"Haha, Jiang's mother belittles her son all the time!"

"Jiang Fan is so awesome, but his mother says he is useless. Then I am just trash."

"I saw my own mother in Jiang's mother. My mother is the same. I bought a house and a car with my own ability, and I have savings and a stable income, but my mother always thinks that other people's sons are so much better and better. Later, I asked about it and found out that other people's sons don't earn as much as I do, and they also rely on their parents to buy houses and cars."

"There is no way, this is the way parents are in our Dragon Country, they always PUA their children, but what they don’t know is that this is destroying the children!"

"Upstairs, isn't it a bit too much to use PUA?"

The way Jiang Ma belittled Jiang Fan immediately caused controversy in the live broadcast room.

"By the way, Aunt Jiang, do you know Ellie Hathaway?" Zhou Shuya suddenly asked

"What is the snake tail? Who is that?"Jiang Ma asked in confusion

"Aunt Jiang, it's Ellie Hathaway, she's the second richest woman in the world!" Zhou Shuya explained.

Shen Qingqing wanted to hold Zhou Shuya back. Is this a question she can ask? Isn't this trying to destroy other people's families?

Of course.

Shen Qingqing didn't know what the relationship was between Ellie Hathaway and Jiang Laothie.

But being able to get Ellie Hathaway to pick up the piano meant that they at least knew each other.

Zhou Shuya's question immediately ignited the entire live broadcast room.

"I almost forgot that Elle Hathaway personally picked up the Warsaw piano for Mozart, and Mozart is the old thief Jiang, so what is the relationship between the old thief Jiang and Elle Hathaway?"

"I think it's mostly just a friendship, after all, Jiang the old thief is a married man!"

"Can’t a married man cheat on his wife?"

"You have to consider the person you are cheating with. Not only is Ellie Hathaway the second richest person in the world, she is also a great beauty. She may not necessarily be attracted to the old thief Jiang!"

"Don't you know that rich women tend to choose talented men as partners?"

As for the relationship between Jiang Fan and Ellie Hathaway, netizens in the live broadcast room quarreled.

Some said that Jiang Fan and Ellie Hathaway were just ordinary friends.

Others said that the relationship between the two was not simple.

"I don't know him!"

Jiang Ma shook her head and said

"So that's it!"

Zhou Shuya felt a little sorry.

She thought she could find out some things about Ellie Hathaway and Jiang Fan.

Shen Qingqing felt relieved for some reason.

She really didn't expect her best friend to ask anything.

This is really a big deal.

At noon, Shen Qingqing, Zhou Shuya and Liu Wei had dinner at Jiang Fan's house, sat for a while, and then said goodbye and left.

"Come back when you have time!"

Jiang Ma sent Shen Qingqing and the other two to the way down the mountain and said

""Okay!" Shen Qingqing nodded.

"Big sister, can I connect with you during my live broadcast?" Yuanyuan said crisply.

"Sure!" Shen Qingqing said with a smile

""Goodbye, big sister, sister Zhou, and teacher Liu!"

Yuanyuan waved her hand cutely and said goodbye. Shen Qingqing and the other two also said goodbye and went down the mountain.

It was very difficult on the mountain, but it was very easy to go down the mountain. After a while, they arrived at the Taoist temple, which still had many tourists.

But what would happen when Jiang Fan's identity as a piano master was exposed?

Looking at the Taoist temple in front of him, Shen Qingqing couldn't help but think in her heart

"You're the one who killed me!"

Suddenly, a shrill voice came, and a black shadow pounced on her.

Fortunately, Shen Qingqing had practiced martial arts, and her reaction was extremely fast. She dodged the person who came to catch her, and then she grabbed the hand of the black shadow with one hand.


Shen Qingqing pressed the black shadow to the ground.

"Liu Chunnan, what do you want to do?"

The black shadow was none other than Liu Chunnan.

"Let me go! Shen Qingqing, you are the one who hurt me. You are the one who blocked my account with millions of fans!"

Liu Chunnan's eyes were full of anger. He struggled desperately on the ground, but still couldn't break free.

"You deserve this!" Shen Qingqing said calmly.

"Qingqing, why waste time talking to this kind of person? Just call the police!" Zhou Shuya said coldly

"You dare!"

When Liu Chunnan heard the call to the police, he felt a flash of fear in his heart, but he still threatened

"See if we dare to do it!"Zhou Shuya didn't like Liu Chunnan.

Liu Wei didn't know what happened.

But he could see that Liu Chunnan and Shen Qingqing had some grudges.


In the following days, the news about Jiang Fan's identity continued to ferment on the Internet, causing the Wusong Scenic Area to be extremely popular in the past few days. It was even crowded.

After Shen Qingqing handed Liu Chunnan over to the police, she took a statement and went back.

After that, she kept paying attention to the situation on Jiang Fan's side.

Seeing how popular the Wusong Scenic Area was, Shen Qingqing felt mixed emotions.

In the past few days, she also tried to contact Jiang Fan.

But every time she called Jiang Fan's mobile number, it was either turned off or out of service area.

Sometimes, she wondered if it was because of the exposure of his identity that Jiang Fan chose to turn off his mobile phone and disappear in order to avoid the disturbance of the outside world.

Jiang Fan's dual identity as a piano master caused a lot of controversy on the Internet.

Because someone in Longguo finally won the Warsaw piano that represents the glory of the piano.

And there are two.

But before netizens could be happy that Longguo had a Warsaw piano, a well-known media person wrote an article saying that although Jiang Fan's two identities both became piano masters, he was only one person after all, and he was only worthy of one Warsaw piano, so.

Let Jiang Fan return the other Warsaw piano, so as not to let Westerners think that Longguo people like to take advantage of small things.

These remarks.

At the time, they received support from many people.

But some people refuted that it was Jiang Fan's ability to get two Warsaw pianos.

So, the two groups of people argued endlessly on the Internet.

But it is obvious that the party that thinks Jiang Fan deserves two Warsaw pianos does not have the upper hand in the argument.

In fact, Shen Qingqing saw the post of the well-known media person.

Originally, she thought that what the other party said made sense.

But after reading the other party's remarks carefully, she felt something was wrong.

Although it seems that the other party kindly reminded Jiang Fan to return the extra Warsaw piano. But no matter how you look at it, it is implying that Jiang Fan's attempt to obtain two Warsaw pianos is immoral and makes the West look down on Longguo.

But she doesn't know how to explain for Jiang Fan.

After all, at present, only one person has really obtained two Warsaw pianos.

"Now it’s all right, thanks to Jiang Fan, the whole world knows that we Dragon people like to take advantage of small opportunities!"

"Doesn't Jiang Fan feel ashamed? He is not ashamed to be fleecing others internationally!"

"There is no way, this is a gene engraved in the bones, it can't be changed."

This kind of speech continued to ferment on the Internet, as if it had become a mainstream view.

Shen Qingqing looked at these comments and felt very dissatisfied and angry.

She naturally knew that there were some cockroaches behind the scenes, fanning the flames, and discrediting the piano master who had finally appeared in Longguo.

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