"=͟͟͞͞=͟͟͞͞(●⁰ꈊ⁰● |||)Isn’t this classmate Jiang’s son?"

"He is so sensible. Not only did he pour tea himself, he also brought some fruit snacks!"

"(‧̣̥̇꒪່⍢꒪່ )Seeing how skilled Jiang's son is, I'm afraid he must have done these things a lot at home!"

"I looked at the kid playing games next to me, and I felt that my nine-year-old was not as sensible as other people’s three-year-olds?"

"`(*^﹏^*)′Nono wants to say that the one in my family is thirty years old and still playing with toy guns!"

"(∩ᵒ̴̶̷̤⌔ᵒ̴̶̷̤∩)Haha, upstairs, is your guy still wearing camouflage uniforms and aiming there?"

A group of netizens also saw Jiang Xiaoming serving tea and water, and they were filled with emotion.

As expected.

People can't be compared.

"Look at me, I forgot to make tea for you while I was talking!"

Jiang Ma was so excited by Liu Chunnan's flattery that she realized she had forgotten to serve tea to the guests.

"Hey, Auntie, the tea and fruit are ready!"

Liu Chunnan suddenly noticed that the tea was already on the table.���After eating fruits and biscuits, I was a little surprised.

"Was this done by Xiao Ming?"

Jiang Ma looked at Shen Qingqing with a smile.

"It's that child!"

Shen Qingqing nodded.

"Xiao Ming is like this, not very talkative, but very sensible. When he is at home, I am the one who helps with the housework and cleaning!"

Mother Jiang said with emotion.

"Xiao Ming also knows how to do housework?

Shen Qingqing was a little surprised.

She didn't expect Jiang Fan's son to help with housework and cleaning at home.

You know, Jiang Fan's son is only three years old.

What was she doing when she was three years old?

"It's not just housework, like drying clothes, folding clothes, wiping the table, and sometimes helping me cook."Jiang's mother smiled.

"இwஇI thought Jiang’s son was very sensible, but I didn’t expect him to be so sensible?"

"I can't be exaggerating, I don't believe that a child over three years old can do so many things?"

"The person above, just because your child can’t do it doesn’t mean other people’s children can’t do it!"

"Just now, Jiang’s son served tea and water to the guests. Everyone saw it. How could it be fake?"

"Haven’t you noticed that Jiang Fan’s two children have very different personalities? Although the son is taciturn, he is very sensible, while the daughter is smart but looks a little naughty!"

"。◔‸◔。How is our Yuanyuan naughty!"

"You can say that our Yuanyuan is smart, but you can’t say that she is naughty!"

"At such a young age, he dares to ride a pig around the village. Isn't he naughty? Not to mention a wild child is good enough!"

Although Yuanyuan has not appeared in the live broadcast room for a long time, it has attracted the attention of many female netizens and mothers.

How can they bear to see someone talking about their Yuanyuan.

For a while.

The live broadcast room seemed to be lit like a powder keg

"Speaking of which, Xiao Ming is exactly like his father when he was a child. He has been sensible since he was young!"Mother Jiang suddenly sighed.

"Aunt Jiang, did Jiang often help with housework when he was a child? Shen Qingqing asked curiously

"Yes, we didn't live here before. We had to work in the fields. Xiao Ming's father started helping with farm work when he was a few years old."

Thinking of the past, Jiang's mother sighed in her heart.

Shen Qingqing couldn't help but think of Jiang Fan carrying a bamboo basket to cut grass for pigs or herding cattle.

"Auntie, I am also from this county. I saw the news about your village being demolished that year. I heard that every household received a lot of compensation!"

Liu Chunnan said in a surprised manner

"Our village is lucky!" Jiang Ma smiled.

This is more than just good luck! It

's simply a blessing from the sky.

A hint of jealousy flashed in Liu Chunnan's eyes.

They were originally a group of bumpkins hiding in the mountains.

But they unexpectedly gained wealth that others would struggle for several lifetimes to have.

Moreover, she couldn't figure out what the developer saw in Wusong Mountain.

You know, Wusong Mountain is a very remote place, and many people in the county don't know about it.

But it was later developed and became well-known by the people in the county.

But even if they knew it, it was useless.

When the Wusong scenic area was first opened, local people would only go to the scenic area next door and were too lazy to patronize the Wusong scenic area.

Not to mention tourists from other places.

It was only after a long time that some tour groups came here to travel.

I don't know what the developer was looking for back then.

Just because the place is remote?

Live broadcast room

"(ˊᵒ̴̶̷̤ ꇴ ᵒ̴̶̷̤ˋ)I'm so envious, this is like getting rich overnight!"

"(◞‸◟ )I don’t know when it will be my hometown’s turn to be demolished!"

"Don’t even think about the above, this is something you can only encounter by chance!"

"In fact, I don’t think that everyone can get rich through demolition. My house was also demolished, and the compensation was only three or four thousand per square meter!"

"(‧̣̥̇꒪່⍢꒪່ )It can’t be that little, right?"

"This is true. Generally speaking, the compensation for rural demolition is not much, and only a few first-tier cities can really make people rich through demolition!"

"To be honest, it is rare for a village like Kaoshan to be able to pay so much compensation."

"( ^_^ )?Then why did Kaoshan Village pay so much compensation?"

"Who would have known that a remote rural area not only had to pay back the villas, but also had to pay so much compensation? I can only say that the developer was too conscientious!"

"I just checked, the developer of the Rime Scenic Area is actually a company with a registered capital of only 10 million, and this company only developed the Rime Scenic Area!"

"( ﹁ ﹁ ) ~→That’s totally problematic!"

"Who says it's not? It feels like the developer is just developing the Wusong Scenic Area!"

Netizens have different opinions.

Some say there is a gold mine underground in the Wusong Scenic Area.

Some say there is an ancient tomb underground in the Wusong Scenic Area. In order to monopolize the ancient tomb and conceal their tracks, tomb robbers specially registered a company and robbed the tomb in the name of development.

Some people say that the Wusong Scenic Area may be a fraud park.

Anyway, there are all kinds of rumors.

Zhou Shuya looked at the comments in the live broadcast room and felt a little amused.

But what she didn't expect was that what Jiang Fan said during the first meeting was actually true.

The luxury car was real.

Although the compensation of several hundred million has not been confirmed, it is almost certain.

When she thought about pulling Jiang Fan into the studio and doing live broadcasts before, she thought that he might not be interested in it now.

…… the other side

"Aunt Jiang, when I came to your village, I noticed that your house is different from others!"

Shen Qingqing had noticed that most of the houses in Kaoshan Village were villas, but Jiang Fan's was a large country house.

"It is indeed different. Other people’s houses were built by the developer, but we bought the land and built it with our own money!" Jiang’s mother explained with a smile.

"No wonder!"

Shen Qingqing suddenly realized

"Auntie, why do you want to build it yourself?"

Seeing Shen Qingqing and Jiang Ma chatting intimately, Liu Chunnan also asked

"That villa looks nice, but I'm not used to living in it. We prefer to live in this kind of villa, which is spacious!" Jiang's mother replied with a smile.

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