"Why don't you contact your former high school classmates!"

Zhou Shuya really didn't expect Jiang Fan to be so unknown.

Shen Qingqing nodded again.

She began to contact classmates with whom she had a good relationship in high school.

After asking a few classmates, no one knew who Jiang Fan had a good relationship with.

However, many classmates were shocked by Jiang Fan's identity.

They also said that Jiang Fan hid it too well.

"Qingqing, how come you have time to call me?"

Shen Qingqing contacted another high school classmate.

She had met this high school classmate before, and now she is a senior executive of a private company.

"Zhu Zhu, I want to ask you if you know Jiang Fan from our high school days?" Shen Qingqing asked straight to the point

"Of course I know. I watched your live broadcast yesterday. I never thought Jiang Fan would be so amazing. Not only does he know the boss of Longteng Group, but he is also a famous cartoonist."The female voice on the other end of the phone sounded extremely excited.

"I didn't expect it either."

Shen Qingqing also felt a little emotional.

Who would have thought that the once unknown classmate would now be a world-class cartoonist?

"Next time we have a class reunion, we must invite Jiang Fan to attend!!"

The female voice on the other end of the phone suddenly said

"I have the same idea!"

Shen Qingqing felt a little strange.

Their high school classmates had held several reunions before.

At that time, they had never thought of Jiang Fan's existence.

Now that they knew Jiang Fan's identity, they thought of inviting Jiang Fan to attend the high school reunion.

"By the way, Zhu Zhu, I want to ask you something!

Shen Qingqing thought about it and got to the point.

"What's going on?"The female voice on the other end of the phone asked curiously.

"Do you know any classmates who had a good relationship with Jiang Fan in high school?" Shen Qingqing asked

"Classmates who are close to Jiang Fan?"

The female voice on the other end of the phone fell silent. Shen Qingqing couldn't help but sigh.

She had asked several classmates before and they were all the same. They were very excited when talking about Jiang Fan's identity.

But when asked who Jiang Fan was close to, they were silent.

""I remember it!"

Suddenly, the female voice on the other end of the phone said excitedly.

Shen Qingqing's heart suddenly lifted

"But I'm not sure whether it is true or not!"

The female voice on the other end of the phone said uncertainly

"It's okay, Zhu Zhu, tell me what you think!" Shen Qingqing asked curiously

"One time, I went shopping with a few roommates and happened to see Jiang Fan and a classmate from our class coming out of an Internet cafe!"

The female voice on the other end of the phone said.

Coming out of an Internet cafe?

Jiang Fan used to be an Internet addict.

"Who is the classmate who surfed the Internet with Jiang Fan?" Shen Qingqing asked

""It's the fat guy in our class, the one who looks fat and wretched. Oh, by the way, I remember he confessed to you!" said the female voice on the other end of the phone.

Speaking of fat guys, Shen Qingqing really couldn't remember them.

After all, there were a few chubby classmates in the class at that time.

But when it comes to the fat guy who confessed to her, Shen Qingqing immediately thought of someone.

"Qi Hao?"

"Yes, it was him. At that time, I saw Qi Hao holding Jiang Fan's shoulder. I thought they must have a good relationship!"

The female voice on the other end of the phone said

"I understand. Thank you, Zhu Zhu!" Shen Qingqing said gratefully.

""It's okay. I didn't help you. Qingqing, your next classmate won't be Qi Hao, right?"

The female voice on the other end of the phone seemed to have guessed something and asked immediately.


Shen Qingqing did not hide it and admitted it directly.

"Are you sure, Qingqing? Jiang Fan is the topic all over the internet now. Why don’t you continue to broadcast Jiang Fan live? I also want to watch it, especially Jiang Fan’s daughter, she is so cute!!"

The female voice on the other end of the phone said in confusion

"Zhu Zhu, the content of my live broadcast is to meet with my former high school classmates. If I often meet with Jiang Fan alone, it will be off topic!"

Shen Qingqing explained

"It was just one or two times, how come it’s so frequent?"

The female voice on the other end of the phone complained:

"Qingqing, didn’t you see that Liu Chunnan went to Jiang Fan’s house to live broadcast today? If you do this, Jiang Fan’s popularity will be snatched away by Liu Chunnan!"

"I know this, but I still want to meet my former classmates!"

Shen Qingqing still sticks to her idea

"Well, to be honest, I don’t recommend you to make a live broadcast to meet Qi Hao. As far as I remember, Qi Hao seemed to have been admitted to a very ordinary junior college. His popularity is definitely not comparable to Jiang Fan’s!"

Shen Qingqing also knew that her classmates were concerned about her,"Thank you for your concern!"

"It's not that I care, I just don't want to see Liu Chunnan doing better than you. To be honest, I hate Liu Chunnan, he's so pretentious!"

"I will try my best. By the way, Zhu Zhu, do you have Qi Hao’s contact information?"

"I don’t have this!"

"Then I'll ask other people!"

After that, Shen Qingqing chatted with her classmates for a while and then hung up the phone.

"Look, even your classmate, who is not an expert, knows that Jiang Fan has popularity and traffic, but you, an internet celebrity, don’t know it!" Zhou Shuya added

"Shuya, I think you are tired of living!" Shen Qingqing put her hands on her hips and pretended to be angry.

""Okay, I won't talk about this. I just heard from your classmate that a fat guy confessed his love to you when you were in high school. Is that true?"

Zhou Shuya couldn't help but teased.

"Look at my 18 claws of the dragon!"

Shen Qingqing immediately threw Zhou Shuya onto the sofa and tickled her madly.

"Stop playing around, stop playing around, let’s get down to business!"

"What I am doing now is the real work!"

"Are you still playing? You are really a tiger that doesn't show its power, you think I am Hello Kitty!"

Suddenly, there was a burst of laughter in the office.

I don't know how long it lasted.

The two people who were tired of playing were slightly panting and lying on the sofa weakly.

"Tell me, did Qi Hao really confess his love to you?" Zhou Shuya asked curiously

"You still want to say it?" Shen Qingqing said unhappily.

"I'm just curious!" Zhou Shuya said with a smile

"Actually, there was such a thing. When graduation was approaching, he suddenly called me to the grove to confess his love to me, but I rejected him!"

Shen Qingqing recalled the events of high school and said softly

"What does Qi Hao look like?"Zhou Shuya said with a smile

"That's the guy!"

Shen Qingqing took out a graduation photo from her bag and pointed at a person in the photo.

Zhou Shuya looked at the photo.

She saw that the person Shen Qingqing pointed at was not very tall in the class, chubby, with a round face and acne on his face.

No wonder Qingqing's female classmate described this person as fat and wretched.

"Is this person really close to Jiang Fan?"

Zhou Shuya couldn't help but wonder

"I don't know either!"

Shen Qingqing shrugged, indicating that she was not very clear either.

"Then let's contact Qi Hao and see if he's willing to meet, but I think he'll be reluctant to refuse!"Zhou Shuya smiled intriguingly.

Shen Qingqing naturally knew what a good girlfriend meant, and she was too lazy to talk to her. She started to contact her former classmates and asked for Qi Hao's contact information.

However, what Shen Qingqing didn't expect was that none of her former classmates had Qi Hao's contact information.

"No wonder Qi Hao and Jiang Fan get along so well, they are the same kind of people!"

Zhou Shuya couldn't help but sigh.

Shen Qingqing didn't know what to say.

In her impression, Qi Hao's grades were average in the class.

And his popularity should be better than Jiang Fan's.

After all, he dared to confess to her, so his popularity must be good.

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