On the second day of military training, the training subjects added the method of turning while stopped and saluting.

The students complained even more. Zhang Bowen and the acting monitor Li Yuhang performed the best in the third class of finance.

Both of them were sports students in high school, and they were better than other students in terms of physical fitness.

Lin Senmu was not much worse. After all, he was a guy with abdominal muscles. He would insist on doing half an hour of exercise at night.

But he didn't want to show it.

In dormitory 308, Nie Hao was the worst, with his legs shaking.

There was no way, Brother Hao was weak.

At noon, he still went back to the dormitory to order takeout.

Seeing Zhang Bowen and Nie Hao sharing a bathhouse, making noises in it with a smile on their faces.

Lin Senmu's evil taste surged, and he shouted: "Haozi, Aqi, are you picking up soap? Don't wait for the next song of Juhuatai."

Yang Jian said from the next door: "Don't practice shooting, I heard it all!"

Zhang Bowen was very thick-skinned and responded with a coquettish attitude: "Come on, Mu~~~"

"Xiaofei, why don't you come over too~~" Nie Hao was deeply affected.

"Get lost!" Yang Jian cursed.

"Go away, two perverts!" Lin Senmu also felt a chill.

At dinner time, Lin Senmu and Jiang Yuan went to the cafeteria together. Today, they did not sit in a row, but sat face to face.

This was a deliberate operation by Jiang Yuan, because it was cute.

Jiang Yuan raised her little face, looked like a fangirl, and said coquettishly: "My male god, the surprise you said last night, can you reveal a little bit~"

Lin Senmu's defense was full, "Nonono."

"Tsk~ I don't really want to know~"

Jiang Yuan's little mouth was pouted so high that she could hang a bottle of oil.

However, at this time the next day, she thought of a new way, thinking that if being cute didn't work, then she would be pitiful.

Jiang Yuan begged pitifully, "Dear brain man, your brain woman hasn't slept well these two days, and she has dark circles under her eyes. Can you bear to watch her getting thinner and thinner?"

"I want to know~~~"

Lin Senmu ate in silence.

On the third day, Jiang Yuan adjusted his thinking again, and shouted fiercely: "Lin Senmu, do you want to tell me or not? If you don't tell me, I will ignore you!"

Lin Senmu didn't say it.

Jiang Yuan stepped on him and said angrily: "Heartless man, your wife has insomnia, why don't you tell her!"

During these three days, after the military training, Lin Senmu went back to the dormitory to take a shower and change clothes, then carried his guitar and computer bag, and lived in a hotel outside the school.

Finally, on this night, he finished thinking about the last line of lyrics, put on his guitar in the room, leaned over the computer to turn on the accompaniment, and sang while playing.

"If we love each other for many years..."

After singing from beginning to end, Lin Senmu then turned off the accompaniment, recorded a cappella, and played it back to listen to the effect.

After feeling satisfied, he turned off the computer and went to bed.

The fifth day of military training.

When Lin Senmu went to the playground at night, he was very conspicuous along the way, and the students of Hai University looked at the boy with a guitar with great interest.

During the school's military training, many old students would come to the playground to watch the freshmen's military training when they had no classes.

In recent years, online novels such as "senior sister and junior brother" and "senior and junior sister" have been popular for a long time.

Many senior students who were still single in their freshman year are looking forward to a beautiful love encounter with junior students.

With his handsome appearance and sunny smile, Lin Senmu fooled a senior sister from the school's art department and asked her to help play an accompaniment on the radio when he went on stage.

"Thank you, senior sister!"

After handing the USB flash drive to the senior sister, Lin Senmu returned to the company and waited silently for the evening singing session.

Not long after, Lin Senmu seamlessly stepped onto the big stage after the previous performer's program.

At this moment, on the playground of Ocean University, more than 9,000 freshmen, plus seniors, nearly 10,000 people, all looked at the boy with a guitar on his back.

Lin Senmu adjusted the height of the microphone stand, put the microphone flush with his mouth, and then blew twice to test the sound.

Then, he looked at the company of the Art Academy and smiled gently, "An original song for Jiang Yuan from the first class of the Art Academy. I hope she likes it."

As soon as Lin Senmu finished speaking on the stage, many boys in the company below the stage spoke with disdain, "It's great to be handsome. Who in our music department doesn't write original songs? Are you chasing the school beauty like this?"

The girls were also bored. Another guy crazy about Jiang Yuan, wasting his looks and temperament, can't he chase me?

You have to chase the hard-to-catch and the impossible!

Lin Senmu ignored any sarcasm. Before singing, he looked up at the night sky above his head - the summer night sky.

Then, he slowly closed his eyes, and Jiang Yuan's face appeared in his mind, and the singing sound came from him.:

A1 main song:

[This summer, I met the one I love]

[The wind brings the kite, the forest is the route]

[The tree pattern is mostly a circle, engraved with the annual rings and wishes]

[The love is endless, running through every day]

Jiang Yuan, who was in the audience, was instantly hit by the lyrics about her. She widened her almond eyes and was full of surprise.

Lin Senmu's eyes searched for a long time in the art company, and finally saw that familiar figure and that familiar face.

He continued to play and sing softly:

A2 Main song:

[This campus, a new story begins]

[In front of the olive green, playing and singing a lifetime of attachment]

[The girl in the audience, her eyebrows and eyes are still smiling]

[Affectionate, love you forever]

Jiang Yuan covered her heart with her small hands and murmured: "Lin Senmu, I love you, and I will never change!"

After singing the main part, Lin Senmu remembered that he had not said the name of the song, and introduced: "This song, the name of the song is, if we love each other for many years!"

After that, Lin Senmu played the guitar and sang loudly:

B1 Chorus:

[If, we love each other for many years]

[I will remember all your habits]

[When we are old, hand in hand, look back on the years]

[As if, you are still, a young face]

Jiang Yuan jumped up from the ground, turned on the flashlight of her mobile phone, raised her arms high, waved for her boy, and cheered for her boy.

Seeing this, the boys from the Art College wailed. So the school belle was so easy to deceive? If they had known that they would do this, they would also be able to write songs!

But the love rival on the stage, this song... seems to have some quality.

The Economics College company, Nie Hao, Zhang Bowen, and Yang Jian, also waved their flashlights at this time to support their buddies.

Many people also raised their mobile phone flashlights unconsciously, from a few scattered to a large area of ​​​​glory.

Lin Senmu showed a warm smile, his head was always looking at Jiang Yuan, leaving only a side face for many people.

A song entered the finale:

B2 chorus:

[Maybe, only one person in a lifetime, it is romantic]

[How I hope to accompany you forever]

[Dreams can come true, then it must be a marriage]

[The end of happiness, by my side, no regrets]


[The small world is all about you]

[The little love is all your sweetness]


Lin Senmu and Jiang Yuan met this summer.

"If we love each other for many years!"

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