At the intersection, Lin Senmu took out his mobile phone and prepared to call an online taxi.

Ji Yingge stretched out her delicate fingers and poked his vest.

Lin Senmu turned around and asked in confusion: "Little Yellow Ying, what's wrong?"

Ji Yingge whispered: "I want to take the bus back to school."

"Ah? Little Yellow Ying, including the waiting time, it takes more than an hour to take the bus!"

Jiang Yuan continued: "If you take a taxi, Sen Sen just saw that it only takes more than 20 minutes."

"Yeah, why take a taxi?" Lin Senmu asked.

Ji Yingge lowered her little head and said: "I know you are sleepy, but I don't want to take a taxi, I want to take the bus."

I want to see the morning of this city.

If you take a taxi, it will take 20 minutes, and you will turn a corner at the intersection and enter the noisy and busy streets of office workers.

As for the bus route, the map shows that it goes straight along the seaside and passes many quiet places around the island in an hour.

Lin Senmu and Jiang Yuan looked at each other, and when he saw his girlfriend nod, he smiled and said, "Then we will take the bus."

"If you want to take a taxi, I'll go alone..."



Ji Yingge found that her head hurt before she finished speaking, and she covered her head and shouted, "Lin Senmu, why are you hitting people again?"

Lin Senmu retracted his bent index and middle fingers. He didn't know what this way of hitting the head was called in Mandarin.

The dialect is "Kao Naoke" or "De Ni Jianjia Chestnuts".

He said fiercely, "It's your fault, who told you to talk nonsense?"


Ji Yingge ignored him and walked towards the bus stop angrily.

Lin Senmu lowered his head and communicated with Jiang Yuan, "Baby, I feel that Xiao Huangying has been a little strange these days."

Jiang Yuan nodded, "I also found it, and asked her privately, but she didn't say."

"Could it be?"

Lin Senmu meant something.

Jiang Yuan didn't shy away from him, "Maybe, we both have our menstrual periods, so it's normal if our emotions are unstable."

"Then it shouldn't be a problem. You're emotionally unstable during these days every month."

Lin Senmu's tone accidentally revealed a little complaint.

So, he was pinched.

Jiang Yuan said angrily: "What's the matter, do you have any objections? Do you think I'm emotionally unstable?"

Isn't this definitely emotionally unstable?

Lin Senmu didn't dare to say it, and coaxed: "Absolutely not, my wife, the most gentle and lovely, I also listen to you the most!"

Jiang Yuan retorted: "You heard a ghost!"

Lin Senmu was very weak, "How could I not listen?"

Jiang Yuan's little face turned red, and he said excitedly: "Then I want to hear you call me daddy."

"What are you thinking?"

Lin Senmu used his ultimate move.


Jiang Yuan covered her head, her face still flushed, but this time she was angry, "Lin Senmu, stop, stop right there!"

"Only fools run."

Lin Senmu ran away happily.

But, boy, the bus stop is coming up.

"I'll beat you to death, I'll beat you to death."

After Jiang Yuan arrived at the bus stop, she waved her fist and punched Lin Senmu.

Ji Yingge's eyes lit up, and she took the opportunity to clench her fist and punched Lin Senmu twice.


Lin Senmu felt something was wrong, "Baby, you're playing phantom? Why do I feel like I got four punches in the last second?"

"Hmph, now you know I'm awesome, four punches in one second, scare you to death!"

Jiang Yuan was so happy to punch her, thinking it was just a compliment.

Young lovers with passionate feelings just like to play and chase each other.

"Baby is awesome, I'm so scared."

Lin Senmu pretended to follow his heart.

"Damn man!"

Jiang Yuan was really filled with emotional value by him. After beating him, she felt sorry for her little face, "Sensen, did it hurt you?"


Lin Senmu smiled warmly and took his girlfriend's hand.

The bus arrived at the station at this time. It was just after seven in the morning and there were not many passengers in the bus.

There were a few members of the hip-hop and animation clubs in the queue behind.

But there were very few people. Most of them chose to share a car to go back to school quickly.

Ji Yingge got on the bus first, and she walked straight to the empty last row.

Then she sat in the window seat.

After Jiang Yuan got on the bus, she sat next to Ji Yingge.

Lin Senmu sat next to Jiang Yuan.

After all the passengers got on, the bus started slowly and moved forward slowly.

After Lin Senmu and Jiang Yuan chatted for a few words, Jiang Yuan felt sleepy and fell asleep with her head on Lin Senmu's shoulder.

Lin Senmu also closed his eyes and took a nap.

Ji Yingge was very sleepy, but she forced herself not to fall asleep, staring out the window with wide eyes, staring at the receding city scenery.

She didn't particularly like this Coconut City, but during the limited days, she met two people in this Coconut City... whom she would never forget."Yeah, I'll never forget it."

Ji Yingge whispered in a low voice, her peach blossom eyes had long stopped looking at the city's buildings and scenic spots, but stared deeply at the faces reflected in the car window.

There was herself.

There was Jiang Yuan.

There was Lin Senmu.

"I'm leaving..."

The 'No. 11' bus shuttled through the urban area of ​​Coconut City, and then entered the island-in-island area. It took more than 40 minutes to arrive at the north gate of Nanhai University.

"Wake up~"

Ji Yingge pushed Jiang Yuan's left shoulder.

Jiang Yuan rubbed her eyes and said in a daze: "Are we at school?"

"Yeah." Ji Yingge responded.

Jiang Yuan slapped Lin Senmu to wake him up, "Wake up, lazy pig, you're drooling!"

Lin Senmu wiped his mouth subconsciously, "Nonsense, do you think I'm like you? I'm still drooling."

"Don't bring up that." Jiang Yuan glared in shame and anger.

"You were the one who mentioned it first..." Lin Senmu muttered quietly.

After getting off the car, the three of them didn't walk. They scanned two small blue cars near the gate and rushed into the campus side by side.

Lin Senmu rode one alone and asked sideways: "Baby, little yellow warbler, are you really not hungry?"

"No, no, I'm going back to the dormitory to catch up on sleep."

As soon as Jiang Yuan finished speaking, she giggled, "Little yellow warbler, don't hug me so tightly, I'm ticklish the most."

She and Ji Yingge rode one together.

There were two little ones squeezed in front and behind on the same cushion.

Who made Ji Yingge not know how to ride a bike.

She hugged Jiang Yuan's waist tightly, with a timid look on her face, "I'm afraid of falling!"

"Please believe in my riding skills, I have the strength to ride an electric bike, and I can also carry Lin Senmu!"

Jiang Yuan added a pinch of gas and rushed several meters.

"You two slow down, I'm here."

Parked in front of Lin Senmu's dormitory.

"I know, wave!"

After Jiang Yuan said this, she found that both hands were holding the accelerator, so she told her sister: "Little Huangying, reach out and help me wave!"

"I don't, I'm afraid of falling."

"You don't believe me?"

"I believe, I'm afraid of falling!"

"Wave quickly."

"Lin Senmu has entered the dormitory early."

"Oh, what should I do if my boyfriend doesn't wave?"

"Go back to the dormitory, use your mobile phone to send the goodbye emoji, that's waving!"

"Oh, sleep."

The three little ones slept until sunset.

Maybe because they stayed up too late to watch the sunrise, Lin Senmu and Jiang Yuan didn't meet on this Sunday night, and each ordered a takeaway in the dormitory.

After dinner, they continued to sleep with the microphone connected.

Ji Yingge lay on the bed, looking at Jiang Yuan who was sleeping with headphones on, and whispered: "I will miss you, Jiang Yuan."

"And Lin Senmu..."

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