Lin Senmu's immediate family:

Grandfather Lin Mushi, grandpa Ye Huaian.

Grandma Qi Xiuyuan, grandma Qin Zhaomian.


"Six Woods?"

There were other people who came back on the road in the village. No one dared to laugh at Lin Senmu after hearing these two names.

Although Lin Senmu is not yet 20 years old, he has a high seniority in the village.

Some people in their 40s still call him uncle.

People of the same age don't like to play with him because they have to call Lin Senmu grandpa or uncle, and some are even a few years older than Lin Senmu.

Isn't this pure bullshit!

The reason for this is that the three generations of Lin's ancestors had children late.

Therefore, Lin Senmu was a weak, pitiful and helpless child when he was young. He could only stay at home and watch cartoons.

Or go to the river to play with his grandparents.

"Grandpa Lin~~~"

"Uncle Ye~~~"

When the villagers saw Lin Mushi and Ye Huaian appear, they all greeted them respectfully.

These two are veterans who participated in the war when they were young.

As for Lin Senmu, Lin Feng, and Ye Qingyun, the three "elders", they really couldn't call them.

Lin Feng was a man with low consciousness. He caught his peers when he was young and shouted with a smile: "Grandchildren, nephews and nieces, come to my house tomorrow on the first day of the new year to get red envelopes!"

"This bastard!!!"

A group of middle-aged men and women gnashed their teeth at Lin Feng, the little devil in their childhood.

But they had to go, because Lin Feng was very generous and the banknotes started from one thousand.

After the middle-aged people of the same age received it, the next generation of young people could still receive it!

It's not a loss to call grandpa or uncle to the collateral cousins!

Ye Qingyun glared at him and said in a low voice: "You are already in your 50s, but you are still as boring as before."

Lin Feng said confidently: "Who makes our family senior? Their father or grandfather is our cousin!"

"Besides, I am almost 50 years old, and I am a grandfather."

Ye Qingyun glared at him and said unhappily: "Then you can't catch someone in his 50s and call him your grandson."

"Is it an age issue? I call their elders cousins!"

Lin Feng stood up straight.

Ye Qingyun couldn't argue with him, because it was true. Many families in the village had not yet gone through five generations, and their ancestors were all related.

Maybe when Lin Senmu's children are born, this phenomenon will gradually disappear.

But she doesn't like being called old at all. Basically, she calls her younger generations by their names.

"Astro Boy, it's cold outside. Come in with grandma."

Qi Xiuyuan pulled Lin Senmu into the single-family courtyard.

Lin Senmu began to give suggestions, "Grandma, grandma, can you call me Mumu from now on?"

"Why? Atom sounds so nice."

Qin Zhaomian has been calling me like this for more than ten years.

Lin Senmu whispered, "I have a girlfriend."

"Do you have a photo? Show it to grandma and grandma!"

Qi Xiuyuan and Qin Zhaomian asked anxiously.


Lin Senmu unlocked his phone and showed the photo.

"Not bad, not bad, the little girl is really beautiful."

Qin Zhaomian took the phone and looked at the screen again and again, and his old face smiled.

Qi Xiuyuan was also very satisfied with the appearance of her granddaughter-in-law, and then smiled and said, "When will you bring her back for grandma and your grandmother to see."

"Wait until we meet the parents."

Lin Senmu told his plan.

"Try to be as fast as possible. I am an old lady with poor health and want to hold my great-grandson as soon as possible."

Qin Zhaomian has only one daughter, Ye Qingyun, and one grandson, Lin Senmu.

"Grandma, you and grandma will definitely live a long life."

Lin Senmu said again: "Holding a great-grandson? Maybe you have to wait until you graduate from college."

"Why? When your grandma and I were your age, we already had your father and your mother."

Qin Zhaomian asked in confusion.

"Alas, my mother doesn't support me having children too early."

Lin Senmu began to tell tales to grandma.

Qin Zhaomian's smile suddenly turned cold, "Ye Qingyun hasn't been beaten for a long time."

Ye Qingyun, who was walking behind, felt a little cold for no reason and couldn't help but get closer to Lin Feng.

Lin Feng's eyes were full of ecstasy. He turned the big and small bags he was carrying to his other hand and took the opportunity to stick to Xiao Yunduo.

"Mumu won't tell on me, right?"

Ye Qingyun looked at Lin Senmu with dangerous eyes.

"If he dares, I'll beat him!"


Before Lin Feng finished speaking, he was slapped on the back of his head.

Lin Mushi blew his beard and glared, "You bastard, who do you want to hit?"


Lin Feng was confused. How could he still be beaten at such an old age?

Ye Huaian also warned his son-in-law, "Can you hit my grandson?"

"I'm his father."

Lin Feng looked aggrieved.

"That won't work either."

Lin Senmu's whole family entered the post.'Spring Festival Couplets' single-family courtyard.

He chatted with his grandmother and grandmother for a while, then strolled in the spacious yard and saw the chickens and ducks raised at home, as well as the vegetable garden.

"Click, click."

Lin Senmu took a few photos and sent them to the group 'Fire Sign Great Wisdom', "My grandmother and grandmother made this."

Jiang Yuan had already returned to the village. The little girl took a photo of an orchard, "Ding, ding, tangerine trees. I'll send some to you when I return to the city in a while."

"Little Yellow Oriole, there are peach trees on the other side. Sen Sen saw them in the summer, but there are no fruits now."

In the cold home, Ji Yingge sat in the living room and warmed herself by the fire.

She looked at the photos sent by her two good friends, her eyes full of yearning.

Lin Senmu chatted a few words in the group and returned to the room through another door.

In the living room, there was a TV playing the anti-Japanese war drama "Snow Leopard"

The two old men were watching with great interest, and from time to time they would say, "If I were here..."

Ye Qingyun and Lin Feng both went to the kitchen to help.

"Grandpa, grandpa."

Lin Senmu sat over, but not very close. He had been beaten by the two old men in this family!

However, he had special respect and admiration for Lin Mushi and Ye Huaian, who had won medals of honor.

"Six Mu, come and sit next to grandpa."

Lin Mushi was a thin old man, but he was still strong and healthy. Even at his advanced age, his body was still strong.

"Six Mu, come and watch TV with us."

Ye Huaian was a fat old man with dark skin and a loud voice.

"Do you hit people?"

Lin Senmu asked cautiously.

"Grandpa and your grandpa are old, and they don't feel bad when they hit people."

Lin Mushi looked at Du Miaomiao lovingly, and his voice was filled with a hint of sigh.

Lin Senmu felt inexplicably distressed, got up and sat between the two old men, holding the dry palms of his grandfather and grandfather, and prayed: "You two will definitely be healthy and live long."

"Haha, silly child." The two old men laughed.

Lin Senmu began to ask: "Do you want a great-grandson?"

"Why? Are you looking for a girl in college?"

Lin Mushi and Ye Huaian's eyes sparkled.

Lin Senmu nodded, "But my mother said..."


Before Lin Senmu finished speaking, his ears were lifted up.

Ye Qingyun angrily scolded, "What a good you, after you made trouble for me at your grandmother's place, you come to your grandfather's place to report me?"

"Qingyun, he's still a child..."

The two old men quickly sat far away, saying that they couldn't afford to offend Ye Qingyun, a girl.

"Ye Qingyun, let go of my grandson."

Qin Zhaomian rushed out with a broom.

"Mom, I'm teaching my son a lesson..."

One thing conquers another, and Ye Qingyun quickly ran away.

"I'm teaching my daughter a lesson..." Qin Zhaomian was furious.

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