"(=̴̶̷̤̄ ₃ =̴̶̷̤̄)♡Goddess Nan Nan is so cute!"

"If you were to describe someone, the phrase"silly and innocent" would undoubtedly be used to describe our goddess Nan Nan!"

"I didn't expect that goddess Nan Nan was also a junior high school classmate who pretended to be an emperor"

"Didn't someone say before that the pretender didn't look like a delivery man? Now you believe it, right? Lin saw the pretender delivering food with his own eyes!"

Looking at the comments in the live broadcast room, Liu Chunnan tilted her head and said cutely and coquettishly,"Family members, who is the pretender you are talking about? Why don't I understand?"

"Goddess Nan Nan, the king of pretending is your junior high school classmate Jiang Fan!"

"You don't know how good your junior high school classmate Jiang Fan is at pretending. If you give him an aircraft carrier, he can pretend to be so. He is nicknamed the Eternal Pretender!"

Seeing that many netizens in the live broadcast room exposed Jiang Fan's affairs, Liu Chunnan said belatedly:

"It turns out that Jiang Fan is a liar. I thought his family was demolished and compensated hundreds of millions! But why did Jiang Fan do this?

Seeing their goddess looking ignorant, many netizens came out to explain.

"Why else? Just to leave a good impression in front of the beauty!"

"This is how men care about their reputation. They can go hungry, but they can’t lose their dignity and face!"

Looking at the comments in the live broadcast room, Liu Chunnan looked as if he had suddenly realized something."So that's how it is, but is it really worth spending so much money to rent a luxury car?"

"However, I still have to thank Lin, otherwise I really wouldn't know that what Jiang Fan said was all lies!"Liu Chunnan pouted cutely and thanked Lin Tianyu

"This is nothing, I'm just telling you what I saw!" Lin Tianyu said politely.


On the other side.

Qingya Studio.

Zhou Shuya was a little surprised to hear that Liu Chunnan and Jiang Fan were classmates in junior high school. She didn't expect such a coincidence.

"I didn't expect Jiang Fan to be a food delivery man?"

When Shen Qingqing heard Lin Tianyu say that he met Jiang Fan on the road delivering food, she murmured, as if she didn't believe it.

"Jiang Fan's identity was exposed a long time ago, why do you still seem to be slow to realize it?"

If Liu Chunnan's surprise was real, Zhou Shuya would definitely not believe it.

She even suspected that Liu Chunnan deliberately said Jiang Fan to attract traffic to the live broadcast room.

But Shen Qingqing's surprise was obviously not artificial.

After all, she knew her best friend.

"I just don't quite believe it, because the last time I met Jiang Fan, Jiang Fan didn't give me the impression that he was a liar."

Shen Qingqing lowered her head and said softly.

Zhou Shuya really wanted to tell her bestie that she shouldn't judge people by appearance alone.

Especially those who look harmless, but no one knows what's going on in their hearts.


Zhou Shuya noticed that many netizens in Liu Chunnan's live broadcast room suggested that Liu Chunnan meet Jiang Fan in the next episode.

They wanted to see if Jiang Fan would still pretend after seeing Liu Chunnan.

Moreover, when Jiang Fan's name appeared in the live broadcast room, the popularity of Liu Chunnan's live broadcast room soared.

"What's wrong?"

Seeing Zhou Shuya frowning, Shen Qingqing asked curiously

"Your high school classmate is going to meet Jiang Fan?"

Zhou Shuya looked up at Shen Qingqing and said

"Meet Jiang Fan?"

Shen Qingqing was stunned for a moment, and immediately looked towards the live broadcast room. At this moment.

"Family, do you want me to meet Jiang Fan? But I don't have Jiang Fan's contact information yet."

Liu Chunnan looked embarrassed.

"I happen to have the contact information of classmate Jiang here?"

Lin Tianyu smiled as many netizens in the live broadcast room specifically asked Liu Chunnan to expose Jiang Fan's identity.

If Jiang Fan had not left suddenly last time, he would have already thought of how to expose Jiang Fan's identity.

Of course, he and Liu Chunnan deliberately mentioned Jiang Fan in this live broadcast. In fact, before this live broadcast, he had already met Liu Chunnan.


Liu Chunnan mentioned Jiang Fan in the live broadcast.

And he directly exposed Jiang Fan's identity.

After that, he deliberately guided netizens to let Liu Chunnan meet Jiang Fan.

At that time,

Liu Chunnan would directly expose Jiang Fan and make Jiang Fan feel ashamed.

"Great, thank you so much, Lin!"

At this time, Liu Chunnan looked like a very happy little girl and thanked

"This is nothing!"

Lin Tianyu thought that he acted quite well.

But he also pretended to take out his mobile phone and sent a string of mobile phone numbers to Liu Chunnan, asking Liu Chunnan to call directly.

"Then I'll call now?"

Liu Chunnan smiled at the camera and dialed Jiang Fan's cell phone number.

"Hello, the number you dialed is out of service, please try again later!"

Suddenly, an emotionless female voice rang out from the phone.

"Not in the service area?"

Liu Chunnan pouted, looking very disappointed.

"(¬‸¬) ?Where did the emperor go? It stands to reason that there are few places in Dragon Country without signal!"

"Yes, our country ranks first in mobile phone signal coverage in the world."

"Could it be that the pretender went to a no-man’s land?"

"(„ಡωಡ„)What was he doing in a deserted area as a food delivery guy? Delivering food?"

"The speculation above is not impossible. Maybe someone in the no-man's land ordered a takeaway, and the pretender went to deliver it?"

Seeing that Liu Chunnan couldn't get through to Jiang Fan's mobile number, all the netizens in the live broadcast room started to discuss it.

But Zhou Shuya was relieved.

She was really afraid that Liu Chunnan really made an appointment with Jiang Fan.

You know, Jiang Fan is still very popular in Doudou short video.

Especially Jiang Fan's emoticon package is the most popular and hottest emoticon package at the moment.

That's why Jiang Fan was named the eternal pretender by many netizens.

"Qingqing, what do you think about meeting Jiang Fan next time?"

Zhou Shuya suddenly thought of something, turned her head and looked at Shen Qingqing beside her, and asked.

In fact, she wanted Shen Qingqing to meet Jiang Fan again before, but she was a little concerned about Shen Qingqing's feelings.

"No, no, we have already met Jiang Fan before? And we have been live streaming for so long, and we have never met the same person twice."

Shen Qingqing thought about it and shook her head.

"How can this be the same? Jiang Fan left halfway through the live broadcast when we met before, which can't be counted as one time at all! And don't you want to meet Jiang Fan's two children who look like the national goddess?"

Zhou Shuya tempted.

She knew that her best friend was the number one fan of the national goddess Ye Kexin.

Of course, she was also a fan of the national goddess Ye Kexin.

Otherwise, she would not have become good friends with Shen Qingqing.

Because they have a common favorite idol.

"Still no!"

Shen Qingqing still shook her head.

Although she really wanted to meet Jiang Fan's two children who looked like the national goddess.

But she didn't want to see Jiang Fan being laughed at by many netizens.

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