"Student Jiang, you misunderstood. It's not that I don't believe you, but the netizens in the live broadcast room don't believe you. If you don't believe it, you can ask Qingqing, is that right, Qingqing!"

Shen Qingqing didn't expect Liu Chunnan to throw the topic to her.

She didn't know whether to answer or not at this moment.

""Yuanyuan, go to the study and get a piece of white paper and a pencil for Daddy!"

Suddenly, Jiang Fan looked at Yuanyuan.


Yuanyuan ran to the study without thinking.

Shen Qingqing and Liu Chunnan were stunned for a moment, and immediately realized what Jiang Fan was going to do.

"Could it be that Jiang wants to draw a cartoon on the spot?"

"Is there any need to doubt this? Let Yuanyuan get a pen and paper!"

"No matter how much you talk, it’s better to show it yourself!"

"I am very curious, can Jiang really finish drawing a page of comics in a few minutes?"

"Some can't wait!"

A group of netizens immediately looked forward to it!

A topic quickly rushed to the hot search of short videos

【The first comic artist in Longguo demonstrated how to draw a page of comics in a few minutes. For a while, many netizens who didn't know what was going on were attracted to the live broadcast room by this topic.

Zhou Shuya was stunned.

She never thought that Qingqing's live broadcast room would be so popular.

No wonder those live broadcast netizens always like to invite some celebrities with traffic and fame to live broadcast.

It's a pity that their studio couldn't invite popular celebrities to live broadcast before.


Zhou Shuya thought of the phone call just now and smiled seductively with her red lips.


""Mr. Jiang, do you want to demonstrate how to draw comics?"

Shen Qingqing also knew why Jiang Fan asked Yuanyuan to get a pen and paper, but she still couldn't help asking.

"Seeing is believing, hearing is false, believe it or not, let the facts speak for themselves!"Jiang Fan said with a smile.

Seeing Jiang Fan's calm expression, Shen Qingqing felt relieved. Jiang Fan dared to do this, which meant that he could really draw a comic in a few minutes.

Liu Chunnan was very excited. It did n't matter to her whether Jiang Fan could draw a page of comics in a few minutes.

She only cared about one thing.

That was topics, traffic, heat, and popularity.

Therefore, Jiang Fan wanted to draw comics himself, which made her live broadcast room more popular.

"But will this bother you?"Shen Qingqing hesitated and asked.

Liu Chunnan wanted to cover Shen Qingqing's mouth.

She thought Shen Qingqing was an idiot.

Couldn't she see the traffic password on Jiang Fan?

"It's okay, it won't take long!" Jiang Fan said with a calm smile

""Dad, I'm back!"

After a while,

Yuanyuan rode a fat big spotted pig to the kitchen door and jumped off the big spotted pig's back with a nimble figure.

"Oh shit, why does Jiang Tong’s family raise such a big spotted pig?"

"Friends who are new to the live broadcast room may not know that this big spotted pig is raised by Yuanyuan, and it seems to be called Mantou."

New netizens who came to watch the live broadcast room were surprised to see Yuanyuan riding a spotted pig.

"Dad, here!"

Yuanyuan handed the pen and white paper to Jiang Fan.

"Mr. Shen, take a look at which comic the friends in the live broadcast room want me to draw?"Jiang Fan said with a smile


Shen Qingqing immediately said to the live broadcast room:"Friends, classmate Jiang is going to demonstrate how to draw comics. Which one do you want Jiang to draw the most?"

Liu Chunnan on the side was jealous.

She was sure in her heart that Jiang Shen Qingqing and Jiang Fan were having an affair.

"Draw One Piece!"

"Naruto doesn't explain!"

"Soul Street!"

"Under One Person!"

Looking at the live broadcast room that was swiping the screen like crazy, Shen Qingqing hesitated for a moment,"The comments are too mixed, how about I choose someone by random draw!"

Seeing that the comments were all posting pictures that were OK, Shen Qingqing randomly drew the picture.

"Congratulations to this friend named Xiaowangshu. Which comic book would you like Jiang to draw?"

"I didn’t expect that I would be chosen, that’s great, Goddess Qingqing, my favorite comic is a little-known comic by Lao Zei, called Mr. Longguo Qijing!"

Shen Qingqing was stunned for a moment, but still said:"Okay, this friend of Xiaowangshu wants classmate Jiang to draw Mr. Longguo Qijing!"

"Mr. Dragon Country Surprise is not popular? This is the funniest joke I have heard this year!"

"In fact, this is not wrong, the comic Mr. Dragon Country Marvel is less popular among Lao Zei’s many comics, but it is also top-notch among most Dragon Country comics!"

"What the above person said makes sense!"

"What are you guys still chatting about? Look, classmate Jiang is already drawing!"

""Fuck, is this the speed a human should have?"

At this moment.

When Shen Qingqing said she wanted to draw a comic, Jiang Fan had already bent over the table and started drawing.

His hand holding the pen moved quickly, and the tip of the pen seemed to be holding a continuous thin line entangled on the paper. Soon, the scene, characters, and dialogue appeared in front of him.

Shen Qingqing was stunned.

Liu Chunnan was also stunned.

The netizens in the live broadcast room were completely silent.


After a while, the live broadcast room was flooded with these two words.

""It's done!"

Jiang Fan put away his pen, looked at the finished paper on the table with satisfaction, and nodded.


Shen Qingqing didn't pay attention to the time just now, but she knew that Jiang Fan was drawing really fast.

"I'm sorry, I was shortsighted. I shouldn't have doubted Jiang's speed just now!"

"Classmate Jiang, please accept my knee!"

"Did you notice that when Jiang was drawing, he didn't make any revisions at all?"

"There's still some revisions. I suspect Jiang drew it without even thinking about it!"

"Is this the difference between a genius and an ordinary person?"

"To be honest, although I was slapped in the face by Jiang Fan, it did not stop me from admiring him like a torrent of water."

The netizens who were originally skeptical of Jiang Fan completely believed him at this moment.

"Shit, I was so shocked just now that I forgot to check the time!"

"Don't worry, I just recorded a video, four minutes and thirty-six seconds!"

"Damn, is this really the speed a human should have?"

For a moment, many netizens were completely shocked, and some netizens began to question it.

"Why do I feel it's unreal?"

"I also feel it is unrealistic, it feels as if it is designed!"

"It must be a script. Jiang Fan must have practiced it beforehand, which is why he could draw it so quickly!"

"Maybe these two anchors are just dragging their feet and cooperating in acting!"

"That’s right, if Jiang can draw comics so quickly, then why does he always delay or stop updating?"

Some people question it, and naturally some people refute it.

"Still dragging it out? What good would it do for Jiang to drag it out as a classmate?"

"I watched this live broadcast from beginning to end. If you say it was dragged out, I can only say that it was acted too realistically!"

"I am speechless to those who questioned it. Even the questioning anchor didn't question it, so what are you questioning about?"The so-called questioning anchor is Liu Chunnan.

Liu Chunnan knows best whether there is any dragging or not.

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