During this period, Lin Senmu and Jiang Yuan went out together during the day and at night, and they were very sweet.

However, love is not everything in life.

Occasionally, at night, he would bring people from dormitory 308, call Qiao Mubai and Li Yuhang, and the boys would have a midnight snack and drink some wine.

"Class monitor, Liang Han has been in love for four times, why haven't you let it go? This is your eleventh year, right?"

Lin Senmu and Li Yuhang clinked glasses.

In modern society, there are still people who have been in love for so long, and he admires them very much.


Li Yuhang sighed.

With his personality and character, there are girls chasing him in Ocean University, but his heart is full of Liang Han, and others can never squeeze in.

Nie Hao is a walking classic old song library. He raised his glass and hummed, "Eleven years, my most distant past..."

"Thinking of me, I just saw you for the first time..."

Zhang Bowen was drunk and forgot to take care of Li Yuhang's feelings. He laughed: "Brother Hao, you sang "Ten years ago, I didn't know you" to the class leader last year... and you are doing something fancy again this year."

Nie Hao was speechless about this low EQ. He was obviously comforting in disguise.

Yang Jian has been depressed and drinking alone. Since breaking up with Sun Shasha, he has also fallen in love with old songs in the past few months.

Often playing in a loop: If I get your body but can't get your heart

"It's a pity that I didn't get Shasha's heart. Even people are just the past."

Yang Jian raised a bitter smile at the corner of his mouth, grabbed a bottle of beer, and drank it again.

Qiao Mubai is still a famous playboy in Ocean University this semester. He has changed girlfriends one after another. He is very chic.

However, he dumped the other person when he got tired of it.

This made many ex-girlfriends angry, and they exposed Qiao Mubai's secrets on the forum.

"Three-second Qiao."

This funny title gradually became popular on the campus of Ocean University.


It was the first weekend after returning to school during the May Day holiday, and Lin Senmu and Jiang Yuan left school together.

Because Jiang Yuan's progress in the driver's license test had entered the second subject at the end of last month, this was her second time to practice driving at the driving school.

Jiang Yuan's beauty immediately attracted a group of young boys every time she came to the driving school.


The group of boys looked at the million-level supercar parked in the distance, and all dispelled their evil thoughts.

Lin Senmu was not in the supercar, but in the coach car.

Although he was not a member of the driving school, he bribed the coach with two packs of good cigarettes.

Therefore, the coach car, when it was not full, allowed Lin Senmu to follow the car and sit in the middle of the back seat.

This is an operation within a reasonable range.

Jiang Yuan naturally sat against a car door, because her son Sen Sen is a jealous king!

The jealous king Sen said, "I have to sit in the middle, because there are two male students in this car. If I am not here, they will sit next to Jiang Xiaoyuan."

In the driving school.

When Jiang Xiaoyuan was practicing driving, she was clumsy.

The coach did not dare to scold loudly.

Lin Senmu often taught in the passenger seat. He said softly: "Baby, don't worry in the early stage. It doesn't matter if you press the line a little. Master the steps and skills first."

"Remember this when turning the steering wheel. You must distinguish between left and right."

"Just remember, I am sitting in the passenger seat, my side is right, as long as it is not my side, it is left."

Every weekend after practicing driving, Lin Senmu and Jiang Yuan stayed in a hotel near the driving school.

Thinking of the situation in the afternoon, Lin Senmu was a little helpless, "Baby, I think your current level of reverse parking can be like what is said on the Internet, and you can ask a designated driver to help."

"Lin Senmu, don't even think about touching me tonight."

Jiang Yuan pouted angrily.

This Sen Sen, during the driving practice at the driving school, was so gentle that other girls envied her.

Every time I returned to the hotel, I would criticize her in various ways.

Hate it!


The beautiful Jiang Yuan sighed inwardly, in fact, she was also ashamed of her reverse parking.

Either she crossed the line, or the front of the car didn't come in, or the rear of the car backed out of the garage.

"Baby, driving on the road is very dangerous, you must learn it seriously."

Lin Senmu continued to talk about driving practice.

He repeatedly reminded her because even experienced drivers would encounter emergencies and unpredictable dangers when driving.

It is not convenient to say heavy words when outsiders are present, so he can only emphasize and remind her in a joking way when getting along privately.


Jiang Yuan also knew Lin Senmu's good intentions, and nodded obediently.

She was taking off her socks and preparing to lie down in bed.

Seeing the little white shoes on the ground, she asked in confusion, "Oh, husband, why have you been asking me to wear these shoes all this time?"Lin Senmu rubbed her little head, "I passed the second and third subjects at once, so I used this little trick. I wore the same pair of shoes during the practice, adapted to the foot feel, and improved the passing rate."

"Oh, love brain man."

Jiang Yuan's little face came up, and then made a popping sound.

"If you love me, just accompany me~~"

Lin Senmu looked at the attractive figure of his little wife, and suddenly turned over and threw her down.


Jiang Yuan became shy.

The next day, Sunday.

After breakfast, Lin Senmu accompanied Jiang Yuan to continue to practice driving at the driving school.

During this period, one of the students in this car, a young man named Qian Xian, always fiddled with the wiper as a turn signal.

The coach said: "Left turn signal!"

Qian Xian turned on the light, and then on the front windshield, with a "puff", two small water jets sprayed out.

Lin Senmu took advantage of no one noticing and approached Jiang Yuan, whispering in her ear: "Baby, I can't learn how to drive like this even if I'm drunk."

"Sensen, are you... spitting at someone else?"

Jiang Yuan's face flushed red, ashamed and angry, she often turned on the wrong turn signal.


Lin Senmu almost forgot that his little baby was in even worse condition.

However, Jiang Yuan's driving skills were mediocre when she was learning to drive, but when it came to the test, she performed exceptionally well.

The five basic items of Subject 2, reverse parking, parallel parking, ramp parking and starting, right-angle turning, and curve driving, were passed in one go!

"Huh, I'm awesome?"

On May 29, seeing the score results from the test room, Jiang Yuan glanced at the hateful Sensen proudly!

"Great, great."

Lin Senmu thought Jiang Yuan would have to take a make-up exam at least once.

"Stinky Sensen, what's that look in your eyes? Are you looking down on your wife?"

Jiang Yuan was a little angry, punching and pinching Lin Senmu.

"Don't dare."

Lin Senmu raised his hands in surrender.

After a while of playing around, he drove Jiang Yuan back to school, saying on the way: "Baby, when we get to school, I'll teach you how to turn on the car lights. Learn in advance so that you can have a better impression when the time comes."

"In addition, I found some skills and precautions for subject three in the video on the Internet and shared it with you on DouLe. Watch it a few more times when you have time."


Jiang Yuan was announcing the good news to her parents that she would soon get the C1 small blue book.

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