When Lin Senmu turned the steering wheel and prepared to turn the car around, he suddenly thought of the soda in the front trunk, and a trace of melancholy flashed between his eyebrows.

"A good plan was disrupted..."

"Alas, my new trick will have to be postponed..."

Feeling a little hot inside, Lin Senmu did not go back to the dormitory directly, but drove around the school to cool down.

At this time, a yellow supercar slowly drove in front.

The car brand is also Lamborghini, the 22-model Aventador.

Soon the cars met, and Lin Senmu and Su Chen both looked into each other's car.

Adhering to the fact that the other party is a senior, Lin Senmu nodded politely, and at the same time saw Luo Yi in the passenger seat.

The former 23-level school beauty senior sister is indeed beautiful, but in Lin Senmu's heart, he still thinks his Jiang Xiaoyuan is the most beautiful!

Luo Yi's eyes met Lin Senmu's for less than a second, and she immediately dodged and looked away.

The little face turned away was a little embarrassed, after all, she had imagined Lin Senmu.

Su Chen nodded to Lin Senmu.

Then, the two supercars disappeared at the intersection in the distance, one on the left and one on the right.

Arriving downstairs of the dormitory, Lin Senmu saw Zhang Bowen coming back from a date while charging the supercar at the charging station.

After taking a look, he teased, "Oh, Ah Qi, today is December 2nd, and the weather on the island has turned cold a long time ago. Are there still mosquitoes in this season?"

Zhang Bowen was not afraid at all, "At least I met mosquitoes, unlike Brother Sen, who has been scraped by Sen's wife every day during this period?"

Mosquitoes and scraping, this is a joke in the 308 dormitory. At the beginning, when Zhang Bowen was not in love, he believed in the evil of Lin Senmu and Nie Hao!

Lin Senmu adjusted his collar to cover his neck and said awkwardly: "I take back what I said just now!"

Zhang Bowen laughed and said: "Then I take it back too, Brother Sen, there is really no need for us to hurt each other!"


Lin Senmu went upstairs with him.

Back to dormitory 308, single dog Nie Hao must be there. He is now a novel fanatic and is currently following a work called "Ye Ye".

Nie Hao feels that some of the plots of these two works are similar to his life experience.

Yang Jian, who is in the same city but in a different school, plays games with Sun Shasha in the dormitory at night.

This player used to be in the Canyon and was also a Glory player. However, now at the end of the season, he can't even get to the ten-star level of the King.

"Mouse, I didn't expect that among a group of brothers, you would be the last one to be alone!"

Lin Senmu was particularly annoying today.

"Get out, get out!"

Nie Hao grabbed the bread at the head of the bed and threw it directly over.

Lin Senmu caught it, "Thanks for the midnight snack."

"You threw it by mistake, give it back to me!"

Nie Hao was dumbfounded.

"I've already said thank you."

Lin Senmu tore open the package and took a big bite with the bread.

Zhang Bowen said with a smirk: "Brother Hao, please throw the milk on your bedside!"

"Go, go, go!"

Nie Hao quickly poked the straw in and drank it himself.

He is currently living a very homely life at school, and he really doesn't want to go downstairs to buy it again.

As for living expenses, since Nie's father and mother learned that Xiao Yu was getting married, they have started to dote on the only boy in the family, giving him tens of thousands a month.

However, although Nie Hao is rich, he has never had the habit of ordering people to run errands.

This is exactly the same as Lin Senmu.

Lin Senmu opened the closet, took out a large bag of snacks, and generously shared: "Come down and eat when you are hungry. If you want to eat, just take it directly."

"Mutou, my dear brother, please bring the bag to my bedside!!"

Nie Hao smiled sideways.

Lin Senmu walked over with the bag without hesitation.

Nie Hao quickly picked and chose, and took a few dried beef and two packs of egg yolk pies.

"Geigei, my dear Sensen geigei~"

Yang Jian was always ready, and when Nie Hao finished taking them, he immediately spoke in a delicate voice.

He was originally a card king, and he could change his voice.

"Stupid, put away your female voice, don't disgust me!"

Lin Senmu walked over with the bag, cursing.

"Brother, I won't be polite."

Zhang Bowen hadn't gone to bed yet, and he was like a starving ghost reincarnated, choosing all bread and cakes to fill his stomach.

Afterwards, Lin Senmu took off his T-shirt and trousers, threw a towel over his shoulders, and went to the shower room on the balcony to take a shower.


The shower sprayed, and Lin Senmu was drenched with ice cold.

He had been staying in a hotel recently, and had no idea that the water temperature in the dormitory was no longer than in summer.

Unlike Yazhou, the capital of the island province is still hot in this season.

Since entering December, the highest daytime temperature in Coconut City is only 22 degrees, and most people have already put on long clothes and long pants.

The lowest temperature at night is about 16 degrees.

Cold shower is a harsh challenge!

Zhang BoWen responded with his loud voice, "Yes, there is no hot water in our dormitory building!"

"Then how do you wash?" Lin Senmu's teeth were chattering with cold.

Yang Jian boasted loudly, "I grew up on an island, so I'm used to it. At home, I can only use warm water at most."

"What about you, Ah Qi?"

Zhang Bowen chuckled, "I'm from the north, I'm not that afraid of the cold, so I can make do with it."

"What about you, Haozi? You can't make do with it, right?"

"Fuck, Mutou, stop emphasizing my physical weakness all the time!"

Lin Senmu pressed, "Tell me, how do you deal with this situation?"

Nie Hao laughed out loud, "Every night when you go on a date, I go out to get a hot bath in a hourly room."

Lin Senmu's face was full of sadness, "Oh, no one reminded me."

Nie Hao gave a contemptuous look, "Who told you to stay out every night recently?"

Zhang Bowen kindly gave an idea, "Brother Sen, I'll teach you a trick, pour water for five seconds, apply soap for ten seconds, rinse for five seconds, and get out quickly!"

"There's no soap."

Lin Senmu was a little melancholy.

"I have a new one here, open the door and I'll give it to you."

Zhang Bowen offered warmth.

If you take a cold shower in winter, and use shower gel, it will become smoother and smoother.

"What about washing your hair?"

Lin Senmu asked again.

"Wash your hair separately, and it's best to wash it at noon!"

Zhang Bowen replied.

Lin Senmu wailed, "Landlady, there's no hot water."

Then, he took a shower screaming, "I'm a real man, I'm a real man, I don't need hot water in winter..."

After washing, he quickly went to bed and hid in the quilt shivering to keep warm.

Beep beep beep.

Lin Senmu needed the comfort of his little wife, so he played the voice.

However, when he dialed the number, the prompt was that the other line was busy.

"Baby, are you and your family talking on the phone?"

Lin Senmu asked curiously.

Jiang Yuan replied, "No, I'm on the phone with Little Yellow Oriole."

"Oh, then how long will we be on the phone?"

Lin Senmu wanted to hear his girlfriend's sweet and lovely voice, this is the way he figured out to keep warm.

Jiang Yuan hesitated for a moment, "Honey, why don't we talk in the group tonight?"


Lin Senmu asked puzzledly.

"Little Yellow Oriole is scared."

"What is she afraid of?"

"It's raining heavily in Hudu, and there are winter thunders."

"Is that so? Then I'll start a voice chat in the group, you guys come in."

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