Seeing the comments in the live broadcast room, Shen Qingqing's eyes suddenly became complicated.

She didn't understand why Jiang Fan didn't care about the professional assessment of piano.

But after seeing the comments of netizens, she was silent.


Jiang Fan is not alone now.

He needs to support his family and work hard for his family. How can he have so much time to stick to his own interests?

""Student Jiang, if you have any difficulties, you can tell us. After all, we are all classmates. If we can help, we will definitely help you!"

Lin Tianyu said with a caring attitude.

"Thank you, I don't have any difficulties that need help!"Jiang Fan shook his head and declined.

""Mr. Jiang, although this is a live broadcast, don't be stubborn just for the sake of face!"

Lin Tianyu sighed, as if Jiang Fan was embarrassed to speak because it was a live broadcast.

"Student Lin is so considerate!"

"Let's not talk about anything else. Just say that Lin treats his former classmates well. If it were someone else, let alone hundreds of millions, I'm afraid that only a few thousand or a few million would look down on their former classmates."

"Lin is a good classmate!"

For a while, the live broadcast room was flooded with comments praising Lin Tianyu, but some netizens still felt something was wrong.

"Am I the only one who thinks that classmate Lin is a bit hypocritical?"

"I have the same feeling. Student Lin knew that this was a live broadcast, but he still asked Jiang Fan if he needed help. If I were him, I would refuse too!"

"The person above is trying to whitewash Jiang Fan. He is so poor, why does he still care about his face?"

"Don’t poor people need face?"

"I see some people who have been brainwashed by certain TV dramas and really think that poor people are as mean, taking advantage of others and shameless as they are in TV dramas.

I can tell you clearly that truly poor people often care more about face and will not let others look down on them for the sake of taking advantage of others. Therefore, they value dignity more."

"I support the above statement. Just like the old lady who lives next door to me, she has good financial conditions and a monthly pension of tens of thousands, but she always likes to go to the supermarket to take some things home. She was discovered two days ago. Not only did she not admit it, she also insisted that the supermarket should compensate her for mental damages."

Shen Qingqing also wanted to help Jiang Fan.

But she did not choose to speak in the live broadcast room.

Instead, she planned to ask Jiang Fan if he needed help after the live broadcast.

But she didn't expect Lin Tianyu to say it first.

However, she didn't think much about it, just thinking that Lin Tianyu was well-intentioned.

""Student Lin, you misunderstood. I don't need any help, and I'm doing very well now!" Jiang Fan shook his head again.

"Okay, this is my business card. If you have any difficulties in the future, you can always come to me!"

Lin Tianyu took out a business card from his chest pocket and handed it to Jiang Fan.

"Thank you!"

Jiang Fan took the business card without hesitation.

"I didn't expect that Lin has opened a company?"

Jiang Fan took a look at the information on the business card. Lin Tianyu, the president of Tianyu Real Estate

"It's nothing, just a small company, but the company has been busy applying for listing recently, and the market value may increase several times by then."

Lin Tianyu smiled modestly, shook his head, and looked very distressed.

"This is too Versailles. Can a company that can go public still be called a small company?"

"Once Mr. Lin’s company goes public, won’t he immediately become a billionaire?"

"Now Mr. Lin is already a billionaire. If the company goes public, he will probably be a billionaire."

"It's true that people can't be compared. At the same age, Lin Tianyu is the president of a billion-dollar company, while I only get a salary of 3,000 yuan!

But when I saw Jiang Fan, I felt a little better!"

"Upstairs, Jiang Fan is just a delivery man, but as long as he works hard, he can easily earn over ten thousand yuan a month!"

"Damn, takeout is so expensive now!"

"I used to look down on Jiang Fan, but now it seems that I am the clown!"

Jiang Fan could naturally hear that Lin Tianyu was showing off.

But he didn't care at all. He just said"hmm".

Lin Tianyu couldn't help but frown at Jiang Fan's attitude, and felt very unhappy, but he couldn't show it at the moment.

"Qingqing, which classmate are you planning to meet next time?" Lin Tianyu smiled and turned to look at Shen Qingqing and asked

"Not sure yet!" Shen Qingqing shook her head,"But maybe the fans will choose the classmates to meet next time!"

The live broadcast room suddenly cheered.

"Long live Qingqing!"

""We are still Qingqing's fans!"

In the subsequent dinner,

Lin Tianyu spent most of the time communicating with Shen Qingqing.

In fact, it was Lin Tianyu who was asking Shen Qingqing questions.

Jiang Fan, who was standing by, was quietly listening and eating, as if he was just a bystander.

"Why do I feel that the person I’m meeting with in this live broadcast is Lin?"

"There is no need to think, it is obvious that Jiang Fan has been overshadowed!"

"Suddenly I feel annoyed with Lin. This was clearly a live broadcast to meet Jiang Fan, but with his making such a fuss, it has become his personal show."

"Yes, he was talking about how difficult and challenging it was for him to start his own business. If you didn’t know, you would have thought it was a live broadcast of him!"

"What's so good about Jiang Fan's live broadcast? He's a fake rich man who likes to pretend"

"Support the live broadcast of classmate Lin, he is the real tall, rich and handsome man, how can he be compared with the fake Jiang Fan?"

Shen Qingqing knew that the person she was meeting was Jiang Fan.

But because of the appearance of Lin Tianyu, and Lin Tianyu's good chat, he could always find various questions to ask her.

Unlike with Jiang Fan, they often had nothing to say.

Seeing Jiang Fan eating quietly, Shen Qingqing couldn't help but feel guilty.

"I'm going to the bathroom!"

Shen Qingqing saw that it was almost time, so she stood up.

"Just pay the bill, what are you talking about the bathroom!" Jiang Fan, who was very quiet at first, suddenly laughed.

Shen Qingqing was embarrassed and suddenly felt a little helpless.

She didn't expect Jiang Fan to guess her thoughts at once.

"Didn't we agree on this before? I'll pay the bill!" Jiang Fan said with a smile

"Don't fight over it, I said when I came in that this meal is my treat, and since I came here uninvited, naturally I will pay for it!"

Lin Tianyu also stood up.

"No, no, I'm very happy that you can come and live broadcast with me, how can I let you spend money?"Shen Qingqing hurriedly shook her head

"Qingqing, you are being too polite. You are a big anchor and our classmate. It is our honor to be able to live broadcast with you!"

Although Lin Tianyu said this, Shen Qingqing still declined:

"Mr. Lin, please don't make it difficult for me. The rule of our live broadcast is that all the expenses spent on the live broadcast will be borne by my company, and I can reimburse them when I return."

""Well, that's fine!"

Jiang Fan thought about it and didn't refuse.

Lin Tianyu's eyes flashed with contempt.

In his opinion, Jiang Fan agreed so quickly because he couldn't afford the meal.

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