"Don't you really need me to take you back?"

"No, my car is here. I will invite the students from class 3 to come out and have a get-together someday."

"Okay , don't forget Shen Dawanghong!"

In front of the coffee shop, Shen Qingqing smiled, got in the car and left, leaving the man with a disappointed look.

【My Concubine Qingqing] In the live broadcast room, the screen was swiped crazily.

"It’s over, it’s over, another former male classmate is infatuated with Qingqing!"

"╮(╯_╰)╭There is nothing we can do about it, since Qingqing is a goddess."

"Have you noticed that Qingqing's classmate has achieved quite a lot, only graduated for ten years, not only has a house and a car, but also runs a company worth hundreds of millions"

"And I heard from Qingqing that Lin used to skip classes when he was in school. He was a poor student and didn't even go to college. Those who went to famous universities probably only entered the society a few years ago."

"I agree. Just like the classmate Qingqing met last Friday, he graduated from a top university, but his monthly salary is only over 8,000 yuan!"

"Does this mean that studying is actually useless? It’s better to start a business early!"

"(╬ ̄Qingqing has met so many classmates. Among the students with average grades during school, only classmate Lin is doing well."

"I agree with the above post. Most of the students had good grades during their student life. The achievements of students who graduated from key universities will not be too low at the very least.

But the vast majority of those poor students can only do screw driving, work in the service industry, and make a living!"

"The person above is looking for trouble. Who says that poor students have to do the job of screwing screws? I just graduated from high school, and now I own a real estate company worth hundreds of millions.

Those of you who graduated from key universities have to work for me!"

"I also graduated from high school. Although I am not as good as the ones above me, I now have two cars worth hundreds of thousands of dollars and seven apartments. I am not worse than you college graduates!"

"It's not against the law to brag, who can't do it!"

"(▼へ▼メ)That's right, post pictures if you dare!"

The live broadcast room was arguing endlessly.

Shen Qingqing in the car looked at the crazy increase in the number of fans, and the corners of her mouth rose slightly.

Her name is Shen Qingqing.

Now she is a million-dollar Internet celebrity on Doudou short video.

Until now, Shen Qingqing still has a sense of unreality.

At the beginning, she and her best friend worked together to make short videos. She was responsible for the appearance and her best friend was the assistant in charge of operation.

Usually, she would post food recipes, travel photos, or beautiful selfies.

Because she is beautiful, she quickly attracted more than 100,000 fans.

But later, the content was too monotonous, and the fans did not increase much.

But when cleaning again, Shen Qingqing She noticed a high school graduation photo.

Looking at the photos from her student days made her fall into memories, wondering how these classmates are doing now.

Then, she had a flash of inspiration and an idea came to her mind.

That is to meet with classmates from her student days.

And this idea of hers was also recognized by her bestie.

They took high school graduation as the center and contacted classmates who had a good relationship with Shen Qingqing in the past.

But what Shen Qingqing didn't expect was that after ten years, they met again.

The classmate who used to have a cheerful personality now looked tired. Although he had a decent job, he often felt anxious and confused about life.

However, what Shen Qingqing didn't expect was that when they recorded the process of meeting high school classmates into a video and posted it on the Internet, it became popular overnight.

It only took two days.

It helped her attract hundreds of thousands of fans.

This made her and her bestie very happy.

Later, she saw many netizens commenting that they wanted to see how her other high school classmates were doing now.

Shen Qingqing and her bestie hit it off and decided to make a blind box of high school classmates to make a video.

And they seemed to have mastered the password for traffic.

Every time she met with a classmate, it brought her huge traffic and fans. Silk.

Until now.

Shen Qingqing has met with thirteen classmates.

There was the former class flower, now married, bloated, sallow, taking care of children at home, and has long lost the brilliance of the past.

There was the former school hunk, now has a stable career and is still single.

There was also a former male classmate, who became a female classmate when they met again.

In each meeting, Shen Qingqing also had different experiences and feelings.

Some people are lonely.

Some are confused.

Some are depraved.

Of course.

She also unknowingly became a tens of millions of online celebrities.

At the beginning, there were only two people in the small group, but now it has developed into a studio with more than ten people.


"Actually, I think the reason why Lin is so successful now has something to do with his family, because as far as I know, his uncle is in charge of energy construction in the city, and Lin is a construction contractor!"

