Lin Senmu actually didn't like Qiao Mubai very much, because they had very different personalities, so they rarely took the initiative to contact each other.

But Qiao Mubai appeared in front of him every now and then, and gradually he got used to having such a little brother around him.

As for spending so much money at a time, Lin Senmu did this to all his friends.

On Yang Jian's birthday, he bought him a watch worth hundreds of thousands of yuan.

Of course, it's not like this every year. For example, on Nie Hao's birthday last year, Lin Senmu gave him a pair of shoes worth a few thousand yuan.

Only when they met that year did Lin Senmu give Nie Hao an extremely expensive desktop computer host.

"Tomorrow is May, why did the first half of the year pass so quickly?"

Early in the morning, Lin Senmu woke up in his hotel bed and turned off the alarm clock, only to notice that the date was April 30, 2025.

Jiang Yuan's eyelids trembled slightly...

Maybe she was too tired last night, so she couldn't open her eyes, so she mumbled, "Naogong, are you going to class?"


Lin Senmu responded, then hugged Jiang Yuan and kissed her forehead, "Baby, it's time to get up. After class today, we will have the May Day holiday. Let's plan to see where to go."

"Well, Naogong will carry you to get up."

Jiang Yuan stretched out her slender arms and hugged Lin Senmu.

Lin Senmu got out of bed with his girlfriend.

Jiang Yuan rubbed Lin Senmu's neck comfortably with her face like a kitten, and suddenly said, "I want to pee."

Lin Senmu walked to the bathroom, hugged Jiang Yuan tightly and squatted slightly.

Then he freed one hand, put a disposable mat on the toilet, and then put Jiang Yuan on the toilet.

Jiang Yuan's face was confused, her eyes were half open and half closed, and she looked like she hadn't woken up yet.

However, she felt her boyfriend's care, so she just peed lazily.


Lin Senmu flicked his forehead with his fingers.


Jiang Yuan opened her eyes in pain, rubbed her smooth forehead, and then stared at Lin Senmu with a wronged look! ! !

Silently saying: "Why did you hit your wife?"

"Wake up and wash your face and brush your teeth!"

Lin Senmu flicked again.

Jiang Yuan's face gradually turned red, and when she heard Lin Senmu's disordered breathing, she knew why she was beaten.

"Wake up!"

She took the water cup and toothpaste and started to wash.

Next, the young couple checked whether there was anything missing in the room, and then took the room card to check out of the hotel lobby.

Just when they came out of the elevator, a strong beam of sunlight shone directly opposite.


Lin Senmu and Jiang Yuan raised their hands to cover their eyes.

When the pupils were adapted to the light, they felt a little hot all over.


Jiang Yuan made a cute cry.

Outside, the sky was bright, and it turned out that summer had arrived in Coconut City.

People on the road suddenly put on short-sleeved shirts.

The spring rain that lasted for two months seemed to have quietly retreated overnight.

"Oh yeah, I can wear a pretty little skirt!"

Jiang Yuan rushed out of the hotel lobby, stood on the road and looked up to feel the summer sunshine.

"Let's go, the taxi is here, go back to school early to change into short-sleeved shirts!"

Lin Senmu took Jiang Yuan and went to the online car-hailing car waiting on the opposite side of the road.

In a blink of an eye, the first class in the morning ended, and the students no longer huddled in the classroom and corridors during breaks like in the previous two months.

The campus was full of youthful figures.

Lin Senmu walked to the canteen to buy iced cola. During the walk, he asked Nie Hao beside him: "Jiang Yuan and I just discussed that we will go to the airport and head straight to Huacheng City in Guangdong Province after school this afternoon. Do you want to call Ying Ping'er to celebrate May Day together?"

"But my brain husband..."

Nie Hao was kicked by Lin Senmu before he finished speaking.

Lin Senmu glared, "Be normal, you have to brainwash yourself, you are Ying Ping'er's husband, Ying Ping'er is your wife."

"It's not Ying Ping'er who is your husband, you are her wife, understand?"

Nie Hao rubbed the part that was kicked, was stunned for a moment, and exclaimed: "You are right, I have been too unreasonable recently. A big man, I have become Brother Ping's little wife!"

"And call him Brother Ping?"

Lin Senmu was very disappointed.

Nie Hao scratched his head awkwardly, "Oh, it's been two and a half months, I'm used to it."

Then, he cautiously tested Lin Senmu, "Sister Ping?"

"It's Sister Ping!"

Lin Senmu emphasized that he didn't want to call Ying Ping'er sister.

Only if she became Sister Ping, he could openly call her sister-in-law.

"Brother, if it's Sister Ping, I say I can't do it at the moment..." Nie Hao ran away after saying that.

Lin Senmu chased after him and scolded, "Haozi, you are useless, and you still call yourself a concubine. Are you addicted to role-playing?"

"I just like being Ying Ping'er's concubine!!"

Nie Hao shouted at the top of his voice in the distance.The classmates nearby all looked at him strangely when they heard about such absurd events.

But Nie Hao never cared about the opinions of others and lived as he pleased.

After buying the drinks, Nie Hao said in distress: "Brother, I don't know how to deal with the current situation between Ying Ping'er and me. Although we slept together once this month, she still doesn't feel attracted to me."

"During the May Day holiday, Ying Ping'er should agree to my invitation to travel, but I will be very upset at night. She hasn't stayed with me since the last time."

"Then I will most likely be alone for the next five days, and I will have to watch you and Jiang Yuan go out together every day."

Lin Senmu coughed, "I can share a room with you."

Nie Hao was stunned at first, then laughed, "I was wondering why you are so kind. You didn't go to a world for two, but invited me to go with you and Jiang Yuan. It turns out that Ji Yingge is here too."

"Nonsense, do you think I'm like you? Your brother's family status is at least a hundred stories higher."

Lin Senmu refused to admit it.

"Come on, stop bragging."

Nie Hao saw his look and knew that he had guessed the truth.

Lin Senmu originally planned to spend time with Jiang Yuan, but unfortunately, Jiang Yuan's period came as expected.

As for whether Jiang Yuan would have dysmenorrhea tomorrow, that was inevitable.

However, since October last year, Lin Senmu found that Jiang Yuan had severe dysmenorrhea. In the days that followed, he supervised Jiang Yuan to eat well and drink less cold drinks and fried foods.

In winter, he also reminded her to keep warm, and the dysmenorrhea has improved greatly.

Now she doesn't say that she is so painful that her face turns pale and her body curls up.

As long as she doesn't play exciting entertainment projects or do strenuous exercise, it is not a problem to go out and play normally.

When Jiang Yuan just went to class to study and went on vacation, she found that she couldn't accompany Sen Sen because of this situation. In order to save him from being neither up nor down, she simply invited her sisters.

And proposed to call Nie Hao and Ying Ping'er to see if there is a chance to match them up.

Although Ying Ping'er is an asexual, she is still a girl from the inside out.

Between men and women, experiencing more new things together is the easiest way to enhance their relationship.

Lin Senmu kicked Nie Hao again and said, "The bell is about to ring, run, ask Ying Ping'er if she wants to go to class, and if she does, send her ID card over, and I'll buy plane tickets for you both."

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