
Is Lin Senmu such a person?

I have always been honest, simple, kind, shy and introverted!

Who wouldn't believe it if I told them?

Lin Senmu used a dry cough to cover up his purpose, and then he complained seriously: "Xiao Xiaoyuan, how can you question me like this?"

After saying that, he also pretended to be hurt.

Jiang Yuan's almond eyes examined Lin Senmu and felt that Sensen seemed to be really innocent this time.

It should be her misunderstanding, so she admitted her mistake softly, "Big Brother, I shouldn't think like this~~"


Lin Senmu also learned this.

Lifting his chin slightly, he looked up at the ceiling at a 45-degree angle.

"Mu ah~"

Jiang Yuan stood on tiptoe, and because Lin Senmu raised his head, he could only peck the boy's Adam's apple.


What kind of electric shock feeling is this?

Lin Senmu seemed to have opened the door to a new world.

Jiang Yuan was also a little dizzy, as if she had received new knowledge.


Lin Senmu pointed to his Adam's apple, indicating to do it again.

Jiang Yuan blushed, "mua~"

Lin Senmu looked around and saw that no one was paying attention, so he leaned close to Jiang Yuan's little ear and pecked it gently, "Is it like this?"


Jiang Yuan nodded shyly.

After a little intimacy, Lin Senmu called the female clerk and asked her to pack up the selected clothes.

When paying, he took out his mobile phone that had been prepared while Jiang Yuan was still clicking on the payment code interface, and the code was quickly scanned.

"Hey, Sen Sen? Mom and Dad gave me money to buy seasonal clothes." Jiang Yuan twisted her fingers, a little embarrassed.

Stupid, you are mine, why are you still sharing yours and mine with me?

Lin Senmu cursed in his heart, then dispelled Jiang Yuan's concerns, winked and said, "Baby, can you help me buy clothes later?!"


Jiang Yuan raised her little face, her eyes sparkling.

Create Sensen!

Just like the hairstyle, Xiaoyuan's selection.

The clothes must also be... Xiaoyuan's selection.

Jiang Yuan pulled Lin Senmu to continue shopping on this floor of the mall.

Lin Senmu carried a lot of bags, boyfriend power... Alas, all reflected at this moment.

But he was quite excited, after all, there were a few bags with "Sen's selection", Jiang Xiaoyuan would wear it for him to see!

Soon, Jiang Yuan saw a men's clothing store suitable for young people's clothing style, and rushed in with Lin Senmu.

In the store, Jiang Yuan walked back and forth under the wall of clothes, looking up to choose, and soon asked the clerk to take down a trendy jacket.

"Sensen, I think this one suits you very well. Try it on."

When boys change clothes, as long as it's not pants, they are basically too lazy to go to the fitting room. They take off their outer clothes on the spot and put on new clothes.

"How is it?"

Lin Senmu put on the orange jacket, looked in the mirror, and turned around facing Jiang Yuan, looking forward to comments.

Seeing that no one was paying attention, Jiang Yuan threw herself into Lin Senmu's arms and groaned, "My Sensen is so handsome~~"

Lin Senmu suddenly had an idea and whispered a few words in her little ear.

"Go away!"

Jiang Yuan pushed Lin Senmu away and escaped from his arms.


Old man Sen's wish was unfulfilled.

Afterwards, Jiang Yuan helped Lin Senmu choose a hooded sweatshirt with words printed on the chest and a pair of casual pants with super loose legs.

This time, the girl didn't throw herself into his arms, but simply admired and praised, "Hehe, Sen Sen, you are such a clothes hanger, you look good in anything."

Lin Senmu looked at this pretty face with a smile like a flower, and said ambiguously, "Yuan Yuan's figure is also super good!"

"Tsk, don't think I can't hear your double meaning."

Jiang Yuan didn't help him choose, just bought these two pieces, and went to the cashier with a red face to pay.

After leaving the store, the two children felt that they had bought almost all the clothes.

I planned to go shopping on the upper floor of the mall. The signboards marked them as jewelry stores.

But before going up, I returned to the second floor first.

"Ah, I forgot to buy milk tea while shopping. I have been wondering, I always feel like something is missing!"

Jiang Yuan jumped to Shu Yi Milk Tea Shop.

"It's so heavy!"

Lin Senmu carried a lot of bags, looking like he was working hard. Every time he complained, he got a kiss.

So he planned to use the same trick again.

Jiang Yuan looked back, snorted coldly, and ignored Lin Senmu this time.

I've heard him complain more than a dozen times!!

"Don't you have any in Zun Du?" Lin Senmu was a little unwilling to give up.

"Zun Du Mu doesn't have any."

Jiang Yuan frowned.


Lin Senmu was not greedy, after all, he had already been satisfied before.

After Jiang Yuan bought two cups of milk tea, he held them in both hands and fed them to Lin Senmu.

Lin Senmu made a new request, "Baby, let me have a sip of your cup?"

"I bit the straw and can't sip out the coconut!"Jiang Yuan felt a little pained. Every time Sen Sen drank her milk tea, she took a big sip!

"I don't mind."

Lin Senmu blocked his girlfriend's retreat.


Jiang Yuan hesitated for a moment and handed over her cup of milk tea.


Seeing that Lin Senmu wanted to drink again, she quickly withdrew her hand.

"Stingy." Lin Senmu muttered.

"No, it's your sip that's worth ten sips!"

Jiang Yuan pouted, fortunately she was careful, otherwise she would have drunk it all again.

"You can drink mine as much as you want."

Lin Senmu said generously.

"Huh? Why didn't I think of it?"

Jiang Yuan's thoughts were straightened out. She took a sip of Lin Senmu's milk tea and her eyes narrowed happily.

"You're stupid."


While arguing, the two children took the escalator to the fourth floor.

There are many jewelry stores here, and each store has a wide variety of jewelry.

Jiang Yuan found a store and rushed in. The next operation stunned Lin Senmu.

His girlfriend was holding a small bow on her head and gesturing, looking like she liked it very much, but she put it down and didn't buy it!

Then, Jiang Yuan carried a Donald Duck shoulder bag, looked at it in the mirror, put it down, and didn't buy it again.

Then she took a small comb and looked at it, put it down, and didn't buy it.

Lin Senmu asked in confusion: "Baby, why don't you buy it?"

Jiang Yuan cleared her throat, leaned over and whispered: "Guess how much the small comb just now cost?"

"How many yuan?" The comb that Lin Senmu bought in the dormitory cost a few yuan.

"68 yuan!"

Jiang Yuan gestured a number six and a number eight with her little hand.

"What?" Lin Senmu was stunned by the price.

Jiang Yuan sighed, "I took a photo secretly. I'll go back and search for the same style later. This price is enough for me to buy a lot of clothes online!"

"My dear wife, you are very frugal."

Lin Senmu didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Although the price was very expensive, he saw that she liked it and actually wanted to buy it.

Jiang Yuan glanced at Lin Senmu and said earnestly: "You can buy clothes in real life, because you can directly see the quality and the effect on the body, as well as whether the size is suitable, and other things..."

"Alas, although I know it's not easy for them to open a store, it's not easy for us ordinary people either. We must compare prices."

Lin Senmu understood what he meant:

①: Don't spend money recklessly!

②: Although you are rich, stinky Sensen!

③: If you don't listen to your wife, your wife will not listen to you anymore!

"Actually, I respect your opinion very much."

"Then take me back to the dormitory tonight? How about it?"

"I didn't say anything just now."

Lin Senmu directly pushed Jiang Yuan away and went to the front shelf to look at hats.

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