"Lao Wang is about to cry. He has been pursuing her for so long, but she can't even remember him!"

"I am dying of laughter. It seems that Lao Wang needs to improve his ranking quickly, otherwise he will not be remembered by our Yuanyuan!"

Wang Yitian looked at the comments in the live broadcast room, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

Afterwards, in order to prevent Liu Chunnan from asking some weird questions again,

Shen Qingqing directly blocked Liu Chunnan's side to prevent Liu Chunnan from getting close to Yuanyuan.


Shen Qingqing and others came to the village's supermarket.

This supermarket is located next to the village basketball court.

Maybe because they came early, there were not many people in the supermarket.

"Guiqin, you are here to buy vegetables too!"

At this time, a middle-aged woman in her forties came over with a basket in her hand, smiling.

"Yes, have you bought the food?" Jiang Ma replied with a smile.

"Bought it!"

The middle-aged woman nodded, glanced at Shen Qingqing and Liu Chunnan beside Jiang Ma, her eyes lit up,"These two...Could it be Xiaofan’s wife?"

"Don't talk nonsense, this is Xiaofan, who is visiting our home this time!" Jiang's mother said hurriedly

"How can you be so embarrassed!"

The middle-aged woman hastened to apologize

"It's okay, it's okay!"

Shen Qingqing shook her head, but she was a little confused.

From the tone of this aunt, she didn't know who Jiang Fan's wife was.

"Auntie, have you never seen Jiang's wife?"

Liu Chunnan also caught the end and asked immediately.

Jiang's mother's face turned colder.

Shen Qingqing wanted to pull Liu Chunnan back.

"I haven't seen it before!"

The middle-aged woman looked up at Liu Chunnan, then at Jiang Ma.

"Guiqin, I have to go back and cook for my grandson, so I won’t say any more!"

With that, the middle-aged woman walked away.

"I didn’t expect that even the people in the village have never seen Jiang’s wife?"

"This is not surprising, right? Although we are from the same village, it is impossible for every household to remember it clearly!"

"The person above probably doesn’t know that Jiang’s wife is Li Yueru, who is also known as Xiao Ye Kexin!"

"What? Jiang's wife is Li Yueru?"

"That’s not right. Didn’t Li Yueru clarify on the official Weibo that she didn’t know Jiang at all?"

"How can you believe what a star says? Besides, Li Yueru is a popular young actress now, and she doesn't want to be exposed!"

For a while, the live broadcast room was full of discussions.

Some new netizens didn't know about this, so some netizens who had watched it from the beginning came out to explain.

"Why do you think that Jiang’s wife is Li Yueru?"

"Mr. Jiang’s daughter looks so much like the national goddess, and his wife is from the entertainment industry. In the entertainment industry, the only person who is a little famous and looks like the national goddess is Li Yueru!"

"Could it be that Jiang’s wife is the national goddess?"

"The person above, can't you use your brain? Do you think the national goddess will be interested in Jiang Fan?"

"But given Li Yueru's current fame, she may not necessarily look down on Jiang Fan, right?"

"Li Yueru is very famous now, but a few years ago, Li Yueru was not famous at all. Maybe Li Yueru’s current fame is due to Jiang Fan’s financial support behind the scenes!"

"Doesn’t that mean Jiang Fan is being used as a stepping stone?"

"It’s hard to say!"

"I don’t know what Jiang is trying to do?"

"What else can he want? Of course, he wants Li Yueru to be beautiful!"

Looking at the comments of netizens in the live broadcast room,

Shen Qingqing had to doubt again.

Could it be that Jiang's wife was really Li Yueru?

To be honest, she felt that Li Yueru was not worthy of Jiang Fan.

It was not because she was Li Yueru's number one anti-fan.

But in the past two years, Li Yueru had been involved in various scandals. How could such a person be qualified to be a wife and a good mother?

"Qingqing, what do you want to eat?"

Jiang Ma asked with a smile.

"Aunt Jiang, I don't have any dietary restrictions, I can eat anything!"

Shen Qingqing came back to her senses and immediately said

"Then I just bought some vegetables!" Jiang's mother said with a smile.

Liu Chunnan, who was standing by, did not speak. She just pointed her mobile phone camera at the nurse, pouted her lips, and looked aggrieved but unable to speak.

This made the netizens in her live broadcast room feel distressed.

"What's wrong with this auntie? Why did she only ask one person and the anchor didn't ask any more?"

"This is too much discrimination!"

"Upstairs, I want to say one thing, it should be!!"

"That's right, if you knew what this anchor did, you would know why Jiang's mother was like this!"

Seeing some new netizens making random accusations without knowing the reason, some netizens who knew the truth immediately came to tell the truth.

But when they knew what Liu Chunnan did in Jiang's family, some netizens suddenly expressed their understanding, but some saints still spoke up for Liu Chunnan.

"Even if the anchor did something wrong before, he shouldn't be treated differently like this, right?"

"No one is perfect. This auntie is such a bad person!"

"Yeah, it’s not a big deal, is there any need to be so serious about it?"

"The one upstairs is not as good as the one at Leshan Giant Buddha!"

"I think the position of Leshan Giant Buddha must belong to these saints!"

Seeing that there are still netizens supporting Liu Chunnan, many netizens posted"Leshan Giant Buddha invites you to come", which made some netizens who had just come in feel puzzled.

But after hearing the explanation of the netizens, many people followed closely.

After buying vegetables, Shen Qingqing and his party went home.

Along the way.

Liu Chunnan seemed to be left out.

Jiang Ma was too lazy to pay attention to Liu Chunnan, and was only willing to talk to Shen Qingqing.

Shen Qingqing would not say anything.

After all, this was what Liu Chunnan deserved.

And Yuanyuan was still riding on the steamed bun, humming a cheerful nursery rhyme in her little mouth, her voice was crisp and pleasant, making the surroundings also become light and pleasant.

"It's strange, why can't I find the key?"

When she arrived at the door, Jiang Ma fumbled for a while but couldn't find the key.

"Aunt Jiang, the key is not at home, right? Shen Qingqing was stunned for a moment and couldn't help but said

"It's okay, brother is at home!"

Yuanyuan shouted into the house,"Brother, we are back, open the door!"


Oh, Xiao Ming.

Shen Qingqing's face was embarrassed.

No wonder she always felt that something was missing.

It turned out that someone was missing.


So many of them went out to buy groceries, leaving Xiao Ming alone at home?


At this moment, the door slowly opened, and Xiao Ming was seen with a stern face, still holding the book in his hand.


Xiao Ming called out to everyone and then turned around and walked towards the house.

"Aunt Jiang, we just went out to buy groceries and left Xiao Ming alone at home. Could Xiao Ming be angry? Shen Qingqing said embarrassedly.

"Xiao Ming never likes to go out!" Jiang Ma shook her head and said

"Really?" Shen Qingqing hesitated.

"I asked Xiao Ming when I went out!" Jiang Ma saw what Shen Qingqing was thinking and smiled.

Shen Qingqing was stunned for a moment.

She originally thought that Jiang Ma should have ignored Xiao Ming like her.

But looking at Jiang Ma's expression, it seemed that this was not the case.

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