If a person falls in love with another person, everything about that person will be automatically filtered in their eyes and heart.

Lin Senmu and Jiang Yuan were enjoying exotic dances and traditional Chinese lion dances near the stage.

All these programs opened the eyes of the two southerners.

"Lin Senmu, please have some candied haws."

Jiang Yuan had two more strings of candied haws in her hand.

When Lin Senmu turned to look at her, he happened to see a vendor carrying a candied haws rack and walking away.

"Too sweet, I don't want to eat it!"

Lin Senmu waved his hand.

"Forget it, I'll eat two strings myself."

Jiang Yuan puffed up her cheeks, immediately removed the tape outside the candied haws, stretched out her tongue to taste the sweetness, and then bit off a hawthorn fruit.

After eating one, there was a little bit of rock sugar residue on the corner of her mouth, but she repeated the action just now and bit off a new hawthorn fruit.

The girl's eating posture was a bit silly and cute.

"Jiang Yuan, is it delicious? Let me try one!"

Lin Senmu's eyes flashed with an indescribable expression.


Jiang Yuan handed over the unopened string of candied haws in her hand.

"I'll just eat one to taste it, don't waste it."

Lin Senmu quickly moved closer, bit the girl's string of candied haws with his teeth, tilted his head slightly and put the hawthorn fruit from the wooden stick into his mouth.

"Lin Senmu, the king of routines, you don't want to eat what I bought for you, but you want to eat what I've eaten?"

Jiang Yuan widened her beautiful eyes and stared at him for a while, then waved her fist in shame and anger.

Lin Senmu dodged and spoke vaguely, "The new string is for you to eat when you go back."

Jiang Yuan was about to catch up and punch him twice, but the group voice popped up on her phone. She cut into the green bubble and saw that the tour guide of their group had tagged everyone to gather.

"Lin Senmu, I'm going back!" Jiang Yuan said softly.

Hearing this, Lin Senmu's smile froze on his face, and he nodded gently, "Okay."

"Will you take me to the gate?"

Jiang Yuan turned her head away as if to say something.


Lin Senmu heard it clearly, smiled again and walked side by side with Jiang Yuan.

Arriving at the gate of the city that never sleeps, Jiang Yuan got on the bus with the group, and looked back at the boy before getting on the bus.

Lin Senmu waved at her.

Jiang Yuan entered the car, unlocked her phone immediately, and sent a message, "Lin Senmu, will you still take our group's route tomorrow?"


Lin Senmu replied with an OK gesture.

"Hehe, then I'll treat you to ice cream tomorrow."


Seeing these two words, Jiang Yuan couldn't help but think of the scene just now, and her little face unconsciously turned red. Lin Senmu, don't grab the ice cream she had eaten tomorrow?

"Lin Senmu, I'm at the hotel, I'm going to take a shower!"

"Okay, I've already taken a shower."

Lin Senmu had already returned to the RV. The RV has many advantages, including beds, showers, and cooking!

Although the price is 500 yuan a day, it saves the hotel accommodation fee.

"Lin Senmu, I'm going to sleep, good night!"

"Good night Jiang Yuan!"

The next morning, when Lin Senmu woke up, he received the girl's message as usual.

"Lin Senmu, get up, get up, our group has left Anxi City, and I'll wait for you at Tianchi at the next stop!"

"Get up, I'll be there soon."

After washing up, Lin Senmu bought bread and milk at a store near the Never-Sleeping City to fill his stomach, and then navigated to Tianchi.

However, when he arrived at the Tianchi scenic spot, he did not see Jiang Yuan at the agreed place.

"Where is she?"

Lin Senmu patted her head portrait, and it was still the same sentence "Lin Senmu greets the beautiful little princess."

"Woo woo, Lin Senmu, I was wrong. We have already played at Tianchi and are on the way to the Populus euphratica forest!"

Jiang Yuan said cautiously. She didn't know that today's group meeting would go so fast, and she didn't dare to tell Lin Senmu.

"Jiang Yuan, you stood me up!"

Lin Senmu sent a cracked emoji.

"Sorry, Lin Senmu!"

The emoji package that Jiang Yuan accompanied the text was an admission of fault.


Lin Senmu's mentality was really broken. He came to see someone excitedly, but ended up being disappointed.

"Don't be angry."

Jiang Yuan sent an emoji package, with a little girl pulling the corner of the big boy's clothes, a bit like the coaxing mode.

"You pat me, and I won't be angry."

Lin Senmu was very cunning, and his routine was natural.


Jiang Yuan was very embarrassed and directly scratched out three exclamation marks.

Lin Senmu waited for a long time, and when he thought there was no hope, someone patted his green bubble avatar.

A system prompt popped up on the phone screen: Jiang Yuan patted Lin Senmu and called him husband!

Lin Senmu was in a good mood and said jokingly: "Jiang Yuan, you call me husband every day, I will call you wife too!”

“Lin Senmu, the king of tricks, I didn’t call you husband. You asked me to pat you so that you wouldn’t be angry!”

Jiang Yuan sent a kitchen knife.

Lin Senmu took a screenshot of ‘Jiang Yuan patted Lin Senmu and called him husband’, returned to the album to crop the border, and only left the text content and sent it.

“Ignore you!”

In the bus, Jiang Yuan’s face was flushed, and she was thinking impulsively: Is Lin Senmu trying to flirt with me?

“Tell me where the next stop is, I won’t visit Tianchi anymore, I’m coming to find you now! "

Lin Senmu's original 'list of tourist attractions in the Western Regions' included the current Tianchi Lake.

As far as the eye can see, the clear and rippling water of Tianchi Lake, the lush trees by the lake, the crystal clear glaciers in the distance, and the snow-capped mountains behind the glaciers.

But it seems that without that person, these scenery is just the same.

"Lin Senmu, you have a pig brain, there are chat records on it, I said, poplar forest."

Jiang Yuan rolled his eyes.

"Oh, I've become stupid."

Lin Senmu's emoticon is a handsome sigh.

"You've always been stupid."

Jiang Yuan gave a sly smile.

Arrogant, girl!

Lin Senmu was not to be outdone, "I didn't expect that in just two or three days, a smart person like me would be infected by a fool like you!"

Jiang Yuan said angrily: "Lin Senmu, you are the fool, the big fool!"

"Then you are the little fool! "

Lin Senmu smiled wickedly.

"Hmph, come quickly, or I'll leave again."

Jiang Yuan urged.

"I'm coming, you didn't even call me to tell me you were going to the Populus euphratica forest just now, so I could have changed the route to the Populus euphratica forest instead of going to Tianchi."

Lin Senmu complained.

"I'm afraid you'll be distracted while driving."

Jiang Yuan had thought about this, she knew Lin Senmu was traveling by car, and was worried that if she called him, he might get into an accident while driving.

Lin Senmu felt warm in his heart, "I'm leaving now!"

Jiang Yuan reminded him, "Yeah, don't drive too fast, be careful!"

"OK! "

Lin Senmu responded, but he stepped on the accelerator deeply, wanting to quickly meet up with the girl.

He came to the Western Regions to see the scenery, but now the scenery is the route she took.

However, just as Lin Senmu was on his way to the poplar forest.

The bus that Jiang Yuan was on stopped at the largest shopping mall in the city while shuttling through the city.

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