In the second class, Lin Senmu found a seat far away from Liang Han and sat down.

Surrounding him were people from other classes in the Finance Department, none of whom knew him.

But others knew him. The two guys on the left and right came over to him, winking and trying to get close to him, "Lin Senmu, you are so lucky. Not only do you have a school beauty girlfriend, but you can even borrow her sports car."

"Yeah, I envy you so much. The end of an ordinary person's life is probably a BMW 5 Series!"

The male student in the front row also turned around and joined in the topic, "Yes, that's a Ferrari. If you are born without a car of this level, it is difficult to get it by hard work alone."

Lin Senmu gave them a mouthful of poisonous chicken soup, "Yes, yes, I see brothers "He is handsome and will be a business genius in the future!"

"Brother Sen, I appreciate your good words."

"Okay, okay."

Time passed quickly. Before the fourth class was about to end, Lin Senmu sent a message to his girlfriend, "Baby, I'm going to pick you up."

Jiang Yuan sent a "little kid poking his head" expression, "Don't worry, husband, I'm going to accompany Xiao Huangying to repair her phone outside the school, and we'll have lunch outside at noon."

Last night, after Ji Yingge returned to the dormitory, she felt that it was necessary to explain, so she showed the broken phone to Jiang Yuan.

Hearing this, Lin Senmu asked, "Doesn't Xiao Huangying have a new phone?"

"Pig, there are many photos in the girl's album, and they need to be repaired before they can be imported into the new phone."

The expression Jiang Yuan added to the text was "blowing a small fan."

"Okay then."

So, after class today, Lin Senmu teamed up with his roommates and rushed to the cafeteria.

Nie Hao was there too. He was afraid of heat and never dated girls at noon.

On the road, two electric bikes and one motorcycle were riding leisurely in front.

Zhang Bowen pedaled frantically to catch up. When he arrived at the cafeteria, he complained with sweat all over his forehead, "Oh, I shouldn't have bought this thing earlier. It's much more comfortable to get an electric bike."

Nie Hao was speechless, "I reminded you at the beginning that you can't carry girls in the back seat if you buy this thing!"

Zhang Bowen wiped his sweat and looked a little nostalgic, "Let's fulfill a dream. When I was in high school, I had very little pocket money a week. I wanted to buy it but couldn't save money. Now that my dream has come true, I think it's just that."


Nie Hao clicked his tongue.


Yang Jian replied with a smirk.

Lin Senmu was more direct, "I don't understand!"

"Get lost!"

Zhang Bowen cursed.

Afterwards, the four of them entered the cafeteria to line up for food. Under the leadership of Nie Hao, they deliberately chose a table surrounded by girls to sit.

On campus, you often show your face in front of the opposite sex.

After a few encounters, you become familiar faces. You might as well take the initiative to say hello, and maybe add a bond.

"Brother Hao, Brother Hao, what's the response to this?"

Yang Jian met another girl from Coconut City Medical College in the expansion group these two days.

The girl's online name made him a little scared, called 'Sweet Royal Cute Girl'.

But the photos posted on WeChat Moments were beautiful.

Nie Hao laughed out loud, "Xiao Fei, don't go down the same old road again!"

The last time Yang Jian met in person, he was exposed to the light.

I wanted to keep this secret for a lifetime.

But under Nie Hao's coercion and inducement, I still let it out.

There was no way. Brother Hao issued an ultimatum. If you don't tell the truth, he won't help me with strategies in the future.

Yang Jian smiled awkwardly, "It shouldn't be stolen pictures. I looked at her circle of friends. The pictures she posted three years ago are similar to the ones she posted now, and she often posts dynamic videos."

"Let me see."

Nie Hao took the phone and judged, "It shouldn't be a fake photo this time. Here, I'll talk to her for you. Tell me after she replies."

Yang Jian took it and looked at it, and was shocked, "Brother Hao, Brother Hao, isn't it too abrupt? You're talking about love right now?"

Nie Hao glanced at him, "You know What? When I was in Xiangchu, I would post a message on my Moments saying "I'm going to sleep."

Lin Senmu sighed, "Then in order to prevent you from sleeping in, Sun Jingyi knocked on the door of the hotel in the morning and brought you breakfast? Wang Shiqing knocked on the door of the hotel in the afternoon and brought you afternoon tea? Zhao Qianqian knocked on the door of the hotel in the evening and brought you midnight snack?"

"Oh my god, I hate every day that I understand in seconds!!!"

The two younger brothers were stunned and were already full of admiration for their belief in "Brother Hao".

Nie Hao taught another sentence, "Cast a wide net, catch more fish, and choose the best!"

The subtext of this sentence is that even if it is a clichéd phrase for picking up girls, if you try it a few more times, you will always meet a girl who likes it.

Zhang Bowen and Yang Jian nodded in agreement with every sentence.

After all, since they met at the beginning of school, Nie Hao has helped them reply to messages and successfully established a relationship with the girls.

As for whether the meeting can be successful, it depends onDepending on how he performs on the spot, Nie Hao can only give some precautions for this step.


After dinner, everyone returned to the dormitory and fell asleep with the air conditioner on.

The weather in the island province is hot, and the culture of naps is popular. The afternoon classes are later than those in the mainland, but the get out of class time is exactly the same!

Lin Senmu had a long dream.

I dreamed that I rented a luxury yacht and took my girlfriend Jiang Yuan out to sea to watch whales.

The blue sky and the deep blue sea formed a beautiful sea and sky.

In such a picture, there is indeed a huge blue whale, lurking under the yacht and swimming around.

The blue whale did not think of hurting humans. It was probably lonely and curiously sensed the couple playing on the boat.

"Little baby, don't run!"

Lin Senmu wore swimming trunks and held a huge water gun. He pressed the button to spray water and chased Jiang Yuan around on the plywood.

"Sen Sen, you are naughty, stop it!"

Jiang Yuan wore a sexy swimsuit and giggled and dodged.

"Baby, the sun in the sea is fierce, let your husband help you apply sunscreen!"

Lin Senmu originally planned to operate on the deck, but seeing the blue whale not leaving, he carried Jiang Yuan to the cabin in a princess hug.

In the sea, the huge body of the blue whale emerged from the sea level and sprayed a high column of water into the air.

Dreams are always messy, Lin Senmu felt that he had become that blue whale...

It was very confusing.

After waking up suddenly, Lin Senmu heard the silence in the dormitory and saw that his roommates were still taking a nap. He tiptoed to the bathroom to take a shower.

"Hey, I can't control myself anymore. I've been with Yuanyuan for three months. Is it on Yuanyuan's birthday or on this year's New Year's Eve?"

Then, Lin Senmu thought of what the experts said: boys' boxer briefs should be replaced every three months or six months.

He decisively logged into Pin Shao Shao and placed an order.

After finishing this task, Lin Senmu found that it was almost time for class, and he knocked on the beds one by one, "Get up, Haozi, get up, Xiaofei, get up, Aqi."

Nie Hao stepped on the ladder to get out of bed and was about to wash his face and brush his teeth.

He saw Lin Senmu carrying a bag of garbage and was about to go out, and said, "Mu Tou, are you going to the corridor to throw away the garbage? My wastebasket seems to be full of beverage bottles, help me throw it out."

Lin Senmu smiled calmly, "Okay!"

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