"Still pretending?"

"(╬ ̄I've never seen anyone so shameless. He lets his wife earn money and says it's for interest."

"He is simply a man who does nothing and lies at home. Who would be willing to go out and earn money?"

The live broadcast room was suddenly filled with anger, and many male compatriots did not dare to speak.

Shen Qingqing also felt a little uncomfortable.

His wife went out to earn money for the family, but in Jiang Fan's view, it was to fulfill his wife's interests.

Moreover, in her opinion, since Jiang Fan was a delivery man, his wife's job would not be easy.

"By the way, I happen to have photos of my children. Do you want to take a look?"

Speaking of children, Shen Qingqing noticed a fatherly smile on Jiang Fan's face. Perhaps Jiang Fan was not as bad as she imagined.

Of course.

Or maybe Jiang Fan's personality is just like that.

Good at saving face.

Love to brag.

While waiting for the traffic light, Jiang Fan flipped his phone and handed it to Shen Qingqing.

Shen Qingqing took it indifferently, looked at the phone, and was stunned.

There were two children in the picture on the phone.

One boy and one girl.

The little boy had his hands in his pockets, with a stern face and a cool look.

The little girl was delicate and beautiful, and she made the word"yeah" with her little hands, with an innocent, cute and bright smile.

In the live broadcast room

"Is it because my phone is stuck? Why is Qingqing not moving?"

"I can tell you clearly that you don’t have a card!"

"I'm very curious, what did Qingqing's wife see?"

"Curious +1"


"Are these two children your own?"

Shen Qingqing did not look at the live broadcast room, but looked at Jiang Fan in surprise, her eyes full of disbelief.

"What are you talking about? If he is not your biological child, then how could he be picked up?" Jiang Fan said helplessly.

""I'm sorry, I was a little surprised just now?" Shen Qingqing also realized that she was wrong to ask that question just now, and immediately apologized.

"Forget it, you are not the first one to say that!"

Jiang Fan said indifferently:"But the truth is that these two children are indeed my biological children! And don’t you see that the two children actually look like me?"


Shen Qingqing shook her head without hesitation.

This scene immediately made the netizens in the live broadcast room more curious.

"What’s going on? What’s going on!"

"What did Qingqing see that made Qingqing's wife suspect that the child was not Jiang Fan's?"

"Qingqing, my dear, please show us the photos!"

Seeing that all the netizens in the live broadcast room wanted to see the photos, Shen Qingqing looked at Jiang Fan hesitantly,"Many netizens want to see the photos, but I don't know..."

"No problem, if netizens want to see it, let them see it!" Jiang Fan said nonchalantly

"Then I thank you on behalf of all netizens!"

Shen Qingqing smiled lightly and quickly pointed the camera at the photo.

The live broadcast room was immediately filled with surprised expressions.

"(⊙ˍ⊙)Oh my god, these two kids are so cute!"

"No wonder Qingqing suspected that these two children were not Jiang’s biological children. If it were me, I would suspect the same!"

"I agree, these two kids are so unlike their dad!"

"I think these two kids definitely look like their mother!"

"Of course!"

Looking at the comments from netizens, Shen Qingqing couldn't help laughing and looked at Jiang Fan:"Do you know what netizens are saying now?"

"In fact, I can guess without even looking at it, are they saying that the child doesn't look like me?" Jiang Fan said helplessly

"You are really open-minded!" Shen Qingqing smiled with her hands covering her mouth.

"There's nothing we can do about it, habit becomes nature!" Jiang Fan shrugged helplessly.

"However, netizens speculated that the children might look like their mother?"Shen Qingqing asked curiously

"This was guessed by many netizens. My two children do look like their mother, and of course a little like me!"Jiang Fan nodded.

Shen Qingqing's mouth twitched a few times.

She really couldn't tell where they looked like Jiang Fan.

However, the two children were so cute, so their mother must be very beautiful too.


Shen Qingqing couldn't help but look at the man driving next to her.

He looked ordinary.

His job wasn't very stable.

It seemed like this was true love.

"Don’t you notice that the two children in the photo look somewhat similar to the ever-changing queen Ye Kexin?"

" =͟͟͞͞=͟͟͞͞(●⁰ꈊ⁰● |||)"

"Wow, it’s true, especially that little mouth and nose, they are exactly like Ye Kexin!"

"Could it be that the mother of these two children is the queen Ye Kexin?"

"How is this possible? Even if the queen is blind, she won't marry a delivery man."

"Although I think there is an element of slandering the deliverymen, I can't refute it."

Zhou Shuya's eyes lit up again.

【Shocked!! The small version of the national goddess appears】

【Can anyone tell me if this is the national goddess Ye Kexin when she was a child?】

【Suspected to be the child of national goddess Ye Kexin]

These topics quickly became popular on Weibo.

For a time, netizens who did not know the truth crowded into the live broadcast.

"Where are the children of the national goddess?"


" Fuck, could the person in this photo be Ye Kexin when she was a child?"

Shen Qingqing was also stunned for a moment, and immediately picked up her phone to take a closer look. She found that the two children looked very much like the goddess Ye she admired.

Perhaps it should be said that this is a small version of the goddess Ye.

"What's wrong?"

Jiang Fan noticed that Shen Qingqing looked a little strange, and asked in confusion.

""Mr. Jiang, has anyone ever told you that your child looks like the ever-changing queen Ye Kexin?" Shen Qingqing asked excitedly.

""Oh, yes!" Jiang Fan said calmly.

Shen Qingqing was surprised.

Why was Jiang Fan's reaction so cold?

But then.

Shen Qingqing reacted.

It seemed that people often said that the child looked like Ye Kexin before, so Jiang Fan was no longer surprised.

"Jiang, you don’t know that Ye Kexin is my idol. Wherever she held a concert, I would line up to watch it. It’s a pity that Ye Kexin hasn’t held any concerts in recent years!"

Shen Qingqing said with regret

"I didn't expect you to be Ye Kexin's little fangirl!" Jiang Fan suddenly laughed.

"Of course, I’m Ye Kexin’s number one fan!"

Shen Qingqing looked proud, and suddenly, she thought of something, and she said with a smile:"By the way, today is Saturday, so is your child at home with your wife?"

"(★ᴗ★)I suddenly guessed what Qingqing’s wife wanted to do?"

"Is there any need to guess? It’s clear at a glance that Qingqing wants to see the mini version of Ye Kexin!"

"I declare that if this classmate Jiang allows us to show the smaller version of Ye Kexin, I don't mind him pretending to be rich!"

Jiang Fan shook his head and said,"No, my two children are rehearsing a show in kindergarten for a few days!"

"So that's it."

Shen Qingqing looked regretful.

"Do you want to meet my child?" Jiang Fan seemed to see Shen Qingqing's thoughts.

"Not only do I want to see it, but my fans also want to see it." Shen Qingqing smiled embarrassedly

"That's fine. Go pick up the child from kindergarten at 2 o'clock this afternoon. We'll go together then!" Jiang Fan said with a smile

"That's great. I think netizens must want to see the villain version of Ye Kexin, right?"

Shen Qingqing was suddenly happy. Although she couldn't see her idol Ye Kexin, she was satisfied to see the villain version of Ye Kexin.

"(❁´◡`❁)*✲゚*I didn’t expect to see the smaller version of Ye Kexin again, that’s great!"

"Although Jiang Fan likes to act like a rich man and brag, I have to give him a thumbs up for this."

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