At 10:00 p.m., after the members of the two clubs arrived, more than 20 people from the street dance club and more than 30 people from the animation club formed a team and set off in a mighty manner.

On the road, there was a lot of noise.

This group of young college students was very interested in this kind of collective activities, and their faces were full of joy.

Several boys were talking about interesting stories from all over the world, which caused a burst of laughter. "In winter, you can go to the three northern provinces to have a look. The ice and snow world is really beautiful."

"This is the sunrise I took on the top of Wuji Mountain in western Jiangxi. I wonder if the sunrise at the seaside is good."

The girls' eyes were rolling, and their eyes were attracted by these focus boys.

Lin Senmu and his girlfriend's good friend walked at the end.

He carried a travel bag and used his mobile phone to open the map navigation. He said, "From the South Gate of Haida University to the Holiday Beach, it takes about four hours to walk at the fastest speed. Don't complain about being tired later."

After setting off from the South Gate of Haida University, you have to cross the amazing "Cross-Sea Bridge".

Jiang Yuan jumped and looked down from the sidewalk. To the left was the shallow sea under the bridge, and to the right was the island in the island at night.

Hearing this, she shouted unconvinced, "It's better if you don't complain about being tired."

Ji Yingge also retracted her eyes from looking at the scenery and snorted in dissatisfaction, "That's right, Lin Senmu, don't underestimate people."

"Okay, okay, you are awesome."

Lin Senmu didn't argue with them. 1v1 might win, but 1v2 would be pure abuse.

The two children only have an ultimate move, the name of the move: "Girls will be unreasonable."

After crossing the cross-sea bridge, the large team deliberately took a long detour and walked into the "Cross-Sea Park".

Xu Chaocheng explained loudly: "Considering that some juniors have never been here since they came to school, we chose this road to come in and take a walk."

Wei Ruowei also said in a tender voice: "Juniors, are you tired? Let's rest here for ten minutes and then continue."

In the Cross-Sea Park, there are coconut trees.

This place is also a small attraction in Coconut City. If you come here in the evening, you can see the beautiful sunset.

But it is night now, and after a short rest, there is no longer a stay.

A group of nearly 60 people crossed the Cross-Sea Park and continued to advance their journey towards the destination.

Now they have entered the urban area of ​​Coconut City. At more than 11 o'clock in the evening, they can see citizens running at night, bars with vibrating DJ music, and noisy and lively night snack stalls.

"Swallow, Swallow, wait for me, Wang Yan, how can I live without you?!"

There is a fat boy chasing a car-hailing car that is driving away.

Wei Ruowei and others stopped.

In the team, two sentimental boys stepped out quickly and went forward to comfort, "Brother, the next one will be better..."

Meng Hao pushed them away and cursed, "Are you crazy? We are filming a skit, don't block the camera."


The boy from the animation club raised an uncivilized gesture.


The boy from the street dance club cursed.

Lin Senmu said indignantly, "Damn, I almost got fooled."

Jiang Yuan smiled, "You idiot, Xiao Huangying and I saw the camera, and you still walked forward."

Ji Yingge looked back and gave Lin Senmu a look of "looking at a fool".

Lin Senmu unscrewed the mineral water bottle and gulped down a big gulp to cover up his embarrassment.

Coming from the downtown area to the quiet road, the various aspects of the city are still present. At this point, the floor washing car carrying several sanitation uncles is washing the ground with high-pressure water pipes.

After crossing this avenue, we saw a garbage truck carrying a sanitation worker, cleaning the smelly garbage cans.

There were also deliverymen wearing yellow and blue robes coming and going, riding electric bikes to deliver midnight snacks.


A trace of heartache flashed across the three little eyes, and then they withdrew their minds because they had no ability to save sentient beings.

There are so many sufferings in this world, and sometimes my life is a mess. I hope that in the hardest days, there will be a light that belongs to me.

Keep going, as time gets later and later.

There are no pedestrians on the city avenue. In the distance, there will be a car speeding by, probably a latecomer who just got off work.

One o'clock in the night.

After walking for three hours, Jiang Yuan gradually couldn't lift her feet. She held Lin Senmu's arm and sobbed, "Sensen, I can't walk anymore."

Lin Senmu let her use his strength to move forward, and said, "Little Huangying, hold my bag."

Ji Yingge held Lin Senmu's travel bag with her little hands and let Lin Senmu walk with her.

"Junior Lin, Junior Jiang, Junior Ji, how are you?"

Wei Ruowei slowly fell from the front row to the back, asking about the status of the three little ones.

As the president, she and her boyfriend Xu Chaocheng took care of every member of this event.Seeing that someone is exhausted, the team will stop to rest.

"I'm fine, but two of them are going to fail..."

Lin Senmu's voice has not yet finished.

Jiang Yuan quickly let go of Lin Senmu and stood up, "Don't talk nonsense, I'm not tired at all!"

Ji Yingge also let go of her travel bag, stubbornly refusing to admit defeat, "Me too, I can walk to the beach!"

Lin Senmu immediately changed his words, "Senior, I'm almost exhausted, can I take a break?"


Wei Ruowei's eyes were full of smiles. She took over as the president of the animation club last year and organized this activity. She also occasionally exercises at school, so she is not tired.

Without exposing the two little bravado kids, Wei Ruowei shouted, "Let's take a ten-minute break before we set off again."

After saying that, she saw a girl's steps were shaky, so she ran over to help her, "Xiaomei Qian, don't force yourself if you're tired. We're leaving early and won't miss the time to see the sunrise."

"Woo, Sen Sen, it's really tiring to walk, and my feet are so sore."

As soon as the outsiders left, Jiang Yuan lost her temper again, pouting and crying.

"My legs are so numb."

Ji Yingge was in a similar situation, squatting on the side of the road, rubbing her calves with her slender hands.

"Come and sit here."

Lin Senmu took out a tissue, wiped the bench on the flowerbed by the roadside, and then suggested, "Why don't we take a taxi? We don't have to walk with the people in the club."

"No, we've been walking for so long, and taking a taxi halfway loses the meaning of walking."

Jiang Yuan sat down and pounded her legs with her fists.

Ji Yingge also came over to rest and shook her head, "Let's not take a taxi. There's only a little way to go."

"You are the ones who can't walk, and you are the ones who don't want to take a taxi. If you make a fuss later, don't expect me to take care of you."

Lin Senmu said so, but when the team set out again, he moved the travel bag on his back to the front.

Then, he walked in front of Jiang Yuan and bowed gently, "Xiao Xiao Yuan, get up."

Seeing this scene, Ji Yingge stood up silently and followed the team in front.

After a slight surprise, Jiang Yuan smiled and leaned on Lin Senmu's broad back, "Love you, Xiao Xiao Sen."

"Let's go, Sen Yuan!"

Lin Senmu carried Jiang Yuan on his back and ran forward for a distance.

"Go, Sen Yuan!"

Jiang Yuan made the same charging gesture on his back.

Lin Senmu caught up with Ji Yingge, tilted his head and smiled gently: "Little Huangying, find a partner as soon as possible, then someone will carry you."

Jiang Yuan tilted her head to seduce: "Yes, yes, seeing that Sen Sen and I have been in love for so long, don't you want to fall in love?"


After saying that, Ji Yingge turned her head to the side where no one was, and a trace of sad arc appeared at the corner of her mouth.

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