A tower-shaped high-rise building, like a giant pillar, stands majestically in the center of the city, and the tower body is colorful in the night.

Sometimes it is a single color, turning into a full purple tower, a full cyan tower, a full blue tower, a full red tower, and so on.

The antenna mast on the top of the tower goes straight into the sea of ​​clouds, and the area around the bottom of the tower is very lively, crowded with people who come to check in during the holidays.

Suddenly, the ground on the left and right of the tower sprayed out a series of rosy fountains, which shot straight into the sky, adding a bit of splendor to the nearby night view.

In the seven-seater business car, Jiang Yuan sat in the middle of the middle row, poked her little head out, and exclaimed: "Wow, the tallest TV tower in my country is so beautiful, just now it was a musical fountain!"

Ji Yingge's seat was in the middle row by the door, and the window had been lowered by her. She sat sideways and looked up, "Hey, I saw the Haixin Tower for the first time, and it feels better than the Oriental Sun and Moon Pearl!"

Lin Senmu was also enjoying the scenery, but he was more aloof.

He didn't cry out as childishly as the two little ones.

After all, there are younger brothers and sisters behind.

He is the leader!

Ying Ping'er's eyes were blurred, staring at the prosperity of the international metropolis.

Nie Hao looked down, oh, Brother Ping'er's little hand was resting on the cushion!

So he quietly grabbed it and quickly interlocked his fingers.


Ying Ping'er was awakened, and looked at the three little ones in the front row in panic. When he found that no one was paying attention, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Then he stared at Nie Hao with his eyes, indicating to let go.

Last time we slept together, I still didn't feel anything, and we agreed not to touch each other anymore.

Yesterday in the bar on Qiao Mubai's birthday, he cheated on me, why did he start again today?

Nie Hao shook his head, of course he refused.

Sensing Ying Ping'er's hand pulling out of his palm, he followed and pulled it out, taking away all of Brother Ping's strength.

"Forget it, as a brain husband, let the brain wife do whatever she wants!"

Ying Ping'er consoled herself in this way.

Nie Hao stroked the slender little hand in his palm, and looked at Ying Ping'er's profile firmly and persistently.

However, this entanglement only lasted for two or three minutes, and the business car arrived at the hotel.


Nie Hao couldn't help but sighed in disappointment.

Then the five people got off the car, put their luggage in the room, and headed towards the night view of the 'Flower City Pearl River', which is as famous as the night view of the 'Hudu Huangfu River'.

According to the guide, at the Haixin Wharf, which is the most suitable place to board the ship, they took the 'Snoopy' animation-themed ship.

Next, as the ship set sail, a river cruise of more than an hour will begin, and you can see the brilliance of both sides of the Pearl River.

"Take a photo!"

On the deck, Jiang Yuan called Lin Senmu, Ji Yingge, Nie Hao, and Ying Ping'er to take a 'friendship photo' that everyone was satisfied with.

Then the group split into three small groups and alternative couples.

Nie Hao and Ying Ping'er strolled around the deck, talking about small topics between him and her.

However, when walking side by side, Nie Hao always stretched out the back of his hand and deliberately touched the back of Ying Ping'er's hand.

Ying Ping'er was annoyed, so she simply grabbed Nie Hao's hand and glared at him angrily, "Be good."

"I didn't start it first!"

Nie Hao instantly interlocked his fingers, his face full of pride, and raised his entangled hands.

"I'm fine, right!"

Ying Ping'er rolled her eyes. She didn't object to physical contact with Nie Hao. She could kiss and hug.

After all, they had been together for two months and experienced many things that couples do.

But she didn't have any physical or psychological reactions to these intimate contacts.

It was very distressing.

Lin Senmu leaned on the guardrail with his arms, enjoying the evening breeze of the Pearl River, and said with a little comfort: "Summer is still comfortable. In winter, when we were in Huangfu River, our faces felt like being cut by a knife."

"The weather here is very comfortable, but it's still cold in Hudu. I changed into short-sleeved shirts in the locker room after getting off the plane."

Ji Yingge's face was downcast. The weather in Flower City and Coconut City was similar. In the last days of April, summer came in a second.

However, major inland cities will not enter summer until the end of May or the beginning of June.


Jiang Yuan comforted.

Lin Senmu thought for a while and suggested: "Yuanyuan, Yingying, take a photo of the three of us."


Both little ones agreed.

Lin Senmu was still in the C position, Jiang Yuan and Ji Yingge were on his left and right, with their backs against the bank of the Pearl River and the background of the Haixin Tower, and took a new photo.

During the photo shoot, Ji Yingge held the phone. After the photo shoot, she immediately said, "Xiao Qingyuan, Lin Senmu, I will help you take couple photos."


Lin Senmu and Jiang Yuan looked at each other, both a little embarrassed.

The reason for taking the group photo first was to take into account the feelings of good friends "eating dog food" and pave the way for the next couple photos. I didn't expect Xiao Huangying to be so smart.

Three LittleOnly with alternative couples, blowing the evening breeze from the Pearl River, strolling and chatting on the deck, an hour passed quietly.

For the prosperous night view on both sides of the Pearl River, Lin Senmu checked in again, and personally thought it was not as good as the night view on both sides of the Huangfu River.

It is beautiful here, but they are all new-age buildings, lacking a bit of historical heritage.

Scenery without story blessing always lacks a bit of charm.

However, Lin Senmu and Ji Yingge hold the same view on Haixin Tower, which is indeed more beautiful than Oriental Sun and Moon Pearl.

The tower body looks like a girl's small waist.

Soon, the ship docked and everyone walked out of the dock.

Lin Senmu took the mobile phone navigation and pointed the way: Go this way on the way back, no need to take a taxi, shuttle through two short streets, about ten minutes, you can go directly back to the hotel. "

Jiang Yuan and Ji Yingge followed behind him. The two sisters gathered around a mobile phone and looked through the photos they had just taken.

"Xiao Huangying, you didn't take a good photo of me just now. I squinted my eyes."

"Xiao Qingyuan, you didn't take a good photo of me in several photos. The wind blew your hair all over my face."

Nie Hao and Ying Ping'er fell behind.

"Nao Gong, I still want to hold your hand."

For the girl he likes, Nie Hao always wants to have intimate behavior.

"Hold, hold, hold. "

Ying Ping'er put her slender hand into his big palm.

Nie Hao suddenly pulled hard.

Ying Ping'er was caught off guard and stumbled into Nie Hao's arms.

"No... um..."

Ying Ping'er's voice was sealed.

Lin Senmu held up his mobile phone, and the screen turned on the rear camera, showing Nie Hao and Ying Ping'er kissing.

The two little ones gathered around him, watching the screen curiously.

"Tsk tsk tsk, brother Nie Hao and sister-in-law Ying Ping'er... are so annoying."

Jiang Yuan is the youngest in the group, but she always wants to find a chance to be a sister.

"Nie Hao said that I will search up and down."

Lin Senmu laughed.

"Brother Sen Sen, what do you mean? "

Ji Yingge was puzzled. How could the situation on the scene be related to Qu Yuan's long poem?

"To seek is..."

Lin Senmu turned his head and his face almost touched Ji Yingge's face. He hurriedly took a step back.

He forgot that Xiao Huangying was also there, so he spoke subconsciously. Now he quickly stopped the topic.

Jiang Yuan blushed and pulled Ji Yingge away, "Let's ignore Lin Senmu!"

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