Lin Senmu came to the playground to participate in the night military training. He waited and waited, but he didn't see Nie Hao until roll call.

He asked curiously: "Aqi, Xiaofei, where is he?"

Zhang Bowen shook his head: "I don't know. After you left in the afternoon, I haven't seen Brother Hao."

Yang Jian also said: "I don't know. I had dinner with Aqi and I didn't see Hao."

Lin Senmu understood. Nie Hao probably took advantage of the "sick leave" to pick up girls.

So he could only lie to the instructor, "Nie Hao is not feeling well. After the infusion in the infirmary in the afternoon, he rested in the dormitory."

When watching the show at night during military training, Zhang Bowen and Yang Jian used the excuse of going to the toilet to sneak out to smoke.

Before leaving, they asked: "Mu Tou, are you going?"

Lin Senmu didn't want to smoke, but his friends were not there, and he didn't want to stay in the company because he was targeted by male compatriots for taking the school beauty.

After notifying the "acting monitor" Li Yuhang, he followed the two out of the playground.

The three of them were in front of a teaching building, Yang Jian and Zhang Bowen were puffing smoke.

Lin Senmu didn't smoke, but asked for a cigarette and lit it, and timed it to see how long it would take for a cigarette to burn out naturally!

Mainly because no one was chatting, Lin Senmu's social circle was pitifully clean. His girlfriend Jiang Yuan left him a message: "Sen Sen, I'm a little sleepy, I'll take a nap."

He had nothing to do.

Suddenly, Yang Jian's pupils widened, pointed in a direction and stammered: "Look, is that person a rat?"

Lin Senmu and Zhang Bowen looked over and saw that it was indeed Nie Hao, but he was not alone. He was holding a girl's hand and strolling leisurely from a distance.

As they got closer, Nie Hao also saw them and took the initiative to greet them: "Brothers, this is my girlfriend, Lan Yue."

Zhang Bowen was dumbfounded and thought: Haozi is really a great god, his strength is not to be underestimated. It's only been a few hours, and he has already seduced a girl? And they have confirmed the relationship of boyfriend and girlfriend.

What's more amazing is that this girl is pretty.

Yang Jian, this stubborn guy, has never called anyone "brother" so far. He swears today that Haozi will be my brother Hao from now on!

"Hello, sister-in-law."

Lin Senmu simply acted as a wingman.

"Hello, sister-in-law, are you our senior sister?"

Zhang Bowen also played an assist, but he was still witty in getting close to her. After all, if he gets familiar with her, he can ask "Hao's sister-in-law" to introduce his girlfriend.

"Hello, sister-in-law."

Yang Jian recognized the first brother, and he was convinced by the sister-in-law.

Nie Hao was beaming with joy, and was very satisfied with the performance of his good brothers. He said proudly: "We are going to buy milk tea, brothers, let's go together."

After having a cup of milk tea for free, Lin Senmu, Zhang Bowen, and Yang Jian returned to the playground.

Along the way, Zhang Bowen kept talking, "Damn, my brother Hao is so awesome. It seems that I will definitely be single in my freshman year with brother Hao."

Yang Jian nodded frantically, "Brother Hao is so awesome. It's only been a little over four hours since he left the team in the afternoon, and he got the senior sister."

However, the two guys were not only shocked. After the military training ended and they returned to the dormitory, when the lights were turned off in the dormitory, they saw that Nie Hao had not returned yet.

They already knew that their brother Hao was done tonight.

Zhang Bowen even became jealous, "Thinking about my brother Hao's output tonight, I feel so bad in my heart. Alas, my life is so hard. When can I become a shooter?"

Yang Jian was silent, turned sideways and covered his head with the quilt, and logged into a small website.

Lin Senmu was quite calm about this. Although he also had that desire, he was not in a hurry. He hoped that when the relationship was deep, it would be natural for him and Jiang Yuan to succeed.

At this time, he had put on headphones and was connected to the microphone with Jiang Yuan who had just woken up, but the chat was text messages.

"Honey, I'm so energetic. I feel like I can't sleep tonight."

Lin Senmu patted his head, "Of course, you slept in the afternoon and made up for it at night."

Jiang Yuan's expression was pitiful, "I'm so bored, I don't know what to do."

Lin Senmu thought about it and suggested, "Let's play games?"

Jiang Yuan thought for a moment and shook his head, "I don't want to play King of Glory today."

Lin Senmu thought of the little game he had played before and said, "Do you want to play "You Draw, I Guess?"

Jiang Yuan's eyes lit up, "This is OK!"

"Then let's go to DouLe, there is a channel for this little game."

Then, Lin Senmu and Jiang Yuan logged into DouLe and opened a small room.

The game of "You Draw, I Guess" is a system-generated question, one party draws, and the other party guesses, which is especially suitable for long-distance couples to enhance their relationship.

Or like Lin Senmu and Jiang Yuan, when couples don't meet at school, they interact with each other.

The system gave Jiang Yuan an "egg", which is a simple question. She drew an oval.Lin Senmu guessed it.

When it was Lin Senmu's turn, the question was 'marbles', which was even simpler. He drew a small circle and Jiang Yuan answered it correctly.

"Husband, we have such a good understanding."

"That's right, we are like soulmates."

Not long after the game started, Lin Senmu and Jiang Yuan got along very well.

However, as the difficulty of the level increased.

The couple couldn't guess what the other had drawn, so they started bickering.

Jiang Yuan said disdainfully: "Stupid husband, how come you can't even guess the lamb skewers?"

Lin Senmu was speechless: "It's strange that I can guess it."

Jiang Yuan patiently analyzed her painting, "Why can't you guess it? I just drew a vertical line, and then drew five circles in the middle of the vertical line. If this is not a lamb skewers, what is it?"

Lin Senmu said melancholy: "Wife, don't you think that whether it is the pattern you drew or what you just said, it looks more like a candied haws?"

Stinky Sensen, it's obviously you who are stupid, and you keep saying that others draw badly!


Jiang Yuan said angrily, "I think anyone who is not a fool can guess what I drew, but you are such a big fool, you drew the panda like a bear!"

Lin Senmu retorted, "It's obviously you who can't guess, the animal with dark circles under the eyes is a giant panda, right?"

"Can you draw it?"

"Can you guess it?"

"You drew "killing someone with a borrowed knife" as "killing a pig with a borrowed knife!"

"Wu Song fighting a tiger, you drew "Wu Song fighting a dog", there is a word "king" on the tiger's forehead, okay?"

Jiang Yuan blushed, she forgot, there seems to be a word on the tiger's forehead.

I don't want to admit that I am dumber than Sen Sen!

The little girl started to act like a spoiled child, "Can't you guess the big belly just now? Didn't I draw a person with a pile of poop on the belly?"

Lin Senmu knew that his girlfriend would not be reasonable. He took out the screenshots he had saved while playing games, "Is this a big belly? I thought he had poop in his stomach and wanted to poop!"

As he said that, his desire to win surged up, and he sent two more screenshots, "Wife, look at the Ultraman you drew and the alien you drew in the last one. Is there any difference?"

"Lin Senmu, you are the best. Can you admit that you lost? How about letting you bully your wife tomorrow?"

Is there such a good thing?

Lin Senmu re-evaluated without any ambiguity: "Tsk tsk, my wife's painting is simply a genius little painter of the abstract school!"

"Oh, man!"


Jiang Yuan raised her little chin proudly. Didn't she win?

But the little face in the dark was flushed, because she would be controlled by Sen Sen tomorrow.

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