After leaving the hotel, there is a street for eating just across the street.

Lin Senmu, Jiang Yuan, and Nie Hao discussed eating braised chicken with rice.

Since the Ferrari SF90 is a two-door, two-seat supercar, Lin Senmu had to answer the multiple-choice questions in seconds when returning to school.

"Alas, I'm always the one who gets hurt!"

Nie Hao hid under a tree on the side of the road to shade himself, smoking a cigarette, and looking at the sports car that drove away with a little melancholy.

Then he took out his mobile phone and called a taxi!

On the way, Lin Senmu's mobile phone, which was placed on the armrest, lit up the screen. Seeing his girlfriend's curious look, Lin Senmu laughed and said, "Baby, help your husband check the news."


Jiang Yuan was waiting for this sentence, grabbed Lin Senmu's mobile phone, and quickly entered the password to unlock it.

Quietly clicked into WeChat, and saw that it was himself on the top interface, and his little face was super satisfied.

Then she read the message and said, "Honey, it's a text message. You have a courier. It's delivered to the school post station. What did you buy?"

Lin Senmu tilted his head and smiled, "It should be a puzzle. I saw a customizable photo puzzle a while ago, so I customized our photos."

"Baby, let's find a place to do the puzzle later."

Jiang Yuan said happily, "Okay."

Curious to school, Jiang Yuan couldn't wait to open the courier and said, "Let me see which photos of ours are customized!"

"My three favorite photos are one of us on the Ferris wheel; one of you holding hands in dad's car; and the last one is a photo of you on the train when we arrived in the Western Regions. I took a sneak shot of you."

Although Jiang Yuan had already seen the picture, Lin Senmu still said it again.

The photo puzzle he customized is the kind with a frame.

This thing is not expensive. When Lin Senmu customized it, he chose one large and two small ones.

The photo of the Ferris wheel has 1314 puzzle pieces.

The other two photos have 520 pieces each.

Young people who yearn for beautiful love want to tinker with anything related to love.

"I like it so much!"

Jiang Yuan's face was full of joy, "Husband, can you give me this hand-holding photo after you finish it?"

Lin Senmu nodded, "By the way, we have been in school for so long, and we haven't visited the library yet. Let's go to the school library to do the puzzle later. It's quiet there too."


Then, Lin Senmu and Jiang Yuan bought two coconuts, and came to the Ocean University Library with a box containing puzzle pieces and photo frames.

In the library, many alumni who love learning are concentrating on reading and studying.

After entering with face recognition, the two found a corner seat by the window and started to tinker with the puzzle.

In this environment, Lin Senmu spoke in a low voice, "Wife, let's compete in speed?"


Jiang Yuan responded.

Lin Senmu coughed lightly, "I haven't finished talking yet, it's the kind with a prize!"

Jiang Yuan's face gradually turned red, "What prize do you want?"

This girl, before she even started, she already thought about losing!!!

Lin Senmu whispered some couples' whispers...

Jiang Yuan didn't nod or shake her head, she just took the photo frame and started to puzzle.

"You're cheating again, I haven't even said to start yet!"

In order to win the prize, Lin Senmu quickly took the photo frame with 520 pieces and started to puzzle.

Time passed bit by bit.

On the small square table, Lin Senmu and Jiang Yuan studied the puzzle attentively.

Sometimes, Lin Senmu surpassed Jiang Yuan's puzzle number at once.

However, in the background, because the colors were almost similar, it was often encountered that no matter how to piece together, it was not correct, or the wrong piece had to be pieced again.

As a result, the speed slowed down, and the number of puzzles that had been solved was also surpassed by Jiang Yuan.

However, the situation on Jiang Yuan's side was similar. After surpassing Lin Senmu, she also encountered a similar situation of inaccurate puzzles and was caught up by Lin Senmu again.

In short, the puzzles were back and forth.


About half an hour later, Jiang Yuan finished ahead of time and saw that Lin Senmu still had more than a dozen puzzles left.

She breathed a long sigh of relief, and she didn't have to become Jiang Shuiyuan!

Lin Senmu was extremely disappointed and sighed deeply.

Hearing the sigh, Jiang Yuan rolled her eyes, "Stinky Sensen, you just want to bully people all day long!"

After a while, Lin Senmu finished the remaining pieces, looked at the time, and said, "Baby, I had dinner before 11 o'clock in the morning, and I'm hungry. It's already past 4 o'clock in the afternoon. Let's have dinner in advance. This is the biggest puzzle. We'll come back and solve it together later."


Jiang Yuan followed Lin Senmu out of the library.

On the way, she finally remembered the bet, "No, I won, what prize should I ask for from Sen Sen?"

"Should I punish him? Turn him into Lin Senli?"

This thought came up, and Jiang YuanShe blushed and said secretly, "Ah, what's the difference between that and my loss?"

"Lin Senmu, this bad guy, must be so happy!"

Lin Senmu saw that his girlfriend was silent, worried that she was planning to play a trick on him, and quickly disrupted Jiang Yuan's thinking, "Baby, you can sign up for the English Level 4 exam next week, remember to sign up."

"Uh, okay!"

Jiang Yuan really fell into the trap and continued to talk about the English Level 4 exam, "Sensen, how many points did you get in the college entrance examination in English?!"

Lin Senmu continued to add fuel to the fire, determined to make his girlfriend forget the bet, "The number of points is not important, what's important is that I can say..."

"I love you"

Jiang Yuan's face was slightly moist, and she whispered, "I love you too"

The big hand and the small hand were held together the next moment.

Lin Senmu and Jiang Yuan went to the cafeteria to finish their meal and returned to the library.

The previous table was not occupied because Lin Senmu left the puzzle box here to reserve a seat, and the assembled photo frame was covered upside down.

Except when the library is closed, no one usually touches or takes away the items placed in the library.

The two of them put their heads together and did handicrafts together.

This is a photo of each other.

She is putting together her favorite person.

He is putting together his beloved.

1314 puzzle pieces, from nothing to many, piece by piece, gradually formed the appearance of "Lin Senmu and Jiang Yuan".

During this process, Lin Senmu and Jiang Yuan did not speak to each other, but the whole process seemed to be sweet from the eyebrows to the tip of the heart for the two little ones.

It took several hours, when the last piece was filled in the concave corner of the photo frame by Jiang Yuan's slender fingers.

Lin Senmu smiled warmly, and couldn't help but turn his head and kissed the girl's soft cheek, "Bo~"

They worked together to complete each other's photo puzzle, and Jiang Yuan was also happy.

Just as Lin Senmu leaned back, she stretched out her little arm and circled her boyfriend's neck, "Mu ah~"

Three photo puzzles.

After coming out of the library, Jiang Yuan took the puzzle frame of "Hand in Hand" and went back to the girls' dormitory.

Dormitory 308, Nie Hao has not returned at this time, I wonder where he went to hang out again!

Zhang Bowen and Yang Jian came to school on Sunday evening, and looked at Lin Senmu curiously who took two photo frames.

Lin Senmu looked calm, and put the photo with Jiang Yuan on the desk of "bed above and desk below" so that he could see it every day.

Another single photo of Jiang Yuan was stored in the drawer.

Zhang Bowen ate a mouthful of dog food: "I shouldn't have looked over here, I admit I was jealous!"

Yang Jian beat his chest and shouted: "Mu Tou, there's no need, I'm still single in our dormitory!"

In the eyes of these two boys, Lin Senmu and Jiang Yuan are probably what love should be like.

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