Shen Qingqing smiled at the phone, and this smile immediately caused a frenzy of swiping the screen in the live broadcast room.

"Goddess Qingqing is so beautiful when she smiles!"

"Haha, I took a screenshot!(*^▽^*)┛"

"(✧◡✧)I have a friend upstairs who wants it, please chat privately!"

"Same as above!"

Seeing the topic going off track, Shen Qingqing smiled helplessly.

Suddenly, she thought of something, her eyes rolled around, and she smiled:"I think the next time I meet with my classmates, I'll let you choose them. What do you think?"

"Shall we pick?"

"This is good!"

Suddenly, the live broadcast room was boiling again

"However, if I can't find the classmates you selected, don't blame me!!"

Shen Qingqing smiled mischievously, causing a group of serious people in the live broadcast room to call her"wife"

"How could I blame Qingqing’s wife!"

"As long as Qingqing's wife gives the order, our million wolf generals will dig out her classmates even if they have to."

Looking at the comments in the live broadcast room, Shen Qingqing almost laughed out loud.

"Then, which classmate do you like?"

Shen Qingqing took out a high school graduation photo from her bag.

The live broadcast room was immediately flooded with photos.

"The third girl in the second row from the left was a pretty girl. I wonder how she is doing now?"

"The female classmate upstairs, Qingqing met her last month. She was the class beauty, and now she is as beautiful as Ruhua!"

"Qingqing's wife, the arrogant male classmate in the middle of the third row."

Shen Qingqing didn't know which one to meet.

After all, there were more than 40 classmates in her high school graduation photo.

"Goddess Qingqing, every time you meet up with students, it’s always the students in the first three rows. It seems like you haven’t seen the students in the fourth row very often!"

"Yes, if the person above hadn't mentioned it, I really wouldn't have noticed it."

Seeing this comment, Shen Qingqing was slightly stunned.

She picked up her high school graduation photo and took a look.

It was true.

During this period of time, she had not made an appointment to meet with the fourth batch of classmates.

"Haha, it really is the blind spot for graduation photos. Even the goddess Qingqing was ignored."

"Then the person you’ll be meeting next time will be chosen from the fourth row!"

"go along!"

"Agree +1"


"Echo +10086"

"I suggest that next time, Goddess Qingqing should meet the student on the far left of the fourth row, because this student reminds me of a classmate in my previous class, who also always keeps his head down."

Suddenly, such a comment popped up in the live broadcast room, and Shen Qingqing noticed it. She subconsciously looked at the person on the far left of the high school graduation photo.

This is a male classmate with ordinary appearance, ordinary clothes, long hair, and bangs covering his side face.

Shen Qingqing couldn't remember who this person was for a while.

She looked at the back of the graduation photo.

It said.

Jiang Fan

"Jiang Fan?"

Shen Qingqing thought about it carefully, and vaguely remembered that there seemed to be such a person in high school.

But she didn't have much contact with Jiang Fan.

In her impression,

Jiang Fan was a taciturn person in the class.

His grades were average.

He didn't have much presence in the class. He never participated in the activities organized by the class. If she hadn't been the class study committee member before, she really couldn't remember this person. The netizens in the live broadcast room also heard Shen Qingqing mention"Jiang Fan" and asked curiously. Shen Qingqing also honestly told about Jiang Fan's situation. The live broadcast room was immediately filled with people.

"Have you noticed that there are a few classmates in every class whose names you can’t remember?"

"There is nothing strange about this. People will only remember students who are unique and have good grades. Those who are not sociable and have average grades will only be drowned in people's memory!"

"That’s right, I was like this when I was in school. I had a low sense of presence in the class, but this was not what I wanted because I often felt lonely."

"I was like this when I was in junior high school, but then in high school, I tried hard to change"

"So, how are those students who used to be silent doing now? I am curious!"

"Is there any need to ask? He was so mediocre when he was studying, and he will definitely be the same after entering society!"

"Agree. Being unsociable means that this person is a loner and does not fit in with society, so he will not achieve much now."

"Who said that being unsociable does not mean that one is bad or lonely?"

"I support the above statement. In my opinion, a person who is taciturn is often a capable person with a lot of scheming.’"

"Of course there is a chance of success, but the chance is probably lower than winning the lottery!"


Seeing the tense atmosphere in the live broadcast room, Shen Qingqing hurried to smooth things over.

"How about this, we meet up with this classmate Jiang next time? See how he is doing now?"

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