"Student Jiang, don't get me wrong, I don't mean anything else, I'm just curious!"

Liu Chunnan forced out a smile that he thought was innocent, and said in a somewhat pitiful voice.

"Curious? If you are so curious, why don't you buy a ticket and go to southern Sichuan to get the Leshan Giant Buddha up and let you sit there?"

Jiang Fan still had a smile on his face and his tone was very calm.

But Shen Qingqing at the side could still clearly hear a bit of coldness.


Shen Qingqing was not surprised.

Although she had not been in contact with Jiang Fan for a long time, she knew that Jiang Fan was a kind person.

But even the kindest people have tempers.

But what did Jiang Fan mean?

What does it mean to get the Leshan Giant Buddha up and let Liu Chunnan sit there?

In fact, not only Shen Qingqing didn't understand, but even a group of netizens were confused.

"(¬‸¬) ?Is there anyone like me who doesn’t understand what classmate Jiang said?"

"Similarly, I thought that as an old internet addict who had been on the Internet for decades, there was nothing I couldn't understand, but when it came to classmate Jiang, I still couldn't react!"

"Just get used to it. Jiang's train of thought is quite explosive and he can always think of things that others can't imagine!"

"Haha, there are several popular short videos imitating Jiang recently, but the most popular one is the one about grabbing a parking space."

"( * ̄▽ ̄)o ─═≡※:☆I agree. After looking at them all, Jiang's version is still the best!"

"I am very curious about what Jiang meant by asking the Leshan Giant Buddha to stand up?"

"+1 for curiosity!"

"According to my understanding, Jiang is hinting at Liu Chunnan's behavior and saying that he should stop meddling in other people's business."

"(•ิ_•ิ)?I still don’t understand, what does this have to do with the Leshan Giant Buddha?"

"Don't you understand? The Leshan Giant Buddha is a Buddha. Buddha always warns us not to interfere in this or do that. He interferes in too many things.

So, Jiang said that if Liu Chunnan wants to be a Buddha, he should let the Leshan Giant Buddha stand up and sit down.

If he wants to be a human being, he should stop interfering in other people's business!"

"Listening to the speech above, it was like an epiphany!"

"_| ̄|●So that's what it means, I understand now!"

When one netizen analyzed the meaning of Jiang Fan's words, many people immediately agreed.

But some netizens still have different opinions.

"I think what Jiang meant was that if Liu Chunnan likes to pry into other people's affairs so much, he could go to the West to find out!"

"I think Jiang was mocking Liu Chunnan for being too idle and asking her to go and grab a seat with the Leshan Giant Buddha."

"What you said is similar, anyway, just tell Liu Chunnan to stop interfering."

"The same goes for classmate Jiang. He should just tell Liu Chunnan to stop interfering in other people’s business. Instead, he is making things so confusing!"

"I don’t think so. After all, Liu Chunnan is Jiang’s classmate. Some things are hard to say, but it would be different if you use other words!"

"You know what, the more I think about it, the more I find Jiang’s words quite interesting!"

"As expected, Jiang's brain circuit is quite explosive!"

Shen Qingqing didn't quite understand it at first, but after seeing the analysis of the comments, she immediately understood.

So that's what it meant.

Liu Chunnan was also a little confused.

Although she didn't understand what Jiang Fan meant by asking her to sit on the Leshan Giant Buddha.

But it was definitely not a good thing.

And Liu Chunnan's fans were immediately unhappy when they saw their goddess being humiliated.

"(╬ ̄What does Jiang Fan mean? Do you really think our Nan Nan wants to know about your family?"

"Isn’t it just marrying a small star? What’s there to be proud of? If you don’t know, you would think he married a big star!"

"┓( ´-` )┏I think Jiang Fan's wife is most likely Li Yueru."

"Jiang Fan’s hair must be so green that it looks like it’s glowing!"

"Those brainless fans above should do some good deeds for their family members. Not only can they not distinguish right from wrong, but they are also so brainless!"

"I wonder"

"It was obviously the anchor who was rude first, repeatedly prying into other people's privacy. Anyone would be angry, so why are there still people defending her?"

"Can't you see that? Those are not brainless fans at all, but water armies hired by the anchor!"

"Forget it, forget it. I started following this anchor because I thought she looked okay, but I didn’t expect her to have big breasts and no brains. I’d better go to the next room!"

"I also went to the live broadcast room next door. This live broadcast room is too violent. The live broadcast room next door is more harmonious."

"凸(`0´)凸Goodbye to those black fans, the position of Leshan Giant Buddha belongs to you!"

Seeing the number of people in the live broadcast room drop sharply.

Liu Chunnan really didn't expect that he would shoot himself in the foot. He didn't expect that Shen Qingqing would get it for nothing.

"Mom, I want to go to the scenic spot later!"

Jiang Fan didn't know what Liu Chunnan was thinking, but picked up Yuanyuan and looked at Jiang's mother and said

"What's going on with your dad again?" Jiang's mother seemed to have thought of something and sighed.

"It's not a big deal!"Jiang Fan shook his head

"Dad, are you going to look for Yeye?" Yuanyuan said with bright eyes sparkling.

"You can't go with her!"

Jiang Fan knew what Yuanyuan was thinking, and he couldn't help but tapped Yuanyuan's little nose.

"" Oh!"

Yuanyuan pouted and said"oh" softly, but her little face was full of"I'm very unhappy".

Jiang Fan laughed and shook his head, then looked at Shen Qingqing and Liu Chunnan with a smile and said:"Student Shen, classmate Liu, I have to go out to take care of some things, you guys stay at my house first!"

"Okay, Jiang, go do your work first, don't worry about us, we'll be going back soon after we sit down for a while."

Although Shen Qingqing was a little curious about what happened at Jiang Fan's home, it was someone else's family affair, not something she, an outsider, could ask about.

But Liu Chunnan on the side was not happy about it.

She had been live streaming for so long.

This was the first time she had such a high popularity and traffic, so how could she give up easily?

"Mr. Jiang, are you going to the Rime Scenic Area?"

"Well, what do you want?" Jiang Fan looked at Liu Chunnan calmly.

"It's a coincidence that although I grew up in this county, I have never been to the frost scenic area. I just want to go and see it!"

Liu Chunnan smiled.

Shen Qingqing frowned.

Jiang Fan said that he had something to do, but Liu Chunnan wanted to go with him.

She didn't think Liu Chunnan had low emotional intelligence, but that he really didn't care about his face for the sake of traffic.

Live broadcast room

"=͟͟͞͞=͟͟͞͞(●⁰ꈊ⁰● |||)Damn, this female anchor is so shameless. Classmate Jiang said he had something to do, but she actually had the nerve to ask to go with him?"

"( ̄ェ ̄;)I can only say that this anchor has no vision at all!"

"Am I the only one who is curious about what Jiang was doing at the scenic spot?"

"Upstairs, didn't you just hear the conversation between Jiang and his mother? He went to the scenic spot because of his father!"

"I wonder what happened to Jiang's father in the scenic area?"

For a time, many netizens speculated.

"Qingqing, we finally came here, I think you must want to see what the Wusong Scenic Area is like, right?"

Liu Chunnan immediately turned the conversation to Shen Qingqing.

After all, in her opinion, Shen Qingqing, like her, would go to the Wusong Scenic Area for Jiang Fan's popularity.

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