The entire live broadcast room was in an uproar.

No one expected that the fifth generation of VR glasses that Longteng Group had not launched had actually appeared on the market.

Many netizens tagged the official Longteng Group.

But Longteng Group still did not respond.

Even if they contacted the official customer service, the customer service would only say that they were not sure and did not know, and the headquarters would investigate the matter.

"I just want to know how Jiang Fan got two pairs of Longteng fifth-generation VR glasses!"

"How else could they have gotten it? They must have colluded with someone inside the Longteng Group and got it at a high price, but it's unclear how much they spent!"

"๑乛◡乛๑So is Jiang Fan breaking the law?"

"It's hard to say. It depends on whether Jiang Fan uses the fifth-generation Longteng VR glasses to make a profit!"

For a while.

In the live broadcast room, many netizens talked about it.

Yuanyuan on the side was very happy to hear Liu Chunnan say that this VR glasses is the fifth generation of Longteng.

But Shen Qingqing couldn't help sighing in her heart.

She didn't know how to explain it to Jiang Fan.

If Jiang Fan bought it legally, there would be no problem.

But the problem is that the fifth-generation Longteng VR glasses are not on the market for sale at all, so how can they be obtained legally?

It's not that she doesn't believe Jiang Fan.

But she can't figure out how Jiang Fan legally purchased the unlisted products of Longteng Group.

Seeing that some technology fans wanted her to ask about how to buy the fifth-generation Longteng VR glasses.

Shen Qingqing hesitated.

Not to mention that Jiang Fan is not here, there is no way to ask.

Even if he is.

She can't ask.

But Liu Chunnan is not so scrupulous.

"Aunt Jiang, do you know about these Longteng VR glasses?"

Liu Chunnan looked at Aunt Jiang and said with a charming smile

"How could I know what this young man is talking about?"

Mother Jiang shook her head.

Just now she had been listening to Liu Chunnan saying that these glasses were from some group that had not been listed on the market and were fake.

She actually wanted to say something.

But the problem was that she couldn't understand, let alone talk back.

"Aunt Jiang, this VR glasses is amazing. It is the latest model of glasses from Longteng Group and it is very popular.

Look at the netizens in my live broadcast room. They all want to buy this pair of glasses.

I just don’t know where classmate Jiang bought this pair of glasses from, Aunt Jiang."

Liu Chunnan said with a look of expectation.

Shen Qingqing at the side knew that Liu Chunnan was trying to trick Jiang's mother.

"I think Auntie definitely doesn't know how Jiang bought it?" Shen Qingqing spoke first

"No, no, these glasses were not bought by Xiao Ming's father, but given by his friend!" Jiang's mother waved her hand and said

"Someone else gave it to me?"

Liu Chunnan certainly wouldn't believe it. In her opinion , the so-called gifts were mostly excuses.

"=͟͟͞͞=͟͟͞͞(●⁰ꈊ⁰● |||)Wow, what kind of friend would give me two Dragon Teng fifth-generation glasses? I want them too!"

"If I remember correctly, the fifth generation of Longteng glasses cost more than 100,000 yuan, and they also gave away two. Jiang's friends must be rich or noble!!"

"Why do you all think these VR glasses are real? Maybe they are just imitations!"

"Both anchors have tried it, and this fifth-generation glasses has a Longteng card. Of course, more importantly, even the Longteng Group has not denied that it is fake!"

"( ^_^ )?Could it be that Jiang’s friend is an internal staff of Longteng Group?"

"To be able to get the unreleased fifth generation, it must be done by an insider!"

Although some netizens still don't believe that this pair of glasses is the fifth generation of Longteng, the vast majority of netizens still have no doubts.

"Aunt Jiang, do you know who Jiang's friend is? What does he do?"Liu Chunnan asked hurriedly.

"Why are you asking these questions?" Jiang Ma asked suspiciously.

""Student Liu, this doesn't seem to be something you should care about?"

Shen Qingqing really didn't want Liu Chunnan to continue asking, but Liu Chunnan would never give up easily.

"I just saw that many netizens wanted to buy this pair of glasses, so I wanted to ask for them."Liu Chunnan suddenly had an idea and immediately explained

"I really don’t know what Xiao Ming’s father’s classmate does!"

Jiang’s mother shook her head and said,"But every time he comes, he will bring a lot of glasses like this!"

"A lot?"

Not only Liu Chunnan was stunned.

Even Shen Qingqing beside him was stunned.

"Aunt Jiang, are you saying that classmate Jiang gave a lot of these glasses to her?"

Liu Chunnan pointed to the fifth-generation Longteng glasses in Yuanyuan's hand.

"Yes!" said Jiang Ma

"How many are there?"

A thought suddenly flashed through Liu Chunnan's mind.

"I don’t remember how many there were!"

Jiang Ma shook her head slowly.

"(¬‸¬) ?Why do I feel like these glasses are not just a gift for Jiang Fan?"

"The above person doesn't need to guess. I think it's most likely that Jiang Fan colluded with the corrupt officials of Longteng Group to secretly sell the fifth generation of Longteng glasses for profit!"

"(‧̣̥̇꒪່⍢꒪່ )I didn’t expect this live broadcast to be so exciting and directly expose the scandal of Longteng Group!"

"I don’t care about the scandal or profiteering. I only care whether Jiang Fan can sell me one of the fifth generation glasses."

"Sell me one too!"

For a while, many netizens called the official Longteng Group to report the incident.

But there are still some netizens who simply want to buy the fifth-generation Longteng VR glasses.

After all, for technology fans, they have been envious for a long time.

""Mr. Jiang's friend is so generous that she gave so many VR glasses at once. Aunt Jiang, do you know how much a pair of VR glasses like this sells for? That's hundreds of thousands!"

Liu Chunnan pretended to be surprised.

But in her heart, she had already concluded that Jiang Fan colluded with the internal staff of Longteng Group for personal gain. I'm afraid that Jiang Fan will be sent to prison before tomorrow.

"So expensive?" Jiang Ma was a little surprised.

"Of course, and this is something you can’t buy even if you have money!" Liu Chunnan said sarcastically.

"I thought it was just a few bucks worth of stuff, and so was Xiaobing's kid!"

Jiang Ma sighed.

"I think Jiang's friend must be rich, right?" Liu Chunnan smiled secretly.

"I don't know about that." Jiang Ma shook her head.

""What's the name of Jiang Fan's friend?"

Liu Chunnan asked again.

In her opinion, the friend Jiang Fan knew must be an employee of Longteng Group.

If she could find out the name of that person, she would be helping Longteng Group to find a moth.

"I have introduced him before, but it has been so long that I can’t remember. I usually call him Xiaobing, and Xiaoming’s father calls him Xuebing!"

Jiang’s mother recalled and said

"Student soldiers!?"

Liu Chunnan smiled.

"Our Nan Nan is smart. She got the inside scoundrel of Longteng Group directly from Jiang Fan’s mother!"

"It seems that this guy called Xuebing is the one who colluded with Jiang Fan!"

"Maybe this man called Xuebing is the president of Longteng Group?"

"The president of Longteng Group? Are you here to make fun of me? Would the president of Longteng Group collude with Jiang Fan to sell glasses for profit?"

"It is unclear whether there is collusion or not, but the president of Longteng Group has the final say on how much to give Jiang Fan, and the president of Longteng Group happens to be called Xuebing!"

"=͟͟͞͞=͟͟͞͞(●⁰ꈊ⁰● |||)Oh shit!"

"( ̄mouth ̄)!!No way!"

"(⊙ꇴ⊙)Isn't it just the same name?"

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