But there are many old drivers in the live broadcast room

"Isn't it just a few words: good morning, good afternoon, good evening, and thank you? What's wrong with saying them?"

"I can only say that the people upstairs are too pure!"

"It’s over, it’s over. Why did I understand several common Japanese words spoken by classmate Jiang so quickly?"

"Those words are really not suitable to be said in a live broadcast room. If they were really said, it would seem like we were filming a movie!"

"Could it be the languages of those island countries?"

"There is no doubt that the people upstairs are those!"

"Please explain it to me!"

"Please explain +1"

Not all netizens understood the common Japanese language Jiang Fan said, so they humbly asked for advice.

Some old drivers did not answer, and they all made expressions of"you know".

But soon.

Shen Qingqing and Liu Chunnan got the answer in the live broadcast room.

Shen Qingqing's cheeks were slightly red.

If I had known, I would not have been curious to read the comments in the live broadcast room.

Liu Chunnan looked normal.

"Why do I feel like Jiang Fan is avoiding the questions raised by our Nan Nan?"

"Needless to say, Jiang Fan just didn't want to answer, so he made such a vulgar joke!"

"Does Jiang Fan really think that his comics can compare with those of the great cartoonist from the island country?"

"How is this possible? The man from the island country is a famous cartoonist who is popular all over the world. How can Jiang Fan compare with him?"

"I think Jiang Fan is just praised too highly by our Dragon people and doesn't want to admit the truth!"

For a while, netizens in Liu Chunnan's live broadcast room mocked him, but some netizens still couldn't stand it.

"I am just wondering, after all, Jiang is the number one cartoonist in our Long Country. Even if he is not good, he is still better than many people here!"

"I think Jiang’s comics are not much worse than those of the great Ji Mei. I can only say that they each have their own characteristics!"

"What the above person said is very pertinent!"

Although some netizens explained for Jiang Fan, they still could not resist the trolls.

Soon, the comments that spoke for Jiang Fan were drowned out by the ridicule.

"Jiang doesn't speak Japanese but knows Japanese friends. Could it be that those Japanese friends are your comic fans? I didn't expect Jiang's comics to have spread to Japanese countries!"

Liu Chunnan pretended to be surprised.

In fact, Liu Chunnan also felt that Jiang Fan didn't dare to answer her question.

"It's not a fan of my comics, and it doesn't know that I draw comics in Longguo!" Jiang Fan explained softly.

"That's strange, why would he send you Ji Ni's beautiful comics?"

Liu Chunnan smiled, she wanted to see how Jiang Fan would answer this imaginary friend.

"Said he would send it to me for verification!!"Jiang Fan replied

""Send it to you for verification?"

Liu Chunnan was stunned for a moment and asked subconsciously.

Shen Qingqing also looked at Jiang Fan in surprise.

Although she understood what Jiang Fan said, she suddenly couldn't understand.

What does it mean to send it to Jiang Fan for verification?

You have to know that these comic books are comics of the island country Ji Ni Taimei, why should they be sent to Jiang Fan for verification.

Not only Liu Chunnan and Shen Qingqing couldn't react.

Even the netizens in the live broadcast room were confused.

"What does Jiang mean? I don't understand."

"Could it be the verification that I understand?"

"It's so funny. Who does Jiang Fan think he is, to be able to have such a great cartoonist from the island country send him comics for verification!"

"You can tell it's nonsense."

"Haha, the island country friend that Jiang Fan mentioned could not be the bird in the well?"

Some netizens reacted and immediately mocked and discussed.

The bird in the well is the editor-in-chief of Ji Ni Taimei.

He is also the current president of Jimei Press.

You should know that Jimei Press is the largest comics publishing house in the island country.

""Mr. Jiang, your friend from the island country is not a bird in the well!"

Liu Chunnan noticed a comment in the live broadcast room and immediately smiled with his hands covering his mouth.

"This is actually a correct guess!" Jiang Fan chuckled.

Liu Chunnan's smile froze.

The live broadcast room also suddenly became quiet at this moment.

Shen Qingqing, who was standing by, suddenly thought of something, and suddenly her hair stood on end, and she got goose bumps all over her body.

"Mr. Jiang, what do you mean?..."

Shen Qingqing suddenly couldn't say the last words. The words that followed were really shocking.

"Oh shit, that’s impossible!"

"How can this be?"

"I don't believe that Jiang is the old thief Ji Mei?"

"I also don’t believe that one person can update so many comics at the same time!"

"That’s right, comics are not novels, you can just write thousands of words of nonsense!"

"Could it be that Jiang Fan was just talking nonsense to save face?"

"It must be Jiang Fan who is talking nonsense!"

"Can the person above use his brain? Who would say such nonsense in front of so many people?

The live broadcast room suddenly exploded.

Many netizens expressed their doubts.

After all, how could one person update so many comics?

"Actually, this is nothing.

Jiang Fan smiled.

"So, do I still need to compare myself with myself?"

When saying this, Jiang Fan cast his eyes on Liu Chunnan.

At this moment,

Jiang Fan answered Liu Chunnan's previous question.

Liu Chunnan also reacted.

Her face was pale.

She wanted to ask, what evidence do you have that you are the beautiful Ji Ni from the island country?

But she couldn't say it.

"If classmate Jiang is really Ji Ni Taimei herself, then there is really no need for comparison. They are both themselves, so what's the point of comparing?"

"Fans of Tuo Geng Lao Zei and fans of Ji Ni Lao Zei should stop arguing about whose comics are better. There is no need for that!"

"What's the point of arguing? We need to urge for more updates!"

"Those who said that Dragon Country comics are not as good as those of the island country, please stand up, don't worry, I won't slap you in the face!"

Compared to the live broadcast room, the study room was exceptionally quiet.

"It's getting late, I should go cook!"

Jiang Fan ignored Liu Chunnan and turned to leave.

"Dad, wait for me!"

Yuanyuan immediately followed.

"Wait for me��!"

Although Shen Qingqing was also shocked, she still followed him out.

"Dad, is that Jiji you?" Yuanyuan said

"It's because Ji Ni is so beautiful!" Jiang Fan said

"Dad, why did you choose such a weird name? Yuanyuan asked

"Is it possible that Ji Ni is too beautiful because you are too beautiful!!"Jiang Fan paused and explained

""Oh, I understand!" Yuanyuan said.

Shen Qingqing, who was standing by, also understood after hearing Jiang Fan's explanation.

She knew that the name Ji Ni Tai Mei was probably a pen name, but she didn't expect it to have this meaning.

Because you are too beautiful.

It's a nice name.

"No wonder I always thought the name of the island country Jinitaimei was so strange. It turns out that it was named after the Dragon Country!"

"Not to mention, after listening to Jiang Fan’s explanation, I suddenly felt that the phrase"Ji Ni is too beautiful" is quite nice!"

"To be honest with you, I always thought Ji Ni was too beautiful and was that whore!"

""Shit, I thought I was the only one who felt that way!"

At the same time, in the study, watching Jiang Fan and the other two leave,

Liu Chunnan suddenly thought of something and immediately took out a comic book from the bookshelf nearby and started flipping through it. She finally stopped at the last page.

When she saw the content of the last page, she was completely stunned.

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