In the new week, Lin Senmu rode his bike to pick up Jiang Yuan for class. Since it was close to the canteen, he bought three breakfasts on the way.

As for why he bought three breakfasts, it was because Jiang Yuan and Ji Yingge basically went out together in the morning.

So when Lin Senmu bought soup dumplings, he also brought one for his good friend.

University dormitories are often like this. Even if one person has finished washing up in advance, he will wait for another person to form a team.

Like Zhang Bowen and Yang Jian in dormitory 308, they go out arm in arm every day.

Nie Hao also went alone today. On a day with a girlfriend, he drove a ghost fire and had breakfast with his girlfriend ‘today’.

"Baby, can you ask, does Ji Yingge drink sweet soy milk? Or salty?"

Lin Senmu sent a message to ask when he bought a drink.

Jiang Yuan replied, "Salty, Xiao Huangying is from Hudu, a municipality directly under the Central Government, and her eating habits are similar to those in Qihu City."

"Oukeke, wait for me to pick you up!"

Lin Senmu stuffed breakfast and soy milk into the storage box on the front of the bike and rode towards the female dormitory building of the Art College.

Jiang Yuan and Ji Yingge stood under a tree to shade themselves, waiting for Lin Senmu's arrival.

Their looks are top in Ocean University, but their temperaments give people a cold and warm feeling, two completely different feelings.

Even though there are no boys in front of the girls' dormitory building, they attract the attention of the girls passing by.

When Wei Ruowei saw the two girls, her beautiful eyes lit up, and she came over to greet them with a smile, "Junior Jiang Yuan, Junior Ji Yingge."

"Senior, good morning."

Jiang Yuan responded with a smile, and she seemed to be in a good mood every day.

Ji Yingge nodded coldly, "Senior Wei."

Wei Ruowei smiled and explained the purpose of the visit, "Junior sister, you are all freshmen of the School of Arts, are you interested in signing up for the welcome party at the end of the month?"

Jiang Yuan was stunned, "Senior sister, aren't you the president of the animation club? Are you also in charge of the affairs of the Arts Department?"

Wei Ruowei smiled playfully, "The president of the animation club can't be the head of the Arts Department?"

Jiang Yuan praised, "Senior sister is so awesome!"

Wei Ruowei waved her hand modestly, "Junior sister, the girls in your School of Arts must have talents, right? What do you say? Do you want to make a splash at the party?"

"Little Huangying, will you participate?"

After Jiang Yuan went to college, she never thought about making a name for herself.

Because she has a partner, she is afraid of attracting some persistent suitors, which will add to the trouble.

So she is unwilling to participate in such a big stage event.

But this time, it was invited by an acquaintance senior sister in person, so it is not easy to refuse directly. She should ask the little sister's willingness first.

Ji Yingge shook her head and said, "I won't participate."

Hearing this, Jiang Yuan said, "Senior, we won't participate."

Wei Ruowei did not leave, and continued to lobby, "I watched the video of Lin Senmu singing during military training. Don't you plan to give him a surprise?"

Jiang Yuan was stunned, "Surprise for Sen Sen?"

Hearing Jiang Yuan's tone loosen, Wei Ruowei struck while the iron was hot, "Junior, think about it, when Lin Senmu sang an original love song for you during military training, that scene was so romantic!"

"If you also have feelings for Lin Senmu, Mu gave me a romantic gift, and I think he would be particularly happy. "

Jiang Yuan hesitated, "But what if Sen Sen doesn't like me to show up in public?"

Wei Ruowei chuckled and asserted, "How could that be? Which boy doesn't like to see his girlfriend show her excellence? You shine on the stage and bloom for him. He will only cherish you more."

Jiang Yuan was completely convinced. After hesitating for a moment, he nodded and said, "Then, then I'll participate."

"What about Ji Yingge?"

Wei Ruowei turned to the white-haired girl.


Ji Yingge replied coldly.

She doesn't have a boyfriend, who can she show her talent for?


"Baby, your delivery man is here, please accept the loving breakfast!"

At this time, Lin Senmu rode here.

"Hehe, accept it."

Jiang Yuan took the bag handed over by Lin Senmu, which contained soup dumplings and salty soy milk.

"Good friend, this is yours."

Lin Senmu took out another soup dumpling and salty soy milk from the storage box in the front of the car.

"Thank you."

Ji Yingge was so soft-hearted that her attitude changed. The auxiliary words were no longer purely polite "thank you", but became a close "thank you".

Lin Senmu, whose eyes were almost full of Jiang Yuan, only saw that there was an acquaintance present.

He was full of black lines on his face, took out his soup dumpling, and asked reluctantly: "Senior sister, do you want to have breakfast?"

Wei Ruowei rolled her eyes. After all, she was a senior student. How could she not see that Lin Senmu didn't want to give it to her at all!

"You guys eat, I've made an appointment with Hong Yan to go to the cafeteria together."

"Okay, senior sister." Lin Senmu smiled, how could he not be happy, he almost didn't have enough to eat again.

WeiAfter Ruo Wei left.

Ji Yingge also walked to the Ferrari beside.

Lin Senmu patted the back seat of the electric car, "Baby, get in the car!"

Jiang Yuan was about to stretch her legs to the back seat, but suddenly blinked and sat on the electric car sideways.

That's right, I have been led by Sen Sen and forgot that I can sit in the car like this.

Lin Senmu was annoyed and yelled, "Get off, don't sit like this!"

"I won't, I'm not wearing a little skirt today!"

Jiang Yuan put one hand around Lin Senmu's waist, a pair of beautiful legs dangling in the air, so proud.

I won't give Sen Sen any chance to "bump" today!

Lin Senmu was very angry, "Your husband brought you breakfast, and he didn't give you any welfare. Buy your own food tomorrow!"

"No, the breakfast brought by your husband is better than the one you buy yourself."

Jiang Yuan put half of her face on Lin Senmu's back, rubbing and acting coquettishly.

"Well, then, I'll bring it back to you tomorrow!!"

Without Jiang Xiao C, it's okay to be face to back, Lin Senmu is balanced.

Not long after, Jiang Yuan was sent to the teaching building by Lin Senmu. After she came to the classroom with breakfast, she went straight to where Ji Yingge was.

"Xiao Qingyuan, here's your textbook."

Recently, Ji Yingge has been driving their textbooks to the classroom.

The two classes this morning are "Basic Music Theory" and "Composition Technology Theory".

When Jiang Yuan saw the name of the book, a flash of inspiration flashed through her mind.

After agreeing to sign up for the welcome party with Wei Ruowei, Jiang Yuan has been thinking about what program to perform.

Seeing this at this time, she immediately had an idea.

She approached Ji Yingge and asked, "Little Huangying, what do you think about me trying to write an original song at the welcome party?"

Ji Yingge tilted her head and thought for a while, "Sure, you signed up to participate, didn't you want to surprise Lin Senmu?"

Jiang Yuan made a request, "Then these days, you can help me study the composition and lyrics, okay?"

"Then you have to treat me to a cone from Mixue Ice City!"


Girls and girls can't get along without delicious food.

This pair of sisters usually treat each other.

It's the end of the month, Ji Yingge knows that Jiang Yuan's living expenses are not much left, and she is a person who doesn't want to take advantage of others.

Last time when I went to a dessert shop, I found that Jiang Yuan was staring at a small cake with a price tag of 68 yuan. She turned around several times but couldn't bear to buy it.

"Little Qingyuan asked me for help, so I took the opportunity to ask her to treat me to food!"

"Then I have a proper reason to treat Little Qingyuan to her favorite cake!"

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