"It's so funny. He said our Qingqing's live broadcast is not good. Who does he think he is?"

"I really can't stand Jiang Fan. He pretends to be a rich man, but he dares to say that our Qingqing can't live broadcast."

The live broadcast room exploded.

Shen Qingqing's fans immediately came out to defend

"Why do you think so?"

Shen Qingqing was a little dissatisfied.

She accepted that her live broadcast was boring.

But she was not good at live broadcast.╰_ ╯

She is a multi-million-level anchor.

Although she is not ranked in the live broadcast industry, she is also well-known.

"Don't you think so? We obviously came out to reminisce about our student days and chat about our current life, but you didn't talk or interact much along the way?

Even if we had a normal relationship during our student days, this is a live broadcast. Even if we are strangers, we have to pretend to be familiar with each other to communicate!"

Jiang Fan shook his head again and expressed his own views.

Shen Qingqing was stunned for a moment, and her expression immediately looked a little unnatural.

Of course she knew this.

But the problem is that she didn't dare to ask because the more she said, the greater the chance of being wrong.

"You're right!"

Shen Qingqing was powerless to refute, because she really didn't take the initiative to communicate along the way.

But the fans in the live broadcast room were not happy.

"Why doesn’t our Qingqing interact? Don’t you, Jiang Fan, have any ideas?"

"A delivery man pretending to be a big shot, how can our Qingqing interact with us? Our Qingqing doesn’t interact because we are saving face for you!"

"Qingqing is just too kind. If it were me, I would say to Jiang Fan in front of him,"You are just a delivery man, what are you doing pretending to be? And you want to teach me how to live broadcast?""

"Haha, I wonder what Jiang Fan would feel if he knew that his identity as a delivery man was exposed?"

"Needless to say, he would have died socially on the spot, so embarrassed that he could have bought a three-bedroom apartment."

"Qingqing, I think you should tell Jiang Fan the truth as soon as possible!"

"One million supports, I want to see how Jiang Fan can still pretend?"

Shen Qingqing noticed the comments in the live broadcast room, and couldn't help but secretly glanced at Jiang Fan.

Expose Jiang Fan?

No, no.

If the truth is told to Jiang Fan, Jiang Fan will definitely be ashamed.

But if it is not said, Jiang Fan's actions will only make a group of netizens laugh.

Shen Qingqing was struggling whether to tell the truth.

But at this moment, a private message popped up.

"Qingqing, I understand you and know what you want to do, but telling the truth at this time would be an unwise choice. Not to mention that now is the hottest time in the live broadcast room,

Jiang Fan’s actions have nothing to do with you in essence. Everything he did is his own fault!"

Zhou Shuya could see that Qingqing wanted to tell Jiang Fan the truth.

But once the truth was told to Jiang Fan, there would be nothing to watch in this live broadcast.

You have to know that the reason why the live broadcast room was so popular was because Jiang Fan pretended to be a rich man in order to meet the former school beauty.

The main point was that Jiang Fan felt very rich.

But everyone knew that he was pretending.

"But Shuya, Jiang Fan was mocked by netizens just because he wanted to meet me!"

Shen Qingqing still felt a little guilty.

Although she and Jiang Fan had no friendship, Jiang Fan was mocked just because he helped her live broadcast.

"Qingqing, how about this, don't tell Jiang Fan the truth yet, continue the live broadcast, and after the live broadcast is over, we can invite Jiang Fan to join our studio.

With the current popularity, once Jiang Fan joins our studio, plus our push from behind, Jiang Fan will definitely become a millionaire online celebrity, and his income will definitely be higher than his delivery job!"

Zhou Shuya was afraid that Shen Qingqing would not be able to hold back and tell the truth, so she immediately organized her words and sent another private message to Shen Qingqing. To be honest.

In Zhou Shuya's opinion, Jiang Fan is also a talent.

Let's not talk about Jiang Fan pretending to be rich, just talk about the way to get rich by grabbing parking spaces.

This train of thought is not something that ordinary people can think of.

Especially during the first call, Jiang Fan's train of thought was even more unique.

Because only Jiang Fan could think that a classmate who hadn't seen for a long time suddenly contacted him for membership fees, to borrow money, or to cut a knife.

"Is this okay?"Shen Qingqing was still a little hesitant.

"It's okay, don't you still believe me?" Zhou Shuya said affirmatively

"No, no, of course I believe you, but I'm worried that it will bring trouble to Jiang Fan's life!" Shen Qingqing hesitated.

"Qingqing, have you ever thought about what if your classmate Jiang Fan is a real rich man?"

"Shuya, what do you mean?⊙(・◇・)?"

"Think about it, Jiang Fan never said he was a delivery man from the beginning to the end."

"But the last time I called, it wasn't..."

"Last time we just heard a woman talking about takeaways, but who can guarantee that the person the woman was talking about was Jiang Fan?"

Seeing the message from Zhou Shuya, Shen Qingqing was stunned.


When she called at that time, although she heard a woman talking about takeaways on the phone, who can say that the woman on the phone was talking about Jiang Fan?

"Is it possible that when Jiang Fan answered the phone last time, there happened to be a woman next to him receiving a takeaway?"Zhou Shuya continued to send private messages

"It seems so!" Shen Qingqing felt that there was some truth in it.

"So, Qingqing, just forget that Jiang Fan is a delivery man and treat him like the classmates you met before."

"What if Jiang Fan is really..."

"If Jiang Fan is really a delivery man, we will bring Jiang Fan into our studio and promise not to treat him badly in the future, how about that?!"

Seeing this private message, Shen Qingqing felt relieved.

"Did the netizens say something again?

Seeing Shen Qingqing's eyes moving away from the phone, Jiang Fan smiled and said

"No, no!" Shen Qingqing quickly denied

"Are netizens mocking me for pretending to be rich again?" Jiang Fan chuckled.

""Huh? How did you know that?"

Shen Qingqing's eyes widened, but she immediately covered her mouth.

"I also know that when we first met, netizens said that my car was rented, right?"Jiang Fan laughed. Shen

Qingqing was dumbfounded.

"You don't have to be so surprised. Although I don't watch many videos or live broadcasts, I still understand some principles. You didn't talk much along the way, just taking these into consideration!"

Jiang Fan poured himself a cup of tea.

"In fact, you don't have to care about those comments on the Internet. You just need to know that people who are not happy in real life will expose their nature on the Internet and express their so-called opinions unscrupulously. It

's nothing more than jealousy. They laugh at others who have nothing and hate others who have something. This is human nature.

As a broadcaster, you should be more open-minded!"Jiang Fan smiled and comforted.

Shen Qingqing agreed with Jiang Fan's statement.

After all, she has been broadcasting live for a long time. She has seen all kinds of disgusting comments.


Why did Jiang Fan enlighten her?

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