Outside the bathroom door, Jiang Yuan covered her face with her hands, and the name she had just heard kept echoing in her head.

"What did Lin Senmu mean just now? Why did he call me baby? And he called me twice!"

"Did he want to call me baby? Did he separate on purpose?"

From the first meeting to getting along, Jiang Yuan actually had a good impression of Lin Senmu, and Lin Senmu was also the only boy she had physical contact with.

But one belongs to Jiangnan, and the other is far away in Hunan and Chu. Even if they can see each other when they wake up and before going to bed, the journey will always end one day.

If it weren't for these reasons, Jiang Yuan would probably not restrain her budding feelings.

She was afraid that under her impulse, she would end up like a moth to a flame, shed tears, and regret that she couldn't hug across the mobile phone screen.

For two people of the same age, girls always think more deeply than boys.

"Hey, it would be great if Lin Senmu was in the same place as me!"

Jiang Yuan lay on the double bed, staring at the roof in a daze.

Soon after, she heard the door lock click, and saw Lin Senmu come out and walk into the bathroom to wash her underwear.

But when she entered the bathroom, Jiang Yuan looked left and right and widened her eyes, "Where are my clothes?"

She ran out quickly and saw Lin Senmu hanging his pants by the window!


"Lin Senmu, stop it!"

Jiang Yuan's face was bleeding, and he rushed over and snatched his things.

"What's wrong?"

Lin Senmu was confused.

"How can you take a girl's things?"

Jiang Yuan stared at him shyly and anxiously.

"I washed it for you!"

Lin Senmu pointed at Jiang Yuan's two-piece suit.

"You you you..."

After being reminded, Jiang Yuan realized that Lin Senmu had washed her clothes, but who asked him to wash them!

"You washed my clothes twice, and I washed them once. My Chinese teacher taught me that people should give and take!"

Lin Senmu smiled innocently, like an honest man who would not let others suffer.

"Ah, this!"

Yuan Yuan had no words to refute, and hated Lin Senmu's Chinese teacher.

"Give me your socks too, I don't want you to hang them out!"

Jiang Yuan snatched her own white socks.

After hanging the clothes at the car window, Jiang Yuan pretended to be casual and said, "Lin Senmu, did you do anything bad in there just now?"


Lin Senmu was unprepared and answered subconsciously.


Hearing the answer that came out of her mouth, Jiang Yuan breathed a sigh of relief. She suddenly thought of this just now, and the more she thought about it, the more crooked her thoughts became. She couldn't help but cheat Lin Senmu.

Just say it, Lin Senmu will definitely not be that kind of person.

Lin Senmu tasted the connotation and pretended to be sad and shouted: "Well, Jiang Yuan, you don't trust me!"

"No, I trust you very much!"

Jiang Yuan stuck out her tongue and secretly blamed herself for doubting Lin Senmu!

Lin Senmu suddenly smiled evilly, "Not this time, but after you reminded me, I can't say for sure next time."

Jiang Yuan slapped him and snorted: "I won't give you a next time, don't even think about touching my things tomorrow."

"You are not allowed to touch my socks again."

Lin Senmu continued to tease.

"Do you think I really want to help you wash it?"

Jiang Yuan was annoyed.

"Isn't it? You didn't ask me the first two times, and you helped me wash it. Did you do anything in it?"

Lin Senmu was so angry.

"Lin Senmu, you are hateful, you are asking for a fight!"

Jiang Yuan pounced on him and bit Lin Senmu's arm with a whine.

"Ah? Why don't you play by the rules? You said you were going to hit someone, but you ended up biting me?"

Lin Senmu held Jiang Yuan's little head and pushed her away.

"Hmph, what do you care about me?"

The two quarreled for a while.

For the rest of the night, Jiang Yuan continued to lie in bed and watch TV series. After living together last night, she woke up unscathed. She became more and more relieved about Lin Senmu and basically let down her guard.

Lin Senmu was on the rooftop bed, looking for any updates from Mars the old thief.

Found that there were still no updates, he had nothing to do but play games.

Today, he peeked less in the direction of Jiang Yuan. After all, they were together day and night, and he regained some resistance to the girl's beauty.

The night deepened.

The space inside the RV was pitch black, with only a beam of moonlight shining in from the skylight on the roof, and the boy on the rooftop bed could be vaguely seen sleeping peacefully.

The girl in the double bed was very naughty when she was sleeping, with saliva hanging from her lips. She kicked the thin summer quilt to the bottom of the bed.

She turned over and pulled the pillow around her neck to hug it, rubbing it with her little hands.

"Lin Senmu, don't come over here!"

"Lin Senmu, no!"

"Nonsense, Yuanyuan is obviously not small!"

Jiang Yuan used her little skill of talking in her sleep.

Unfortunately, Lin Senmu was sleeping very deeply and didn't notice it, otherwise he would have recorded it and saved it.The air conditioner was blasting warm air.

In the weather of the Western Regions, some places are very hot during the day, but extremely cold at night.

Suddenly, the RV stalled.

Not long after, Jiang Yuan on the double bed was shivering with cold, and Lin Senmu on the roof bed curled up into a ball.

Soon, both of them woke up.

Jiang Yuan rubbed her arms and hands, "What's going on, Lin Senmu, I'm so cold!"

Lin Senmu rubbed his sleepy eyes, went to the driver's seat to check the situation, and said with a headache: "Oh, there is no oil, the car automatically shuts down, and the heating stops!"

"What should we do? How do we leave tomorrow?"

When Jiang Yuan encountered such an emergency, he always relied on Lin Senmu beside him.

"Don't worry, I'll contact the rescuers to help send a barrel of oil after dawn."

Lin Senmu comforted him.

He wanted to operate now, but the surrounding area was too large and he was afraid that he could not tell the location clearly.

In addition, it was four o'clock in the morning. It was not a special accident. It would be embarrassing to wake people up from their sleep.


Jiang Yuan said obediently.

"It's my fault. I didn't pay attention to the fuel level before."

Lin Senmu was a little apologetic.

He drove a long way today and walked a long way in the scenic spots. He was so tired after returning to the RV from Muhu that he forgot to check the fuel tank.

He actually didn't have much experience. It was his first self-driving tour.

"It's okay."

Jiang Yuan returned to bed, wrapped in a small quilt.

Lin Senmu watched her yawning non-stop, took down his thin blanket from the rooftop bed, and then folded it on Jiang Yuan's blanket, "You're sleepy, go to sleep quickly, two blankets shouldn't be cold!"

Jiang Yuan didn't lie down immediately, and asked him, "What about you?"

"I'll just stay up until dawn!"

Lin Senmu took out his travel bag, which contained a sun-proof jacket. He took it out and put it on.

Jiang Yuan also wore this sun-proof jacket when the water supply was cut off on the train!

Jiang Yuan lay down on the bed silently, closed her eyes, and soon opened them again.

She quietly looked at the boy playing with his mobile phone on the dining table, and saw Lin Senmu rubbing his arms and thighs from time to time, and seemed to be very cold.

Will Lin Senmu catch a cold?

Thinking of this, Jiang Yuan's hesitation disappeared, and she bit her lip and whispered, "Lin Senmu, come to the bed and sleep."

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