Five minutes later, Lin Senmu was driven out of the master bedroom by Jiang Yuan because the girls had to apply skin care products to moisturize.

The skin is easy to dry in winter, especially the arms and calves.

Since Ji Yingge was also there, Lin Senmu could not participate in the subsequent links.

"Woman, you change your face so quickly. You asked me to come here, and you drove me away!"

Lin Senmu muttered to himself.

He went back to the second bedroom and lay down, and continued to follow Ye Ye's novel.

This failed author, the update time is like the pen name, every day at 12 o'clock in the morning.

Lin Senmu is interested in Ye Ye's works because what this guy writes is more real and realistic.

Secondly, the two male protagonists in Ye Ye's works are both Aries.

Perfect for him to substitute.

Although sometimes you can see the bad and slightly poisonous plot.

It is understandable, after all, he is a 90s uncle, different times, different concepts.

Lin Senmu had just finished reading the latest chapter and commented at the end, "Stuck again."

On the green bubble, he unexpectedly received a private message from 'Ye Ye'.

"Are you asleep?" Ye Ye asked Lin Senmu.

Lin Senmu was happy, "Fortunately I'm not a girl, otherwise your chat opening remarks would be so boring that I don't want to pay attention to it."

Ye Ye: "..."

"Uncle, what's the matter?"

Lin Senmu laughed.

Ye Ye had a dark face, "Actually, I'm on my way to 30, so I should be the older brother... right?"

Lin Senmu was very embarrassed, "But I'm not even 20 yet."


Ye Ye felt that he couldn't continue the conversation at this time.

"No, brother, if you have something to say, just say it. I haven't thanked you for your idea last time..."

Lin Senmu was thinking about how to thank him, "I'll go watch the 90-second commercial later and give you three love generators!"

"Thank you, thank you."

After thanking him, Ye Ye said, "Then I'll be frank, Sen Linmu, I saw your circle of friends and found out that you are a rich kid. I'm about to start a new book and want to know about the daily life of the rich second generation."


Lin Senmu replied, "I'm still in college, and my daily life is to go to class every day."

"Not that, I want to ask about your nightlife and holiday life, how do you spend it?"

Ye Ye explained in detail.


Holiday life?

Lin Senmu asked back uncertainly, "Does reading your novel count?"

Why is it so difficult to communicate?

Ye Ye was a little confused, "Except for reading my novels!"

Lin Senmu thought for a moment, "I understand what you mean. In the circle of rich second-generations, everyone's situation is different. Some people spend their money on wine and women, some study hard, some pretend to be poor and eat tigers, and some experience life by delivering food or driving online taxis..."

"What about you?"

Ye Ye was a little curious.

Lin Senmu was a little shy, "I am the kind of person who studies hard. My father said that only if I study hard, I will not think about starting a business in the future..."

Ye Ye helped him add the rest of the words, "Only if I study hard how to resist the idea of ​​starting a business, I don't have to do anything in this life, just spend money, right?"


Lin Senmu became more and more embarrassed.

Suddenly realizing that the topic has gone off track, he got back to the point: "If it's the kind of extravagant life, I can't answer you. My ancestors were very strict with me. Although my family is quite wealthy, we actually live a normal life."

"Sometimes I buy very expensive items, but I also eat a small pudding for one dollar and a small spicy strip for fifty cents."

"Do you understand what I mean?"

Ye Ye understood and gave a fist bump, "That's right, I don't know much about supercars and luxury goods. I'm going to publish a new work. Please take the time to read it. If there are any mistakes, please help correct them?"

"No problem."

Lin Senmu readily agreed.

Suddenly I remembered something and asked, "By the way, are you writing a single female lead this time? Or multiple female leads?"

Ye Ye replied, "I won't write multiple female leads in this book. What I'm considering now is... I want to write two unit stories, divided into two parts with a single female lead."

"Two parts with a single female lead, does that mean there are two female leads?"

Lin Senmu scratched his head.

Ye Ye said carefully: "Not really. This time I want to write a pure love realistic story, no rebirth, no superpowers, similar to my personal experience, the hero will have two romances."

"He and the heroine of the first unit will be written from love to marriage, and the heroine of the second unit will be written from flash marriage to love."

"This is in line with the fast-food love and impulsive marriage of our generation."

Lin Senmu frowned and said: "If there are two romances, when writing about the heroine of the second unit, what will happen to the heroine of the first unit?"

"You have to know that in a pure urban background love story, the hero does not have the system, if both heroines areHow will it end if it is to be liked by others?"

Ye Ye said in a complicated tone, "I am not sure about the details yet. This is just a preliminary idea. It is possible that it will be written off-center and become a tragic single or unreasonable double."

"You see, although I wrote many female protagonists before, each book has two particularly important characters, one is the girl I wanted to marry at first, and the other is the girl I want to marry in the end."

"Hahaha, I haven't married either."

"I think I broke up more than two years ago, and then I quit my job and stayed at home for more than a year. I have been writing novels for almost a year, just to practice my writing skills and write what I want to write."

Ye Ye found that he had gone off topic, so he stopped, "It depends on what happens in the end. Basically, I will make it up based on my experience."

"When I decided to write this story, I had already fictionalized the ending. I hope it will be a beautiful and reasonable ending."

"Come on! !" Lin Senmu encouraged his elder brother.

"Yeah yeah." ”

Ye Ye, Xiangchu Province, Yancheng City.

After finishing his chat with Lin Senmu, he drove out of his home at 2 a.m.

He drove a long way and came to a very dark place.

He parked the car, folded the electric seat of the main driver's seat back, and then opened the sun visor of the sunroof.

Ye Ye lay on the seat, staring at the lonely and starless winter night sky through the glass of the panoramic sunroof.

His youth story is very rich, and he has met many opposite sexes.

The only thing he can't forget is two girls, one One is a Leo, the other is a Sagittarius.

And Ye Ye is an Aries.

Ye Ye just parked the car but did not turn off the engine. The car was heated. He clicked the main control screen to play a song "Horse Herding City".

The voice of the singer 'Maomao' was melodious in the small car space, "Wandering in the pain and itch of the city, missing the beloved girl..."

Ye Ye closed his eyes, listened to the music, and two faces appeared in front of him.

He whispered to himself, "If I hadn't met you, would I have married and had children?"

"In 2019, summer, on the same day, I met the little lion and the little Sagittarius."

"At that time, I was poor and they were in their prime, but they both fell in love with me, softened my time, and accompanied me through the most difficult days."

"How did we break up? Maybe the process of breaking up was too painful, my subconscious mind selectively deleted this memory, or maybe it was too long ago, I can't remember this process..."

"It's 2025 now..."

Ye Ye unlocked his phone, entered the green bubble collection interface, and played the voice messages one by one.

The voice of the little lion said: "Stinky pig, you have been busy all day and ignored me."

The voice of the little shooter sounded: "Big fool, I heard that you are single, do you want a wife?"

Ye Ye wiped his wet eyes, he searched through the album and Moments, and could not find a photo related to "little lion" and "little shooter".

It is precisely because there are no photos that remind people of people, so I can only come to the place where I took them to watch the stars to commemorate them.

Little lion, from Hudu City; little shooter, from Qihu City.

Ye Ye sat up straight and typed the first sentence of the novel in the memo: "Life is not only about the present, but also about poetry and the distance..."

He wanted to record his memories with them in words.

I hope that on the day when I finish writing, I can let it go.

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