were revealed, and netizens were shocked!】

【It turns out that Bedofen and Mochat are both masterpieces of the same person! 】

For a while.

Topics about Bedofen and Mochat became hot searches on major media platforms.

No wonder the major media platforms are so well-informed.

Since Jiang Fan was exposed, many far-sighted media people have seen the traffic password on Jiang Fan.

Once Shen Qingqing broadcasts live, they will enter the live broadcast to watch.

It is to find topics related to Jiang Fan.

And Yuanyuan's live broadcast room has also become completely popular on the entire Internet.

The popularity of the live broadcast is even higher than that of the first-line Internet celebrities in short videos.

Because Yuanyuan started the live broadcast on the first day, the short video headquarters thought that there was a problem with the system.

But when they learned the truth, they suddenly realized it.

What they never expected was that this matter also alarmed the top management, asking them to give a lot of traffic to Yuanyuan's live broadcast room.

It seems that the power of Bedofen and Mochat is so great that even the top management was alarmed.

"The old thief Jiang is hiding too deeply!"

"Who says it isn’t? Back then, people thought the battle for the god was a showdown between two great piano masters, but who would have thought it was actually a solo by one person!"

"It’s so abominable. It caused us, Bei fans and Mo fans, to fight for so many years. It turns out they were fighting for one person!"

"Who understands? We, Mo fans, have been deceived for so many years!"

"Upstairs, now you understand the complexity in the hearts of us comic fans, right? We have been fighting with Xiaozizi for so many years for Jiang Laozei, and finally found out that Xiaozizi’s so-called first cartoonist is actually Jiang Laozei himself!!"

"Damn, he’s such a thief. From now on we’ll just call him Old Thief Jiang!"

"That's right, from now on we will all call him Jiang Laozei!"

Originally, the title Jiang Laozei was just a name given to Jiang Fan by Longguo comic fans.

After all, who would have thought that Longguo's No. 1 cartoonist and Xiaorizi's No. 1 cartoonist are the same person.

But at this moment, there is another group of people calling Jiang Fan Jiang Laozei.

"But have you noticed, last time Jiang's mother learned that Jiang Laozei was a world-famous cartoonist, she was very calm, and now that she knows that Jiang Laozei is a piano master, she is still very calm!"

"He is indeed worthy of being someone who has experienced many ups and downs!"

"I think Jiang Ma is from an older generation and doesn't understand comics and piano."

"I think so too~!"

Many people started to talk about Jiang Ma's calmness.

After all, if other people knew that someone around them was a famous person, they would at least be surprised and shocked, if not incoherent.

But Jiang Ma didn't show any of these expressions.

It seemed that Jiang Ma didn't care about Jiang Fan's identity, or didn't care.

"I guessed it right, I said my father is Mochat!"

Yuanyuan, who was standing by, knew that Jiang Fan was Mochat, and she was immediately happy.

"Really? Then Yuanyuan is really smart!"

Jiang Ma touched Yuanyuan's little head lovingly.

""Grandma Yuanyuan, I admire Mr. Jiang so much. I didn't expect that Mr. Jiang could create so many classic piano pieces by himself?"

Liu Wei looked at Jiang Fan's piano manuscript again and was very impressed.

If Jiang Fan was not at home now, he would have worshipped him. This is simply a genius. No, this can no longer be described as a genius.

"You're too polite. My son is just like that. He doesn't work hard, just like his father!"Mother Jiang said with disdain.

Liu Wei, Shen Qingqing and Zhou Shuya immediately stopped talking.

"What Jiang Ma said was so heartbreaking!"

"Who says it isn't true? If that old thief Jiang is also considered to be not doing his job properly, then I am simply hopeless!"

"Shit, they were clearly talking about that old thief Jiang, why did I feel like my heart was stabbed?"

"What’s wrong with this world? Watching a live broadcast can be so heartbreaking!"

"Is this what parents are like? No matter how good their children may seem to outsiders, they are still just children in their eyes?"

"This matter is not over yet. If Jiang Fan doesn't update a few hundred cartoons, it will be difficult to appease my fragile heart."

Countless netizens broke down and expressed that they were deeply shocked. They asked Jiang Fan to update the cartoons, and some even asked Jiang Fan to compose piano music.

"Grandma Yuanyuan, I see these piano pieces are from the past. Could it be that Mr. Jiang hasn't composed any new piano pieces in these years?"

Liu Wei coughed dryly and quickly changed the subject.

"How would I know this? But since my daughter-in-law got pregnant, my son has rarely touched the piano!"

Mother Jiang recalled and said softly.

Liu Wei's eyes were full of pity.

"What a pity! If Jiang Laozi had continued to compose piano music after the Battle of Gods, who knows how many classic pieces he would have created now!"

"It’s hard to say, Jiang Laozi is not a perpetual motion machine that can create continuously!! ?"

"I think it's most likely that Jiang Fan has run out of ideas."

"Even if Jiang the old thief has run out of ideas, so what? He has composed so many piano pieces, enough to make him a god!"

"I think it might be a good thing that Jiang Laozei doesn't compose piano music now. Disappearing at the peak of his popularity is called retiring at the height of his powers!"

"Am I the only one who thinks family is a burden to men?"

"Upstairs, you are courting death!"

At the same time.

In the seat of the plane, Li Yueru leaned quietly, with headphones in her ears, closing her eyes and resting.

Suddenly, she felt someone beside her pushing her

"What's wrong?"

Li Yueru slowly opened her eyes, took off her sunglasses, looked at her assistant Xiaolu, and said calmly

"Sister Li, Jiang...The identity of my classmate has been exposed again!"

Xiaolu looked around and said in a low voice, as if he were a thief.

"Exposed again?"

Li Yueru was stunned for a moment.

Wasn't it revealed not long ago that Jiang Fan was a Bedouin?

Then what was exposed now?

Is he a good friend of Mochat?

"Yes, you can see that everyone on the Internet is saying that Jiang is Mochat!"

Xiaolu immediately handed the phone to Li Yueru.

Li Yueru took the phone, took a look, and was stunned.

"Is Jiang Fan done yet? He has two pseudonyms for playing the piano. Does he think he is the protagonist? Do you want to write an autobiography for him in the future, called"Jiang Fan, your pseudonym has fallen off!"

Li Yueru couldn't help but swear.

In fact, it's no wonder that Li Yueru is angry.

Ever since she was blamed for nothing and was scolded on the hot search.

Although it was not the first time that she was scolded on the hot search.

But being regarded as a scapegoat by someone, she was more or less unhappy in her heart. Xiaolu on the side was silent.

Before, she really thought that Sister Li was Jiang's wife.

After all, someone on the Internet had taken a picture of Jiang and Sister Li meeting privately.

But later, Li Yueru explained that it was an accident.

Well, she believed it.

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